My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 113: Beyond the second dragon!

Chaos Cataclysm!

This is the part of the power that Nagato used to make from the previously created simulated **** system to get back from the Chaos Divine Incarnation. It is the power derived from the Nagato's Chaos Divine Incarnation in these years.

The third change-chaotic real water destroys the world!

Out of this change, the mighty supernatural power burst out at this moment.

With the raging of Shenwei, the right hand of the red-haired boy pushed forward, and even directly destroyed the surrounding space into chaos, and then the atmosphere of chaos evolved into the initial dark current under the power of Shenwei.

Then the initial current suddenly changed dramatically, and every drop of water turned into a torrent.

In an instant, a dark flood like the world broke out suddenly

Yen Na broke into the sky as if breaking through the sky, and the end of the light and heat collided from the sky. The water and fire were intertwined, and the light and darkness were opposed. The terrible shock was detonated.


The strong shock waves spread in all directions.

There was even a slight shake on the large floorboards on the seventh floor of the entire hut. The crust where the capital of flames was located collapsed completely, and the hurricane swept up, blowing everything over the dozens of kilometers around.

Everyone watching the battle around felt a shock of terror.

Whether it is the three main gods of the Heavenly Army, or the White Night King and Alger, they can't help but be shocked. This impact has reached a double-digit strength, and few people can ignore it.

As for other weaker beings, some even passed out.

Those who are not comatose and have a pale complexion, such as Esters and Sixteen, etc. At this time, these people's faces are full of unwillingness and fighting spirit!

Among all the people present, I am afraid that only the Queen of Stars, or Saya, does n’t feel anything.

On the battlefield, light and heat and flood flooded each other and collapsed everything.

Ling Kong stood on the nearly collapsed battlefield. The long door looked at the raging three-headed dragon full of hot flames across the body, and his expression looked extremely indifferent, even indifferent.

After regaining the power of Heavenly Dao, the red-haired boy seemed to enter an absolutely calm state.

Numerous data flashed through the brain, and Nagato instinctively calculated everything in front of him.

Soon, Nagato came to a conclusion of victory.

"The strong loser of reason!"

The figure of Nagato ran across the void and appeared in front of the three-headed dragon in an instant, ignoring the end flame that was about to burn on himself, and said indifferently:

"At best, it's just a beast. I originally thought you were a person, but it seems that you are really disappointing. The fifth change in the cataclysm of chaos-the world of chaos!"

As the words just fell, the space around the Nagato was erased again, and countless mountains fell from the sky!


The terrible flames and light could not stop the mountain from descending. The mountain of thousands of meters directly hit the three-headed dragon and smashed it heavily on the ground.

"Aooo !!!"

The three-headed dragon wailed and was suppressed under the mountain peak, and the flame finally lost its source.

In an instant, a strong earthquake occurred immediately across the seventh floor of the Hakting, and turbulence spread throughout the seventh floor.

At this moment, all the creatures at the bottom of the box court couldn't help uproar, and the unimaginable panic suddenly spread out at the bottom of the box court, and even caused a lot of chaos and disaster.

However, these things are irrelevant for Nagato.

Ever since he embarked on the path of the strong, Nagato has had a faith and consciousness that will do everything forever. Otherwise, he will not use the blood of the world and sentient beings again and again to achieve his own path of continuous progress.

At this time, Nagato completely focused his attention on the thousands of giant peaks transformed by the chaos in his hands!


With the indifferent words and spirits, infinite divinity poured into the mountains.

In an instant, the mountain under the long gate began to bloom with prestige, and the invisible killing power brewed out of the mountain.

After losing the owner, the surrounding flames were soon submerged by the annihilation flood. Then the flood and the mountain peaks converged, and the soil and water combined, and a more powerful killing power evolved, pouring on the three-headed dragon.

Faced with such power, the three-headed dragon couldn't resist at all, and it seemed that it would be wiped out directly.

"Crack !!!"

Just then, an inexplicable burst of sound came from the void.

The long door in the sky couldn't help frowning, and instinctively told the red-haired boy that his power had not yet worn down the magic dragon. He even made a crack in the control of the dragon's center.

Then, the surrounding void filled with a violent malicious and murderous

Absolutely evil-Azdakaha, recovered at this moment!

"Harding !!!!!!"

With the terrible roar from the suppression of the peaks and floods, the extremely terrifying power erupted, and the peaks and floods that should not be theoretically broken by the three-headed dragon exploded directly.

At this moment, the Long Gate felt that the center of the Hak Ting was traumatized positively.

The great consciousness pervading the heavens and the earth seemed to languish for a moment.


Then there was a roar in the void, and a three-headed dragon with a big hole in his heart appeared in the air. Although the injury was amazing, it was still full of endless anger and fighting intentions!

"Good courage!"

Looking at the three-headed dragon in front of him, the indifference of the red-haired teenager's face dissipated, revealing a trace of admiration, "It's actually through the manipulation of the boxing court as a medium that exploded the power of the boxing center."

I want to come to the heart of the other party, just to deal with the center of the box, directly detonate it!

What a marvelous warrior!


"I won't be merciless!"

In the face of such a warrior, Nagato did not show mercy, to be precise, to show insult to the other party. Therefore, Nagato launched his own attack directly:

"Chaos Cataclysm's fourth change, chaos is really burning the sky!"

In an instant, the sky fire, one point stronger than the three-headed dragon's final fire, came!

"Haha, that's it!"

Seeing such a decisive attack by Nagato, the three-headed dragon that was originally angry because of being manipulated suddenly laughed, and then the earth and atmosphere centered on the three-headed dragon screamed fiercely.

I saw the vortex of power concentrated in the palms of the three-headed dragon, producing a hot sphere, "Aavista starts-fight it in turn, simulate the star chart !!!"

Holding a hot balloon in hand, the three-headed dragon rushed straight up towards the sky fire falling from the sky.

That irresistible posture formed a strong contrast with the flame that was about to die. For a time, Nagato seemed to become the devil, and the three-headed dragon was the brave man who challenged the devil.

At the next moment, the figure of the three-headed dragon hit the sky before the fire, and pressed the ball in his hand!

"Boom !!!"

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