My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 115: The dragon dies

The three-headed dragon's decisive attack made the battle countdown.

Under the resonance of the order of the entire court, with the three-headed dragon as the center, the sky-like raging flames spread out in all directions, like the world-shaking dragon.

The supreme supernatural power that makes people unable to look directly, instantly resounded through the Three Realms and Nine Xiaos!

The complete double-digit strength and power directly caused the three heavenly gods and white night kings in the battle, Alger was shocked.

To be honest, although the existence of these three-digit numbers are very afraid of the three-headed dragon, but it is only afraid.

Now, they find that their ideas seem to have to be changed.

The entire bottom of the hut was alarmed at this moment

However, in front of such supernatural powers, Nagato's face was still indifferent. His previous surprises had long since faded, because Nagato still had enough cards to crush everything.

And in this short period of time, Nagato finally understood why the three-headed dragon's simulated star creation map would work on his power of chaotic personality.

It turns out that the reason for all this is just because I am using a simulated god.

The power derived from the chaotic deity is too powerful, and the simulated deity can only carry the part of the deity—about the power of chaos cataclysm, although the destructive power is not much different, the mysterious integrity is too bad.

Because of this, the power of Nagato's simulated divinity could be resolved by the simulated star creation diagram of the three-headed dragon.

The opposite of chaotic catastrophe is naturally the power of order!

"Then the power of order is merged with one's body to communicate the power of the entire box court. Gee, how do I feel that I have strengthened the three-headed dragon."

Such words flashed through the brain, and the skin of the long door felt the scorching heat of the Yanlong and could not help sighing.

The power of mimicry dissipated from the red-haired boy.


"Boom !!!"

The invisible wave permeated from the long door.

At the next moment, there was a ripple of space in the heart of the red-haired boy, and at the same time, in the soul, Nagato felt a glorious and pure glory of mind.

"Be my sword, I pray!"

As he said in this way, the right hand of the long door directly penetrated the ripples in his heart, and then a voice resembling a lark was echoed in the void.

"Please use me, my king!"

Along with the sound, the red-haired boy pulled out a huge blade directly from his heart, and the ripples in the space flashed a brilliant water silver light, and formed a wind-like light flow, blooming,

It was a blade like a sword and a knife!

The handle is like a western sword, but it is much larger, and the blade is dark blue, and emits a dark blue halo. The whole knife is more than two meters long and the width is more than thirty centimeters. Giant blade.

Simple and domineering, it seems to be able to cut all the blades of destruction.

Xiqi's Void Blade appears again!

"Roar!!!" After the long door pulled out the blade of the void, the three-headed dragon instantly felt a strong crisis and yelled in a low voice, but he did not retreat, but forcibly used himself The will to further overdraw and inspire their own strength.

So after devouring the power of order, the body of the three-headed dragon has reached a point of near collapse.

The attack at this time was already the last attack he could launch.

To this end, he will at all costs!

After the three-headed dragon inspires his power, Yanlong advances faster, almost in front of the long door in the blink of an eye, and sees that he will directly collide with him directly.

At this moment, Nagato started!

The infinite power of the body burst out directly, poured into the blade of the void, and then the long door lifted the blade of the void in his hand, and was slashed towards the other side.


In an instant, the surging Void Knife and the endless Yanlong collided head-on.

The energy that destroys all things spreads from the collision, breaking the sky into endless cracks, completely annihilating the earth, and returning everything to chaos.

Even Saya, in the face of this terrible collision, must also avoid it, and the others are even more embarrassed.

And in this collision, the long door cut the Yanlong's defense!

Under the protection of Endless Daogang, the red-haired boy walked step by step towards the core of the sky-drenching dragon. Soon, Nagato came to the core of the dragon, where the three-headed dragon was.

"everything is over!"

Looking at the three-headed dragon with a nearly collapsed body in front of him, Nagato's face lifted the Void Blade in his hand. "In the end, is there anything you want to say?"


Not intending to answer the question of Nagato, the three-headed dragon dragged the collapsed body and sent a final impact towards the red-haired boy, even at the last moment, he still prayed for battle.

In the face of such a persistent Demon King, Nagato stepped out and stepped behind him.

Then, there was a thrilling blade of light in the void, the body of the three-headed dragon was directly divided into two, and the blood of the red came out, staining the surrounding void.

"Cough cough you won, did not expect"

The devil's upper body bounced on the ground, and then said intermittently, "Unexpectedly, there is a strong man like you among humans!"

Between the speeches, the three-headed dragon squinting the pupil of Ruby gave a smile.

It was hard to imagine a smooth and cheerful smile from the monster.

Then, the three-headed dragon asked the last question in his life: "I, I can feel that you are also the essence of the enemy who do not share the sky, so what is the justice of you?"

"My justice?"

Hearing the final question from the demon king, carrying the blade of the void, Nagato said indifferently, "Strength, my justice, is strength, and only strength!"

"This way"

With the last sigh, the three-headed dragon burned to ashes.

The pure white body, three heads, and the pupil of the ruby, the figure that made everyone fear, burned away like the last fireworks in a flash.

The ultimate test of human beings—absolutely evil, will die ..

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