My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 112: Battle upgrade first!

"Huh, it's amazing!"

The Void outside the range wrecked by the aftermath of the Great Destruction, I do n’t know when Emperor Shitian appeared here, looking at everything in front of him, and could not help but reveal a little surprise.

But this surprise was not aimed at the natural disaster-like scene in front of him.

After all, in terms of personal ability, regardless of the surrounding environment, the outbreak of Emperor Shitian can also do this.

The military **** was surprised by the red-haired boy who was fighting head-to-head with the three-headed dragon.

For this red-haired youngster who can fully confront the three-headed dragon head-on, and even has a slight advantage, as the military **** guarding the box court, Emperor Shitian can't be curious and surprised.

In the final analysis, the existence of three-digit strength is not a general role, but can guide the future existence of the Sand Court.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of existence has a big beginning.

It is impossible to appear out of thin air!

It's just that the red-haired boy who is working with the three-headed dragon in front of him has no detailed history at all. The information of the Heavenly Army only contains the message "the other party is a half-star spirit suddenly appearing".

In a sense, in this respect, the Heavenly Army is indeed a bit of a dereliction of duty.


"If he can defeat the three-headed dragon, it's a good thing to be negligent!"

Through the perception of the main **** level to understand the situation of the entire battlefield, Emperor Shitian thought so, but after a while, his face changed greatly.

In fact, not only him, but the presence of three-digit strength around him, his face changed.

"How could this be?"

Bai Yewang even exuded obvious anger, "How could the center of the box court start without authorization, and no one made a request, is this the **** and demon future paradise I know ?!"

"Sure enough, the center is under control!"

Within the range of the two Xeon forces colliding with each other, with the help of the gift-Tianyun, in the frenzy of energy impact, the red-haired teenager who moved like catkins with the wind raised his head.

At this moment, he sensed that the power of the center of the box court came to the battlefield.

Although this force is invisible and invisible, it is still insightful by the intuition of Nagato.

"Oh, the paradise? It's a joke!"

Thinking of an argument that Bai Yewang and many gods believed in-`` As long as the human race is finally tested, and the paradox of Hakting is solved, Hakting will become a paradise for gods and demons '', and Nagato feels funny.

In the eyes of the red-haired boy, these gods are really naive.

Nagato knew that the gods and monsters believed in the justice of the gift game. Under this justice, the gods and demons could freely exert their own strength and wisdom while living in all living beings.

Endless fun in the process of communicating with all living beings, this is the so-called paradise of the devil!


How can it be a paradise if you completely follow the weak and strong food?

The most important thing is that there is never a lack of ambition among the gods of the box court. Not everyone can live with it. The guy who seeks strength will not be lacking at any time. In this case, the center of the Ha Ting has long been secretly controlled by people, which is completely reasonable.


Soon, a roar of earth-shaking roar came from the smoke not far from the long gate. Upon hearing this sound, the red-haired boy knew that it was the roar of the three-headed dragon.

But in this voice, there was a lack of intellectuality, and there was a terrible tyranny.

At the next moment, it completely reached the three-digit apex of the Hak Ting, and even the momentum beyond it burst out, and the smoke in the field of vision of the long door burst directly, revealing the posture of the three-headed dragon.

At this time, the alien dragon, suspended in mid-air, has a slightly different posture!

The three dragon heads that were originally penetrated and the shoulders covered with wooden piles were completely restored to their original shape, and the three-meter-high body showed a sense of oppression beyond ordinary people's imagination.


Looking at the three-headed dragon that had become more powerful in front of him, Nagato could not help but sigh softly. Although the other party did become stronger with the help of the center of the box court, the price was the loss of reason.

As far as the personal wishes of Nagato are concerned, he longs for a battle of interwoven beliefs, not a battle with the beast.


Although Nagato was somewhat unhappy, the three-headed dragon at this time would not care about it. He fell into a mad state and completely lost his mind and directly launched an attack.

In an instant, the three-headed dragon crossed the distance between himself and the long door and came to the red-haired boy.

The black blade was attached to the white claws and grabbed towards the long door.

Even the space showed some scars under this claw.

Although the interest was not good, Nagato did not relax his alert, so although the three-headed dragon's attack was close to the fifth cosmic speed, it was indeed a bit overwhelming.

However, before the claws approached, Nagato shot his fist.



In the violent roar, the three-headed dragon stepped back a few steps, and the red-haired boy retreated backward. The long door at this time, a little surprise and surprise appeared in his face.

Speaking of which, this is the first time since the battle that Nagato has suffered from a head-on collision.


At this time, the three-headed dragon who stopped the backward step made a roar of excitement involuntarily, and then the whole person chased it up again, completely looking like a long door without killing.

"Humph, don't be proud!"

After decisively judging that he was at a disadvantage in terms of physical fitness, the Nagato instantly opened another hole card. In a moment, the consciousness of the red-haired boy was connected to a certain **** seat outside the endless time and space, and the infinite divine power diffused.

The three-headed dragon that came straight ahead felt an instinctive pause after feeling the supernatural power of imagination.

Then the demon roared again, and the three dragon mouths opened, releasing the final light and heat directly!

The strongest gift of the flash heat is the reproduction of the light wheel of the overlord.

The heritage of destroying one-third of the world is spread, igniting the fuse of eschatology into the light of destruction of all eyes, and blasting towards the long gate.

Faced with a terrible blow, the red-haired boy's face did not change and he raised his right hand. "The third change of the chaotic cataclysm, the real water of chaos will destroy the world!" ..

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