My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 76: Encounter Black Rabbit first!

The reason why Nagato is so fearless is that he and Saya have already completed the layout.

Even in this world of box houses where thousands of gods and buddhas are gathered, the long gates and Saya that have been laid out are completely confident against everything, and under their arrangement, any resistance is futile.

He even said that Nagato was still looking forward to what kind of surprises the gods and buddhas on the upper floor of the box court could give themselves.

"Well, I hope it's not too boring!"

Such a word flashed in his head, and Nagato planned to use Tian Dun to leave.

Just before the moment of using his own gifts, the red light of the red-haired boy's eyes saw that on the street of Haoting, not far from himself, the black rabbit who once had a connection was talking to the clerk in front of a community shop. , Vaguely long door heard, the other party seems to be discussing prices.

After taking a closer look at the shop, Nagato quickly determined that this was a newly opened shop.

"It turns out so!"

A lot of information was concatenated in his heart, and Nagato soon understood that the situation should have been that the store had just opened, and the black rabbit from the Haoting noble was invited to help publicize, and the price of the publicity was now being discussed.


"The aristocratic nobles in the court are actually reduced to this point!"

Shaking his head slightly, Nagato could not understand why Black Rabbit had to do this.

Obviously, in this boxing city, as a family member of the boxing creator, Black Rabbit has the fighting power like a **** and a Buddha and a distinguished identity that ordinary people can't reach.

As long as she is willing, even the community in the upper chamber of the court will provide for her.

Under such circumstances, the Black Rabbit even succumbed to the nameless, and even continued to rush around for this, to practice himself.

"Is it because of Moon Rabbit's sacrificial nature?"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato thought of the origin of the Habitat Moon Rabbit family.

Of course, what Nagato thought of was not the idiot story of an idiot rabbit jumping his head and committing suicide for a hungry old man, but the story about Emperor Shitian and the early moon rabbit that only a few people in the upper chamber of the court knew.

In this box world, Emperor Shitian is the most human god, the legendary evil god, and the leader of the heavenly army.

He is in charge of guarding the twelve days, protecting the entire world of the box court, and is famous in the eyes of the world.

But before all this, Di Shitian's identity was an initial demon!

If it weren't for the first generation of Moon Rabbit, I am afraid that the original Emperor Shi Tian was completely annihilated under the suppression of Buddhism, and it was because Moon Rabbit sacrificed himself to protect him that Emperor Shi Tian would change and become one of the twelve days of law protection.

And under this cause and effect, the Moon Rabbit to which the Tingting belonged became Emperor Shitian's dependent, the noble of the Tingting!

"Twelve days to protect the law, Buddhism and Emperor Shitian?"

Standing on the spot and watching Black Rabbit walk out of that shop, Nagato suddenly thought of a problem in his mind, "If you really want to collide with Ha Ting this time, the opponent most likely to face directly should be Emperor Shitian! "

"In this case, it seems that it is necessary to collect some necessary intelligence information."

Thinking this way, the figure of the long gate was slightly distorted, and then disappeared directly under the eyes of all eyes. However, no pedestrians on the whole street realized this scene.

This is an alternative use of the gift of the Nagato Heavenly Eunuch, to "walk" out of other people's vision.

"It's just like Wan Jinyou!"

After leisurely appearing behind the black rabbit, the long door walked in a contracted manner, following the black rabbit's bouncing figure firmly. Soon, the two came to the edge of this area in tandem.

This is a large area of ​​barren land, where the breath of death fills here

The moment he stepped on this land, Nagato knew that the land was dead and was directly killed by people with supreme power.

And in the middle of this barren land, there is the destination of Black Rabbit——

The headquarters of the Anonymous Community!

But to be honest, if there is a water tree growing there, it will continue to draw water from the air and release the water stream. In the eyes of the long door, there is no place to live here!

Looking at it from afar, Nagato can even sense how much three-digit life there is in the community.

These lives are not very young, it seems to be around ten years old

"Because of this, I can't stand it anymore!"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato ’s eyes turned to the black rabbit. At this time, there were no other people around the black rabbit. It was a good time for Nagato to start. The most important thing was that the red-haired boy did not want to drag him Back to the community.

At the moment, Nagato shot without hesitation, the invisible ripples spread out and surrounded the black rabbit.

In an instant, the moving black rabbit's face changed, and then disappeared in place.

After a few seconds--


There was a roar in the sky, and the figure of Kasugabu came down from the sky, looked around the nobody, and could not help but reveal a look of surprise, and said to himself:

"Strange, didn't something appear here just now?"

"Huh, what's going on?"

Seeing the surrounding environment turn into a void in an instant, the black rabbit's face could not help but change greatly, "Is it impossible to become a black rabbit, I accidentally stepped into any strange realm door?"

"That's not true, it's just that I" please "you over."

At this moment, the indifferent and even indifferent voice rang behind the black rabbit, making the girl stunned.

Turning his head, Black Rabbit saw Nagato standing behind him, looking at himself with a look that he wanted to avoid. At this moment, Black Rabbit felt that there seemed to be a predator-like predator in front of his eyes. .

"Long, Lord Nagato, you, are you okay?"

After carefully taking a few steps back, the black rabbit felt very bad, and said softly, "If it's okay, can you let the black rabbit leave me first, I still have something to do."

"What are you talking about, Black Rabbit!"

Seeing the rabbit scared by himself, Nagato walked towards the other party with a chuckle, "Since you have been forced to come here, how can it be okay, some things need to be learned from you!"

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