My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 114: Sovereign and the Dragon

The top floor of the box court, one-digit outside door!

This is the most mysterious place of the Hak Ting. According to legend, the founders of the Hak Ting had only designed seven floors, including the eighth outer door, when they created the Hak Ting.

The seventh floor is where the creators of many **** groups live.

They didn't even think that the box court would evolve on its own.

This is a land of great enlightenment that heaven and earth have not completely explored. The laws of heaven and earth are faintly manifested in the void. These laws may appear as innate things, or they may become gods, or manifest as demons.

A very famous devil in the city of Sanding was born from the decadent wind!

It can be said that this is the most dangerous place and the most prosperous place in the entire Hatch Chamber. If you can stay here for a long time, it will have great benefits for any life.

Most of the reason for the battle of the gods at the dawn of the Ha Ting is to compete for the territory here.

At this time, located in a corner of the top floor of this box court, there was a **** battlefield full of smoke, and in the middle of the battlefield, a woman stood on countless corpses.

This is a woman who can't be described by words. Compassion and rage almost coexist.

Her identity is the patriarch of Zoroastrianism, the mother of the three-headed dragon.

However, her birth has nothing to do with "Zoroastrianism", but was born in the box court as the existence of the fragments of the world.

Light and darkness, yin and yang, good and evil, creation and end, male and female.

The gods of the Sandy Court are not allowed to construct a universe view based on monism and monotheism because they are part of the paradox game of "Almighty Antithesis".

This is the reason why the largest sect that actually existed in the 2000s was unable to fully exert its power in the Sand Chamber.

On the contrary, the dualism of good and evil advocated by the “Zoroastrianism” satisfies the least common multiple required for the construction of the cosmology at the fastest speed and monopolizes the greatest “history conversion period”.

In this way, the woman who was born to meet the least common multiple of the universe was pushed to the position of the **** who carried all the negative burdens at the dawn of the world.

Carrying the fate of constant fighting over thousands of years, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions of years, women fought while crying.

Throughout the heart of the brave man who challenged himself, he cried countless times with his **** hands covering his face.

The reason for crying is not that it cannot bear fate, but as time goes by, it constantly fights with the brave, women like the race of human beings, but likewise, the more powerful she understands that humanity will eventually be destroyed.

It is precisely because of the tears of the woman that the three-headed dragon voluntarily bears the sins of mankind and turns into the final trial.

Only when humans defeat the three-headed dragon with their own hands can they get a real future.

And now--

"Is it time?"

The woman's low voice is as soft as a dream, but her body has a violent atmosphere far beyond any natural disaster in the world, which makes people unable to bear the cold.

"Then go, Azdahaka, don't leave regrets!"

"Please look at me, Sect Master !!!"

Facing the sky fire that fell from the sky, the three-headed dragon exuded the determination to fight.

At this time, the anger that was once controlled has long disappeared in the heart of the three-headed dragon. It is not the Devil's mentality that is good, but he is very clear that at this point, he has nothing to do.

Only by doing your utmost to fight against the enemies in front of you, such an option!


Along with the violent roar, the three-headed dragon bombarded the sphere in his hand above the fire that day. In a moment, the hot flame burned on the three-headed dragon.

Soon, the three-headed dragon felt himself immersed in the terrible scorching heat, and it almost melted away.

The three-headed dragon understands that within a few minutes, he will be completely defeated!

But in such a situation, the three-headed dragon did not flinch or defend, but constantly injected all its remaining power into the ball in his hands!

This sphere is not an ordinary force, but a simulated star-creating figure of a three-headed dragon-Avista!

It has a strength comparable to that of the "Simulated Star Chart-Aurora Column" in June.

The characteristics that are in turn compatible with it can imitate the reverse of the adversary's cosmic view and integrate into itself, and will be used in a limited manner. Or to offset the gift of hostility, the more the enemy's gods, the stronger the self.

Of course, this simulated star chart is not without weaknesses.

For example, the human cosmology cannot be imitated, because the fate of the inheritance has been overthrown by the “hero who will save the future of mankind”, which is also the desire of the three-headed dragon itself.

At this time, the power used by the Nagato, according to the words of the box court, is derived from the power of the Chaos Gods.

According to the truth, as one of the creators of the Sandbox, the power of the Chaos Divine Group really belongs to the Sandbox, and Avesta should be able to have an effect on the universe view of this Divine Group.


"It's useless!"

The red-haired teenager in the distance looked at the three-headed dragon struggling in the fire and shook his head indifferently. "Although the Chaos Deity Group is the creator, it was expelled from the beginning of the box court, almost independent of the box court system. In addition, with your power, you should not be able to "

At this point, the voice of Nagato stopped abruptly, and there was a little surprise on his face.

Because at this moment, Nagato felt a sense of order!

Then something unexpected happened in front of him.

I saw that the three-headed dragon that was about to die in the distant sky fire suddenly burst into a terrible momentum, as if it resonated with the entire hut, and the whole body became a source of gravity, which directly absorbed the huge sky fire.

Nagato clearly saw that during the process of absorbing the flames, the three-headed dragon continued to bleed all over his body, overwhelmed.

Obviously, while absorbing the flames, the life of the three-headed dragon also came to an end.

But his strength has sublimated to the extreme at this moment!

The surrounding space began to show a tendency to collapse


Along with the distant roar, the three-headed dragon was surrounded by endless flames, and rushed towards the red-haired boy, as if a meteor fell from the sky, filled with utter despair!

ps: Update late, but do n’t blame me, female tickets or something, you know. ..

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