My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 79: Fire Dragon Birth Festival

The boundary wall of the Eastern and Northern Districts.

A shop located in a community Qianyan branch here.

The members of the Community Ghostfire walked out of this shop crowdedly. At the moment when they just stepped out, the hot wind swept across their cheeks and cheered up.

"I'll trouble you this time, Liu!"

The long door at the end smiled slightly, and said to the man next to him, "If it's not you, I'm afraid we'll have to hurry up. That's really troublesome."

"Really, who made you unwilling to be a class dominator!"

Hearing the long gate, Liu's face said with no anger, "As long as you become a class dominator, your community can control the realm gate, which is much more convenient."

"Ha ha!"

For Liu's words, Nagato just chuckled.

At this moment, it is already one of the dominators of the North District, the debut of the successor of salamandra, the time when the Fire Dragon Birth Festival begins.

Although this time the Fire Dragon Birth Festival is the time when Nagato and Saya plan to do it, it may cause great damage.

But Nagato did not prevent other members of the ghost fire from coming. Even the main fighting power of the community's ghostfire came, except for Vera and Jack, and Alger dispatched by the longdoor.

Because the red-haired teenager at this time is confident that he can control everything, but he is not afraid of any unexpected situations.

With such an idea, Nagato also walked out of the door, and unconsciously moved to the door of the Qianyan branch on the high platform, and he could look into the town, but the scene in front of him did not belong to the town they were familiar with.

"This is a town composed of red walls and flames and glass ?!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the face of Nagato could not help but show a little amazement.

That's right, the huge red wall towering into the sky is the realm wall separating the eastern and northern areas.

You can also see the monument carved from the ore excavated from the boundary wall, as if the vault of the Gothic minaret group constructed after digging the boundary wall, and the two outer doors standing on the outer wall merge into A huge triumphal arch.

Even if it is far away, the cloister decorated with colorful carved glass can still be clearly seen.

Even though it is still daytime, the entire town still exhibits a tone that is reminiscent of dusk, not only because of the town's decoration, but also because many huge chandeliers are shining with red warm fire on the area covered by the shadow of the boundary wall.

"This place is really good!"

He whispered to himself, but in his heart, Nagato mourned for this dying town.

Not only Nagato expressed his admiration, but other members of Ghostfire also expressed their admiration that these ghost children were teamed up in twos and threes, ready to explore the town.

Regarding this long door, by the way, let's take care of Leticia, who has become the chief of the ghost fire maid.

"So, don't you go?"

His eyes turned to Ai Xia and the stunned Ai Leiniang standing beside her, and the face of the long door said slightly surprised.

"No, we two are going to participate in a gift game!"

Shaking his head, Aixia took out a leaflet from his clothes and handed it to the long door. The red-haired boy took it over and saw that it read:

Bounty Game Name: Duel of the Creators

Qualifications and summary: Participants must have the gift of the creative department.

Allow an assistant to accompany you.

The content of the duel changes every time.

In addition to the gifts from the creation department, the gift holders are prohibited from using other gifts.

Regarding the favors to be awarded:

Participants can present the desired favors to the class leader Fire Dragon.

Oath: Respect the above content, based on glory and flag, the two communities jointly hold a gift game.

thousandeyes seal

salamandra seal

"Huh? A gift from the creative department?"

Seeing what was written above, Nagato couldn't help but feel a little surprised, no wonder Aixia would like to participate.

The so-called gift of creative department refers to the gift created by the producer.

Whether artificial, spiritual, divine, or star-made!

In order to withstand the harsh environment, Kita attaches great importance to the gift of the creative department that can be used for a long time, and often hosts games to compete for the technicality and artistry of such gifts.

Although Ai Xia's original strength was not bad, it was like that, but after becoming a woman of Nagato, Nagato didn't like the weak, so she specially made a gift for Aixia.

Although the gift was not pushed to the extreme because of insufficient materials, it was also a very strong gift.

In fact, Aixia also likes the gift that Nagato gave to herself, and is proud of it.

Therefore, in the face of such a gift game of the creative department, it is difficult for girls to refuse.

"That's it!"

Waving his arm, Ai Xia's face was full of war and fear, "And with Ai Leiniang as my assistant, even if the devil comes, I have the confidence to fight it!"

"Well, it's up to you!"

Seeing that Aixia was so full of interest, Nagato also acquiesced in each other ’s actions, and then walked towards the town, "I ’ll go to the town first, I wo n’t watch it in the preliminaries, you should pass with confidence ?! "

"Who do you think I am, Idiot!"

"This is it"

At the same time, a dozen figures appeared out of thin air above the boundary wall.

Standing in the forefront of these people, the black robe opened his hood, revealing some straight green hair, and looked at the prosperity below with interest, and could not help laughing.

"It's a pity that such a prosperity will become a sacrifice for the existence of the world!"

Although it was a pity, the girl didn't have a pity on her face. After a moment of indulgence, the girl said, "Is the little boy with the Black Death here now?"

"According to the latest information, ten minutes ago, Pest they stole in!"

The girl who answered the girl was a woman with short blond hair standing behind her. I saw that the other party also lifted up his hood, looking down at it with a somewhat complicated look, and then his face flashed a bit of utter desolation.

"Well, let us look forward to it!"

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