My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 116: The most dangerous moment is the first!

"Boom !!!"

With the demise of the dragon, an extremely slight noise reverberated in the void.

The paradox contradictions that originally existed in the Sanding Rules, which haunted the Gods and Buddhas of Sanding, quietly disappeared at this moment. In a trance, everyone felt that the whole world seemed more harmonious and natural.

The terrible impact on the battlefield, under this harmony, is steadily calming down at an alarming rate.

In the middle of the battlefield, the red-haired boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

At the moment of beheading the three-headed dragon, the last part of the human body within the Nagato, as if he had completed his final mission, dissipated directly and merged into the origin of the red-haired boy.

Losing the last human attributes, Nagato truly embarked on a path that cannot be turned back.


The soul of the red-haired boy burst out into the sea with a fierce echo.

The control attributes derived from the feedback of the six incarnations of Nagato have been advanced here. In an instant, all the power and even the source within Nagato fall into the category of control attributes.

The yet-to-be-improved infinite power system continues to progress with the naked eye.

On the long door, Xuan Ao's breath is coming out.

Under the incomparable atmosphere of the mysterious mystery, the surrounding void gradually became a realm of mystery, and Nagato held the blade of the void, as if falling into a deep sleep, suspended in the center of the realm.

At this time, the void outside the battlefield.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Thor Thor couldn't help but feel that his brain was a bit unusable. To be honest, he really didn't expect the development of things to be like this.

The human being, who claimed to be the cause of the destruction of the Sand Chamber, finally tried it, and was actually cracked in front of him.

It stands to reason that Nagato and his party can be called benefactors of the Hadating Court.


"Do you still want to do it?"

As soon as this emotion flashed in his mind, Thor Thor felt a terrible coercion, and the surrounding void seemed to be invaded by something, turning into a mysterious field.

In this field, the power of Thor is instantly suppressed to four figures.

Feeling all this, Sol could not even be surprised, because at the same moment, a crisis erupted from the bottom of his heart, almost subconsciously, Sol opened his body sideways.

A hot white light flashed in front of his eyes, taking away a flesh of Thor's belly.

There was even a scorching force blasting into Thor's body through flesh and blood.

As a famous Nordic warrior, Thor has a body like a hammer, and in the face of the attack from the body, Thor can still hold it.

It's just that although it survived, there is no doubt that Sol has suffered a lot.

"who is it?!"

The angry Saul looked at the source of the attack, and then he saw that the figure of the White Night King had appeared in front of his vision, and there was a helpless smile on his face.

"It really failed."

Admitting his sneak attack without care, Bai Yewang looked at Saul and said softly, "It seems that we are really not as good at sneak attack as some people do!"

"Hey, White Night King, what do you mean by this guy!" Just when the words of the White Night King just fell, a dissatisfied voice suddenly came from around him, and Sol looked at it subconsciously, and then the Nordic Thor saw him startled The scene:

The original demon, Protoss Alger was penetrating the heart of Ares with one hand, while complaining to the White Night King.

At this time, Ares still had a surprised expression on his face, but his body began to petrify.

Not only Ares, the leader of the heavenly army-Emperor Shitian, was also attacked by the Queen of Stars, or was voluntarily sealed by the Queen, and was trapped in a star-filled enchantment.

After all, Emperor Shitian was quite stupid, but he was very trustworthy and agreed to surrender, so he would not regret it.

Seeing everything in front of him, Sol did not say anything nonsense, and was silent for a while!

"It literally means!"

At this moment, the White Night King pouted his mouth towards Alger, then looked at Sol again, and raised one of his hands, the piercing sun shining brightly.

"Give you a chance, surrender, Sol!"

Facing the words of the White Night King, Saul was silent.

Although I don't know why, under the suppression of this field, Baiye Wang still maintains a three-digit strength, but there is no doubt that at this time, he has only four-digit strength. In front of Baiye Wang, there is no chance of winning.

In this case, surrender is not a shameful thing.


"Raytheon sanctions!"

There was no intention of surrendering at all. Thor raised the sledgehammer in his hand and directly read the killing spirit. In a moment, a large amount of thunder broke out from the hammer of Thor.

"Well, then we respect your choice!"

With a sigh, the figure of the White Night King disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of Sol, directly pressing the hot glow in his hand, pressing on the Quake


In an instant, Thunder and Glory collided head-on.

After a stalemate for a while, the endless light directly crushed the thunder in front of him, and directly bombarded Thunder Thor. The flame from the light directly blasted Thor.

A moment later, the famous Thor, Thor, disappeared in the hands of the White Night King.

After doing all this, Bai Yewang's face was sad and unhappy.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the area that suddenly appeared around her, I'm afraid she couldn't win so easily. Therefore, this is not a happy thing.

Especially with the existence of Sol and Ares, even if they are dead, they will return someday.

Because, the powerful group of gods in the box court generally have some kind of resurrection ritual.

Even if the soul is gone, it is not impossible to resurrect.

And this is the background and strength of the boxing **** group!

"All right!"

At this moment, the Queen of Starlight spoke, and she saw that the Queen first put the canaries and others together, and then placed the enchantment of the Seal Emperor Shitian aside

"Attention, from now on, it is the most dangerous moment, come on!"

Just when the queen's voice just fell

"Boom !!!"

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