My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 102: War and hesitation


Hearing Bai Yewang's speech, and then seeing the other party's actions of holding up the rebellious banner, even the heroic Thor could not help but sneered and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Coupled with his previous attack, he was easily swallowed by the White Night King

Thor, the Thor at this time, can no longer maintain a stable posture!

"Don't be too arrogant, White Night King!"

With such a word in his mouth, Thor threw out a divine power that almost shattered the sky, and in the next moment, holding Thor's hammer, Thor turned into a thunder!

With the impact of Thor, the surrounding space even showed a twisted posture.

The leaking power of the main **** level even made the lower level of the box court somewhat unbearable.


In the face of the shock coming from Thor, Bai Yewang's face was cold and humming, and a total of 14 small suns appeared in the sky behind him, the hot light and the terrible heat spread out.

The battlefield that was originally intertwined was stopped by this sudden impact, and the flames ignited in the town.

"Don't be arrogant is you!"

With this said, the White Night King rushed upwards, and the small sun behind him continued to rotate, almost turning the entire White Night King into a huge sun.

For a moment, the huge sun and the thunder that fell from the sky collided head-on!


A shock beyond imagination erupted over the entire town.

The space was broken at this moment. With the interweaving of thunder and fire, the terrible shock wave continued to spread, and many angels and gods were washed away.

The original offensive of the celestial forces was extremely disintegrated at this time!

Located outside of the explosion's reach, I don't know when the canary will appear here. In a certain way to change the rules, I directly summon all the people who have just participated in the battle to their side.

Looking at the strange-looking people, Canary said directly: "White night has washed away the enemies. The single Heavenly Army, if you want to come, the danger has dropped a lot. Take advantage of it now and hunt it!"

"Ah, it seems that the fighting is fierce!"

At this moment, in the lowermost space of the city of Huangyan, I don't know when the long door appeared here, I felt the vibration above and could not help but chuckled and said.

Standing next to the Nagato, Leticia was puzzled and puzzled. The girl didn't understand why Nagato took the initiative to leave the battlefield during the battle and even brought herself here.

"The battle on that battlefield does not require me to intervene!"

As if seeing Leticia's inner thoughts, Nagato said to the maid next to him, "Although the enemy is strong, there is also a considerable amount of combat prepared on this side, enough to cope with it."

"The most important thing is that the victory or defeat of that battlefield does not matter to the overall situation of the entire hut."

"I went there just to satisfy my curiosity and see what the so-called Heavenly Army is. Now that the curiosity is satisfied, it is time to do the right thing."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Leticia's face could not help but show a strange look.

The vampire maid suddenly realized that her owner seemed to be out of place with the box court. Obviously there was a famous emperor Shi Tian in the box court. The main gods, Ares, didn't seem to care much in his eyes.

But this is not important, the important thing is-

"Why not bring me here, in my case, is it better to fight?"

"Just now you are just cannon fodder!"

Shaking his head, the long-door purple eyes stared at the vampire knight beside him, and said, "Speaking of standing here, don't you think of anything, Leticia."


Reticia was puzzled when she couldn't help herself.

As for the cannon fodder of Nagato, Leticia was not angry because it was true.

Turning his head slightly, the blonde's maid took all the surrounding scenes into her vision, and then the memories of the past gradually recovered in her mind, and the girl's eyes suddenly condensed with horror.

"It seems you have remembered it!"

Seeing the horror in the eyes of the maid, the long door said leisurely, "Here is the place where the community of Arcadia led his alliance two hundred years ago to finally test the absolute evil seal of humanity. In the bottom of the star sea In the space, absolutely evil is sleeping in it. "

"Nice, do you intend to unlock the seal?"

Leticia was not stupid, and immediately thought of the purpose of Nagato and others. Subconsciously, the vampire maid wanted to oppose it. After all, that was the ultimate trial of mankind, the real devil!

If it is not handled well, I am afraid that the entire box court and even human history will be directly destroyed.

It was just that the maid froze without saying a word.

She thought of canary

Although I do n’t know the specific relationship between Canary and Nagato, it is clear that Canary is on the side of Nagato, so I ’m afraid that the canary also knows about unleashing the absolutely evil seal.

Since the canary didn't stop it, she wanted to come, and there was something she didn't know about it.

In this case, should she stop her owner's intentions?

In a trance, Leticia was lost!

"You really are a kind girl."

Seeing Leticia's reaction, Nagato couldn't help but chuckled, and then said, "You don't need to think so much, now you only need to think about one thing, and that's when the decision comes."

"Remember the piece I gave you, pick it up and merge!"

"Then waiting for you is the future of sisters reunion."

Hearing the long gate, Leticia couldn't help but tremble, and unconsciously took out two soldiers' chessmen from her clothes and the red spar that she carried with her.

The vampire maid can feel it, and at this moment the chess piece in his hand is exuding mysterious power.

You can get this power if you want

And lead to the dream of the future.

It ’s just that I do n’t know why, and the uneasy mood has sprung up in Leticia ’s heart. The girl knows very well that if you do this, something terrible will happen

At this moment, Leticia hesitated! ..

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