My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 65: The game starts first!

The endowment name: fatitaletaleinperseus

Contestants: Nagato

Sponsor: Luos Perseus

Passing condition: Beat the organizer coach

Lost conditions:

Contestants surrender.

The contestant is disqualified.

The contestants did not meet the above victory conditions.

Stage detailed rules

1. The coach of the organizer shall not leave the deepest part of the white palace of the headquarters.

2. Participants of the organizer shall not enter the deepest place.

3. The contestant shall not be seen by the organizer (except the coach).

4. The competitors who are seen immediately lose their qualifications and have no right to challenge the coach.

Oath Nagato vowed to abide by the above rules, to participate in the gift competition in the name of honor and banner.

"Perseus" seal

After signing the contract document, Nagato was instantly engulfed in light.

Then the dimensional distortion twisted the red-haired boy to the front of the palace and guided him to the entrance of the gift game.

The long door standing in front of the door turned back inadvertently. The white palace was separated from the box court and floated in the unknown air space. Here, it has become a place that is both in the box court and does not belong to the box court.

"Oh, it's kind of interesting!"

With all the surrounding environment in his eyes, a smile flashed across the face of Nagato.

At this time, less than three hours after the invitation to the duel from the Nagato, Perseus arranged the game environment for the duel, although it was not as good as the devil king who changed the world, but it was not unworthy. Perseus's name is gone.

"It's just a pity that Perseus is going to be delisted now!"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato began to think about how to play such a game.

It's not that the game is difficult. In fact, it's just the opposite. The game is very simple.

It's as simple as Nagato has a lot of methods to play the game. After all, the true meaning of the game is nothing more than letting Luos's men see the depths of the palace and launching the final battle with Luos. Simple days Escape can be solved.

There are even simpler methods for Nagato, such as killing with one blow, destroying the opponent and the palace together.

Only this way can not dispel the anger in the heart of the long door.

Nagato's thinking is just to find a suitable method from these large numbers of methods, and let him learn the other party hard while letting him win handsomely.

"I already asked a few people for help."

Looking at the palace in front of him, the long gate whispered softly, then pondered for a while, and clapped his hands, "Forget it, then try this, come out, cut the edge!"

Along with the call of the long gate, the space swelled with ripples, and the gorgeous sword of beveling edge slowly appeared. The terrible cutting edge of the cause and effect, even through the endless time and space, caused the white night fork who was watching this game through the special TV in the Qianye branch to watch the game with unknown people.

"That little devil is in control of such an amazing sword!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, Bai Yecha's expression gradually became serious, and the long door at this time in her eyes was simply the prototype of the second Sun Wukong!


Through the endless time and space, I felt the gaze from the strong man. The eyelid of the long door moved slightly, and he didn't care much. His attention was all focused on the beating edge in front of him.

There are three ways in the Nagato, and three ways to cast three swords, namely, Dao Dao, Dao Long and Dao Yuan!

Among them, the Sword of Severing Margin is the sword that Nagato spends most of his thoughts on, and is also the sword with the most complicated functions. After all, Nagato used a whole civilization to build this legendary sword.

Therefore, the Sword of Severing Margin actually has the ability to become other weapons no higher than its own.

Of course, the premise is that Nagato must have a deep understanding of those weapons.

"It's just used to cut off the cause and effect on weekdays, now use other functions!"

He murmured to himself, and the right hand of Nagato lifted up, holding the hilt, and in an instant, the Sword of Deformation deformed in Nagato's hand, and turned into a black sword burning with an ominous black flame.

The faint sun divinity diffused from the blade, causing the surrounding temperature to rise a lot.

"Long time no see, Tiancong Yunjian!"

Waving the Excalibur in his hand, the figure of Yamato Fuko, who was full of natural wildness, flashed in the head of the long door, and then he raised the sword high up--

"The wolves of the flames, in my name, show up and fight against the enemies before me!"

With the falling of the spirit of speech, the end of the long gate burst forth with endless flames, and the open space in front of the palace gate instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, in which a giant wolf burning only flames appeared.

This was caused by Longmen who once personally killed a god-killer and seized the power refining the name of Tiancong Yunjian.

Of course, in terms of the size of the box court, the power in the God-killer world is probably only a part of power, or a fragment of power here.

However, whether it is a part or a debris, it is after all related to power.

Coupled with the blessings of the power held by the long gate at this time, although the number of wolves born in the flames is not large, less than one hundred, but each has a six-digit peak strength.

Even the headed wolf has the strength to enter the first five figures, which is amazing.

"Roar Roar !!!"

After being born from the flames, the wolves screamed in the sky, the terrible sound even spread throughout the game place, and everyone in the palace could not help but feel a chill.

As if some terrible monster was born, it was approaching.



The gate of the palace suddenly burst, and even the whole palace shook slightly.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Luos, who had been sleeping in the depths of the palace, had already opened his eyes at this time. Whether it was the previous wolf howl or the shock at this time, it was somewhat unexpected for the young master.

"Difficult, is that guy"

Reminiscent of the terrible cold brought by the previous wolf howl, a trace of fear finally appeared on Luos' face, but soon, this fear was quickly replaced by arrogance-

"Well, if he really came here, I will let him see, the power of Protoss!" ..

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