My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 101: Rebellious banner

The three-year period is short and long.

The legendary community Arcadia, once famous in the lower and upper levels of the hegemonic court, has long been forgotten by the world and disappeared in the hearts of all living beings.

But for Leticia and the White Night King, the community was broken, just like yesterday.

Therefore, after hearing this familiar voice, both of them froze.

This is a voice they thought they would never hear again!

The woman who guided them forward.

"Long time no see, Leticia, and Bai Ye."

As if hearing the voices of Leticia and the White Night King, the man who stepped forward opened his hood, turned his head to smile slightly at the two, and then looked back at the Heavenly Army


A sharp flash in his eyes, the woman with short blond hair snapped her fingers.

The invisible fluctuations spread instantly, and everyone felt a sense of incompatibility in a moment, and the surrounding space somehow caused a contradiction.

But what is this contradiction, most people are not clear.

They only know that the rules of reality have been tampered with!

Then, a certain mysterious and abnormal atmosphere diffused from the woman, and turned into a huge invisible network, which instantly connected to everyone in Estes.


At this moment, everyone in Esteres burst into a stronger flame at the same time.

Everyone's breath rose more than one in an instant!

The combat power soared immediately!

The trend of the war that had been defeated in the past stopped at this moment, and even showed a tendency to fight back because of Esdes, who went back to the outbreak of these people in June.

Not long afterwards, even some gods fell and blood spattered

"How can it be?!!"

Above the sky, a terrifying flash of light appeared on the face of Ares, and said abnormically, "Why haven't the canaries been expelled from the chamber?"

"What's impossible!"

The answer to him was Emperor Shitian, and I saw this silver-haired military **** with a solemn face. "Chaos even wants to subvert the box court. It is not a simple matter to bring a deported person back."

During his speech, Emperor Shitian's mood was rather complicated and mixed.

In a sense, Canary is also a partner of Emperor Shitian. When he was against the dystopian demon, Canary even served as the leader of his army Emperor Shitian.

If possible, Emperor Shitian did not want to fight the canary at all

This is not only because of the relationship between Canary and him, but also because Canary is the only person who can complete the history of mankind in the eyes of Emperor Shitian, and make the paradox of Hakting disappear.

But he understood that this was impossible.

Since Arcadia broke open three years ago, the canary and the box court have been opposites.

Three years ago, the Demon League broke through Arcadia!

This is the news that all sentient beings in the box court know, but Emperor Shitian knows that the so-called Devil Alliance is basically a puppet, a certain indispensable group of gods above the real black-handed box court.

What embarrassed the emperor most was that the **** group had a good relationship with the canary before.

Such a scourge, it is strange that the canary can stop with the upper chamber.

"It won't work like this!"

At this time, Thor, who carried the sledgehammer, solemnly said, "I'm not familiar with canaries, but I know that it doesn't work like this, angels don't matter, anyway, just puppets."

"But we can't let those gods suffer too many deaths and injuries, the foundation of the heavenly army will be shaken."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sol raised his sledgehammer!


As if the sky were roaring, fierce thunder gathered on Sol's hammer.

At this moment, the artifact named Mjornir showed its fangs of sturdy clouds, and the power of crushing everything was integrated into the thunder, turning it into a crushing thunder.

At the next moment, Sol waved the sledgehammer in his hand and waved downward.

In an instant, the thunder that smashed everything went straight down!


In the violent roar, the shattered thunder blasted down towards the location of the canary, and all the angels too late to hide along the road were drawn into powder.

Seeing that the Thunder is about to be killed on the canary-

The figure of the White Night King appeared directly in the gods of the canary, and the slender right hand shining out of the sleeve of the kimono directly caught the thunder released by Thor Thor.

The Thunder, which contains all the power to smash it, is as if it can't break free, even shrinking.

Soon, the terrifying Thunder turned into a group of electric currents in the hands of the White Night King.

Subsequently, Baiye Wang directly ate the current.

Suddenly, Thor in the distance was stunned directly at the spot, not only Thunder Thor. Every time he saw this scene, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

It was only soon that the war restarted here, and the surroundings were once again in chaos.

"Hee hee!"

At this time, a light laughter came from behind the White Night King, which was the voice of the canary, "White Night, I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so violent!"

"Huh, little girl, you have a lot of talk!"

Hearing the words of the canary, the silver-haired Demon King's face showed a little nostalgic smile, and said, "Speaking of it, how many years have we not been fighting with the community, two or three hundred years."

"Almost, starting from defeating the dystopian demon king, it's gone."

"So now, join hands again!"

With a smile on his mouth, the White Night King looked up at the many heavenly armies, released his unmatched spirit, the endless light diffused, and the ancient devil once again raised the banner of rebellion-

"War, let's fight for a long time, and see if the morals of Ru and others can win, or if my white night turns into a night of extreme night, and the light of the star swallows everything in the world!"

At this moment, Wushuang Baiye Demon manifested in the world, like a demon like a god!

ps: Go out to play today, one less, and make up tomorrow. ..

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