My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 63: Attack and confrontation second!

With an upright attitude, challenge the entire community!

——This is the real purpose of Nagato!

The teenager at this time is no longer satisfied and only gets Leticia, but will completely defeat and destroy the entire community perseus who dares to offend him.

Sandbox rules, the winner will get everything

At that time, Leticia will naturally become a long-door thing!

Where do you need any negotiation!

"Wait for me, Luos, who never met!"

He whispered to himself in a low voice, and the long gate accelerated instantly. Not long after, the red-haired boy came to a vast sea in the eastern part of Ha Ting.

As soon as Nagato came here, the sea began to roll with waves, and giant behemoths as high as more than thirty meters emerged from the sea, exuding a terrible aura.

That's not some other creature, it's so-called sea monster!

From the appearance, the overall appearance of the sea monster is an octopus that has been enlarged many times, waving countless tentacles.

It is undeniable that the Sea Demon does have a nightmarish posture that can rule all seas of the ordinary world.

The creature named "Sea Monster" is not afraid of anyone's challenge.

Looking at this terrible monster, Nagato calmly explained his intentions. Then, the terrible monster quickly set the contract document:

Contestants at a glance:


Sea monster

Victory conditions: One of the parties voluntarily admits defeat or dies.

Victory method: When the sponsor is hit in the ocean, when the victory or defeat is divided, the other party shall not continue to attack.

Failure conditions: confess or die.

Oath "Nagato" vowed to abide by the above rules, to participate in the gift competition in the name of glory and gifts.

-"Sea Monster" seal.

After signing the "contract document", the gift competition between Nagato and Sea Devils is officially started.

"So, it started"

At the moment when the gift game started, Nagato flew directly to the sea, and endless star phantoms appeared behind the red-haired boy. The trail of stars is full of endless mysteries.

The terrible crisis that filled the space made the sea monster even tremble.

Without saying a word, the sea monster sank to the bottom of the sea, preparing to escape.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Sea Monster, but I'm in a hurry, so I won't play with you, say goodbye."

Whispered, the endless power brought by the star's running trajectory was transformed into a towering star beam of light, which directly blasted into the sea and hit the sea monster

Seven Outer Branches of Thousand Eyes, East District of Ha Ting.

At this time, in the branch of the famous community of Hak Ting, Bai Ye was looking at the two teams of people in confrontation with some anxiety, but he couldn't help but feel helpless.

The side facing each other is just a disgruntled blond young man, whose behavior is extraordinarily frivolous.

The man's name is Luos, Luos Perseus!

On the other side of the confrontation is the unknown party that Bai Yecha is familiar with, Black Rabbit and her two companions who have just been called from outside the box court, Kasugabe Yao and Jiu Asuka.

The reason for the confrontation between the two teams is held by Luos, Leticia's sovereignty!

After being joined by Kasugabe Yao and Jiu Yuan Fei Bird, the unknown team finally showed a sign of rise. Whether it is Kasugabe Yao's life catalog or the glory of Jiu Yuan Fei Bird is a gift with great potential.

Especially after Kasugabe Yao and Ai Leiniang became friends, they were able to use the power of Ai Leiniang by virtue of their gifts.

For Black Rabbit, this power is simply the pillar of the community!

After a short discussion, Black Rabbit and others prepared to participate in the battle for the Demon King, and recaptured the former Demon King Leticia, a member of the once unknown community.

But who knows, Luos, who was originally planning to hold the battle for the Demon King, suddenly stopped.

Black Rabbit and others are unwilling to negotiate with Luosi in the Qianyan branch.

However, to the surprise of the three girls, Luos was too rude. A few simple words suddenly made the three girls angry.

"Hey, so angry!"

Seeing the girls ’anger, Luos ’s face was full of grin, and then he looked at the black rabbit," Then speaking, rabbit, if you really want that vampire, you might as well be my thing , In this case, maybe I will show great compassion and give you back the vampire! "

"As a moon rabbit famous for dedication in the box court, how about obediently sacrificing yourself, black rabbit?"


Hearing Luos ’s words, the black rabbit had n’t responded yet, and Bai Yecha could n’t help it for the first time, “Hey, Perseus’ devil, do n’t go too far, I will be angry. ”

"Wow, I'm really scared!"

Regarding Bai Yacha's threatening words, Luos didn't have any fear on his face, but instead said with a smile on his face, "But I haven't violated the laws of the Sand Court, Senior Bai Yacha."


Hearing Luos' words, Bai Yecha's eyes flashed a cold light deep in his eyes.

Sandbox is a world of rules.

This mandatory mechanism gives the weak the opportunity to challenge the strong and become the strong, but on the other hand, it also greatly limits the space that the strong can play, making their dignity repeatedly challenged.

Because they are incapable but like to provoke the strong, there is always no shortage of dying people to find the stimulus.

Just like Luos in front of me!

Just as the leader of a large league of thousands of eyes and the class dominator of the Eastern District of Hakting World, Bai Yecha really can't shoot the people in front of him for no reason.

Therefore, even open-mindedness like Bai Yacha can't help but feel depressed.

at this time--

"Then, that, if the Black Rabbit is willing"

The black rabbit suddenly opened his mouth, although his words were a little hesitant, but it also contained a firm will. The moon rabbit in the box court and the self-dedication plot since ancient times are most vividly reflected in the black rabbit.

Just waiting for the Black Rabbit to finish speaking, the distant bird directly interrupted the other party's words and said, "No, Black Rabbit, if you are gone, the namelessness has no meaning for me and Yao."

"Black Rabbit!"

Kasugabuya ’s right hand directly grabbed the black rabbit. ..

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