My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 64: The third duel was established!

"Miss Asuka, Miss Yao!"

Hearing the words of his two new partners, Black Rabbit ’s eyes were suddenly filled with tears, although Moon Rabbit ’s self-dedication plot allowed Black Rabbit to sacrifice himself for his partner.

However, compared to sacrifice, Moon Rabbit is more concerned about the feelings from the partners!

"Just, if not, Lord Leticia"

After being briefly touched, Black Rabbit hesitated again, and had to say that Ha Tingyue Rabbit was indeed a kind of wonderful race. The almost persistent dedication was almost beyond sight.

But because of this dedication, the Black Rabbit can gain the trust of Kasugabe Yao and Jiu Asuka who first entered the box.

Bai Yecha will continue to help Black Rabbit in these three years, there is no lack of this reason.

"Haha, yes, that's it!"

At this time, Luos said again very annoyingly, "If you don't become my thing, Black Rabbit, then I will sell the vampire to the world outside the box court."

"In other words, guys outside the city of Hating are paying a lot of money to buy vampires."

"How can this be !!!"

Hearing this, the black rabbit suddenly panicked. "Adult Leticia is a pure-bred vampire who can't touch the sun at all, and he will die if he arrives outside the hut!"

"Then I don't care, anyway, the vampire is not mine!"

Talking frivolously, Luos seemed to remember something, and said disdainfully, "Although the guy is pretty, the child's figure is totally uninteresting."

Speaking of which, Luos looked at the black rabbit shiningly: "It is still a beautiful person like the black rabbit who is protruding and backwards is worth collecting. Those legs are enough for me to play for a year."

It has to be said that Luos' skills are full when it comes to pulling hatred.

At least everyone on the scene looked at him a little wrong.

The black rabbit suddenly curled up, and Kasugabe Yao clenched his fists, killing Ling Xian, and the distant bird looked at each other's eyes, it was like looking at a mass of garbage.

Especially Bai Yecha, who was also of the same child's figure, suddenly had a wrong look.

Although Bai Yecha knew she could turn into a sister, but others didn't know, Luos's words in Bai Yecha's eyes were a challenge to him.

——Sure enough, it seems to kill this kid!

Such dangerous thoughts flashed in his mind, and Bai Yecha's eyes became more and more dangerous. In addition to the fact that Reticia was sent outside of the Haktein City, Bai Yecha could not be regarded as not seeing.

After all, Bai Yacha and Leticia also have some origins, and the other is a member of the Canary Community.

Various reasons flashed in Bai Yecha's mind

Just when Bai Yecha thought about whether to break a rule, a special induction appeared in the kimono loli's perception, making her stunned for a moment, then smiled, and smiled happily.

Everyone at the scene saw Bai Yecha smiling so happily.

"Hey, what a laugh!"

Hearing Bai Yecha's laughter, Luos somehow felt depressed, and immediately sarcastically said, "Don't tell me, Qianye Bai Yecha is an idiot."

"Oh, Luos, if you want to talk about it, just take it now!"

Faced with the sarcasm of Luos, Bai Yecha's face was still calm and he said lightly, "Otherwise, you won't be able to laugh after a while, hum!"

"Joke, who can make me laugh--"

Regarding Bai Yecha's words, Luos spoke a bit arrogantly, but he stuck in place before he finished speaking, because two red and blue gems with the seal of "Gorgon" appeared on his In front of you.

At the same time, a red-haired teenager in a purple robe appeared out of thin air.

"who are you?"

After being silent for a while, Luos ’s eyes shifted from the two gems to the red-haired boy. "The two gifts that represent us to challenge the right of our community are yours? What about the sea monsters and Griai !?"

"Both monsters are dead, I was just killed!"

Nodding toward Bai Yecha and the surprised unknown people, the long door said indifferently, "Both of these things were taken from their bodies, you said it was mine."

"As for my name, you should know that the long door of the ghost fire is me!"

"It's you!"

Upon hearing the name, Luos frowned.

To be honest, I am really not very familiar with the name Luos, but only recently dealt with those who signed up for the contest of the Devil King to know that there is such a number one person.

"what is your purpose?"

Looking at the red-haired boy in front of him, Luos said quite seriously, "Is it also for the vampire who loses his personality?"

"No, no, my goal is you, Mr. Luos!"

Hearing this, the indifference on Nagato's face faded away, and a warm smile appeared, "Now, I will exercise the gift of this challenge, plug your community and flag, come to the duel, Luos! "


"Because I'm upset!"

The face of Nagato was full of looking down, looking at Luos, and said indifferently, "Anywhere, Perseus, dare to break the rules in front of me, what kind of green onion do you think you are?


Seeing the obvious disdain and indifference on Nagato's face, Luos's cheeks suddenly turned red, "Okay, fight, fight, anyway, this game was originally designed to let its community know how much it weighs. Ghostfire, dare to provoke us Perseus "

"Make no mistake, second goods!"

At this time, the long door opened again, and his words were full of disdain, "Not a ghost fire, but me. I challenged with my personal identity. Perseus, I am enough!"

"Huh, since you want to die, then Master Ben will fulfill you!"

Facing the long gate, Luos was also unwilling to show his weakness, but at this time he did not know that he had stepped into the abyss with half his feet, and Bai Yecha next to him was looking at him with pity. ..

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