My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 77: Simulated God second!

"Don't come over!"

Seeing the approach of Nagato, Black Rabbit shouted instinctively.

Almost at the same time, the girl's hair color and ears changed from blue to pink in an instant, and the faint Linggewei burst out in an instant. Normal life is facing the expression of fear, and it is perfectly reproduced here.

Yes, fear!

Somehow, when facing the long gate, the black rabbit felt fear.

The red-haired boy in front of him is no longer a respectable and powerful gift player in the memory of Black Rabbit, but his own natural enemy, a terrible existence that can completely devour himself.


Feeling the horror of Black Rabbit, Nagato froze for a moment.

As an enemy, Nagato is indeed enough to make people feel scared, but that is in front of him who has shown that he really can't match, even if there is no confrontation.

It stands to reason that Black Rabbit should not be so afraid.


Thinking of a certain possibility, Nagato's eyes were corrected, turning into a residual image, and he rushed towards the black rabbit.

In an instant, the black rabbit's eyes were blank, and the whole person receded beyond the speed of his imagination. At the same time, there was an extra diamond pedestal flashing in the hands of the girl, and the faint divine power diffused.

This is one of the gifts held by the black rabbit, simulating the **** of diamonds!

This gift can summon the Vajra pestle hosting Emperor Shitian's favor. The Vajra pestle was originally one of the representative weapons of the Buddha God, and this Vajra pestle was able to summon Sky Lei under the favor of the military **** Emperor Shitian.

It is easy to use and has high power. It is a very good gift in terms of attack and defense speed.


"Where is this miraculous personality!"

After stopping the sprint, Nagato felt the breath brought by the weapon in the hands of the black rabbit, and a look of surprise and irony appeared on his face. "This kind of breath has clearly reached the level of dignity."

"Sky Lei called!"

Also stopped, the Black Rabbit ignored the words of the Nagato, but said the words in a slightly deeper language. At the next moment, a large amount of thunder was dropped in the void and bombarded towards the Nagato.


Facing the thunder that bombarded from above, the red-haired boy just shouted in the sky.

The unimaginable shock wave erupted from the mouth of the red-haired boy, directly dissipating the thunder from the sky, and even directly hit the cumulus cloud that lowered the thunder, destroying it.


Seeing that his attack was invalid, the existence of the black rabbit, or the manipulated black rabbit, shouted out loud.

The red lightning spread from the pink hair tips, and the black rabbit's forehead instantly showed the divine pattern of Emperor Shitian, the young girl's physique continued to multiply for a moment, and the terrible spiritual pressure even made this piece of void a while stable.

"Well, I really don't know if my body is cherished, Emperor Shitian, or the divinity of Emperor Shitian!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato knew that he could not watch the other party continue to grow stronger, otherwise, the existence of Black Rabbit would disappear directly because of this excessively powerful force.

At the moment, the red-haired boy raised his hand and pulled out the sword from the void, throwing it towards the black rabbit.

"Keng !!!"

In midair, the Sword of Severing Edge issued a crisp sword inscription, and then changed.

I saw that this art-like sword was directly twisted and merged with the entire void. At the next moment, countless crimson chains came out of the void and directly **** the black rabbit.

The girl wanted to struggle for the first time, but was restrained by the power of the gods on the chain, and the power dissipated instantly.

Under such circumstances, no matter how the girl struggles, she can't get rid of the chain.

"No need to struggle, Emperor Shitian!"

Wandering to Black Rabbit ’s side, Nagato raised his right hand and pressed it directly on Black Rabbit ’s head. “The thing that is cut by the edge is called the lock of the sky, which is specifically for the divine nature. If it is I am afraid that you can get rid of it as soon as you earn it, but pure divinity can never be released. "

As soon as the voice fell, the right hand of Nagato suddenly engulfed a huge attraction, grabbing the Emperor's Deity in the black rabbit


In the scream of the girl, the long door directly caught a divine light, and then the palm of his hand turned into a small black hole, directly swallowing that ray of light.

The black rabbit's voice stopped suddenly, and the whole person fell into a deep sleep.

Nagato stood on the spot, digesting the divinity that had just been swallowed in the body, and the soul-swallowing ability that had not been used for a long time also showed extraordinary power at this moment, and quickly digested the divinity in the body.

"It turns out so!"

After filtering the news from the divinity, Nagato understood the reason for the mutation in the black rabbit.

Originally a family member of Emperor Shitian, the black rabbit with the ability to simulate divine personality does host a divine divine nature, but under normal circumstances, this divine nature will not control the black rabbit.

After all, with Emperor Shitian's abilities, he would not be involved in the gift of his family.

It's just that Black Rabbit came to this void unfortunately

This void was forcibly developed by Nagato with reference to the inherent enchantment, where Nagato completely revealed his breath, including the breath of being the **** of chaos.

Between God and God, they will influence each other!

Stimulated by the breath of the **** of chaos, the deity of the military **** Emperor Shitian was completely activated.

"Cut, it's so troublesome even with divinity!"

Some murmured unpleasantly, but there was a smile on the face of the long door.

Although the process was a bit more troublesome, after devouring Di Shitian's divinity, the red-haired boy had successfully completed the task and obtained a large amount of detailed information about the current head of the boxing god, Di Shitian.

Not only that, after analyzing the simulated godhead, Nagato suddenly thought of how to use the power of his own chaotic god.

That's right, it's a simulated deity!

As the name suggests, this is a simulation of the divine personality.

Although Nagato no longer has a chaotic deity at this time, he is very clear about the structure of the chaos deity, as long as it takes some time to completely create his own simulated deity.

In addition, the user of the simulated **** is himself, and the Nagato can fully exert the three-layer strength of the power of heaven.

"Another card is in hand!"

He whispered to himself, and Nagato's eyes turned to the black rabbit bound in the void, "but before that, can the black rabbit's affairs be exposed, um, maybe I can add a user of my simulated god." ..

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