My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 78: Place and plan

When he opened his eyes again, the black rabbit saw the familiar ceiling.

Lifting the soft quilt on her body, the rabbit-eared girl sat up and looked at the room she was familiar with, as well as the afterglow of the sunset shining through the window. The girl's face was inexplicable.

"What's going on, why am I back!"

In the memory of Black Rabbit, it is obvious that he has just earned a huge allowance from working outside. He is happily walking on the way back to the community, watching the community headquarters building in sight, and then there is no more.

"Black, Black Rabbit's memory is missing a large part!"

Thinking of this, the black rabbit couldn't help but be overwhelmed. At this moment, the door of the room opened, and a fox-eared girl with short blond hair, who was about ten years old, walked in with a washbasin in her head.

As soon as she entered the door, the girl saw the black rabbit who had woken up and suddenly froze for a moment.

"Sister Black Rabbit, you finally woke up!"

A moment later, the girl with the fox ears put down the washbasin, and the whole person rushed into Black Rabbit ’s arms, saying with some excitement, "Sorry, Black Rabbit, we are all bad, woo!"

"Huh ?! Lily, what are you talking about, Black Rabbit can't understand!"

Hearing the girl in her arms, the black rabbit, who was already in shock, couldn't react completely.

"All of us are bad, let Sister Black Rabbit work all the time!"

Holding the body of the black rabbit tightly, the fox girl named Lily said with a crying voice, "Otherwise, the sister Black Rabbit will not be tired because of the transition fatigue"

"Huh ?! Black rabbit is tired because of transition fatigue?"

To be honest, after hearing Lily's words, Black Rabbit was suddenly surprised. In her memory, there seemed to be no exhaustion, but somehow, subconsciously, Black Rabbit did not delve into it, but defaulted.

"Ah la la, this is just an accident!"

Embracing the girl gently, the black rabbit said softly, "Lily, rest assured, the black rabbit will not fall down so easily, don't worry and blame yourself!"

"Yes, but"

"Listen to me, Lily !!"

At this time, tens of thousands of meters away from the headquarters of the Unknown Community.

A faint wind blew, and the forest made a rustling sound.

The long gate was standing in front of the woods without saying a word.

Through a special connection, I was watching "Black Rabbit" trying his best to appease the fox-eared girl. The red-haired teenager nodded slightly, and it seemed that the situation of the Black Rabbit was stable. There were no problems with his hands and feet.

"Does this make sense, just a little moon rabbit!"

Talking is the illusory figure of a long black girl standing beside the long door.

Although it is only a phantom figure, this girl has a sense of existence that ordinary people can't reach. She looks lovely and touching, and still has a sense of indescribable pressure.

The girl is no one else, it is the Infinite Dragon God sleeping in the body of the long door-Orpheus.

The pure blood dragon that has not yet been born symbolizes the infinite circulation and the contradiction of people's hearts!

Under the witness of fate, the accompanying dragon of Nagato!

"It doesn't matter, it's just a secret son who drops randomly!"

Hearing the words of his accompanying dragon, Nagato said lightly, "I just used to play some chess pieces in certain places, maybe I will use them sometime."

"Well, I get it!"

Orpheus pondered for a moment, then nodded suddenly.

I don't know what kind of change this infinite dragon **** has undergone in the Nagato, but there is a strange feeling of growing up, and it is a little bit more than the original Sanwu character.

Or, this is the growth of the infinite dragon **** after completion!

These thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato turned slightly to look at the girl's shadow next to him, and asked, "I haven't asked yet, how come you don't sleep anymore, it's not time for you to wake up."

"I just discovered a problem in the evolution of deep sleep, and I came to tell you specifically!"

After speaking, Infinite Dragon God did not wait for Nagato to answer, and directly passed a message through the symbiotic relationship between the two, then dissipated, and the consciousness returned to Nagato's body and continued to sleep.

After digesting the information sent by Orpheus, a surprise appeared on the face of Nagato, "There is still such a big problem in the promotion of authentic mode!"

After being surprised, Nagato was a little distressed

Infinite Dragon God sleeps in the body of the long door, which is a mutual promotion between the two.

Infinite Dragon God re-breeded with the environment of authentic origin, and truly became the pure breed of dragon at the apex of fantasy species, and Nagato used this process to let the authentic origin evolve into the origin of pure breed of dragon.

Only a small problem appeared here.

That is, in the tunnel mode, the accumulation of Nagato is not enough!

It is not a lack of strength, nor is it insufficient on the level of insight, but Nagato did not comprehend the laws that are authentic, just like the "chaos always" of the heavenly mode and the "escape one" of the humanitarian mode!

Authentic mode, lack of a real law!

Probably because the laws of time and space comprehended in the tunnel mode are too strong, even if the third comprehension of the devouring law is too powerful, these powerful laws are under the influence of

Nagato has no shadow even of the rudiment of authentic law.

If you think about it for a long time, the authentic model of Nagato seems to be the least expensive model in all aspects.

Compared with the humane mode that takes a lot of time to deduce the laws, and the heavenly mode that was born by directly using the world tree as a sacrifice, the authentic mode has the laws of time and space and the laws of devouring, but it seems to be too simple!

"That won't work!"

Sighing softly, the long door's eyes were a little deep, and the red-haired boy understood that he would have to spend more time and energy on the Dragon Way to truly complete the practice.

"After returning to Bai Yujing, first suspend the Raiders of Hak Ting and study this matter!" He whispered to himself, and Nagato turned his body and stepped forward.

Soon, the figure of the red-haired boy disappeared in the mountains and forests without a trace ..

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