My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 16: Epiphany, the five steps of Taoism!

After the announcement of Nagato, Bai Yujing's banquet officially began.

Of course, although it is said to be a formal banquet, in fact, in this case, there is really no one willing to host the banquet, give a speech or something, everyone walks casually, and gathers in twos and threes.

Or under the cherry blossom trees, enjoy the tea and enjoy the flowers; or sit opposite, and drink boldly; or laugh and laugh, singing and dancing

"Longmen Jun, let's have a drink!"

Shortly after the banquet, Aoqi Qingzi came to the front of the Nagato with a flushed face. His right hand was pouring wine into his mouth while holding a bottle, and he took another bottle in his left hand to the front of the Nagato .

Obviously, she didn't feel too much alcohol, but Nagato knew that this guy was already drunk.

I can still stand now, but I ’m just going crazy.


Without any hesitation, Nagato took the wine bottle of the other party and glanced at the cherry blossoms not far away. Qingzi ’s sister, Cangqi Orange, was entangled with the beads of Jiuyuan Temple for drinking

Sure enough, the two guys are worthy of being sisters, not to mention the difference in wine volume, and the wine quality is also very poor!

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and the long door lifted the bottle and poured it into his mouth.

"Great! I'm coming too"

Seeing the action of Nagato, Qingzi's eyes lit up, as if to compete with Nagato. He also poured wine into his mouth, and then it didn't take long for this guy to fall to the ground.


At this time, Nagato just finished drinking the wine in the bottle and exhaled for a long time.

Bai Yujing is worthy of Bai Yujing, the wine used is really extraordinary

At least, Nagato was very satisfied with this.

at this time

"Longmen Jun, let's have a drink too!"

After seeing Qingzi fall, Jiu Xinnai jumped out, and saw that the red-haired girl was unusually heroic and raised a larger wine jar and challenged the long gate:

"By the way, how about using a glass of wine?"

The girl's voice just fell, and the Nagato suddenly felt it. There were hundreds of eyes on his body. Turning his head, Nagato saw a pair of eager eyes.


After a moment of hesitation, there was a hearty smile on Nagato's face, "No matter you or anyone else, I will accompany you to the end today !!"

Bai Yujing's banquet lasted a whole day

With the passage of time, the original happy farewell party gradually became qualitative and became a contest between the Nagato and the ladies. The bottle of wine with an amazing four-digit number was consumed.

At the end of the banquet, when the long goalkeeper poured the last bellflower, the whole person could not help shaking.

You must know that the Nagato at this time is a supreme sacred body created by the power of the source, and possesses the physical characteristics of Chaos God and Destiny Star Spirit. Its high quality is completely unimaginable.

But even such a long door, under the attack of the women, finally appeared a trend of drunkenness.

"Oh, you little girls, it's naive!"

Standing a little wobbly in the courtyard, looking at the girls around, the spirit of the long door burst out, communicated the system, and then sent the girls directly to their rooms.

After doing all this, under the feeling of intoxication, Nagato staggered to the cherry tree and sat down.

Leaning on the tree trunk raised his head slightly, the falling cherry blossoms appeared in the vision of the long gate

"It's so beautiful!"

He whispered to himself, and the eyes of the long gate gradually softened, and in a slightly drunk state, the originally sensible soul seemed to touch something at this moment

Then, in a trance, the red-haired teenager seemed to understand what he could not help but showed a big smile.

At the same time, the power within the body is more and more surging, and there seems to be a surging sound of sea tide surging around, and the surrounding voids are constantly jumping at this moment.

With the passage of time, the insights of "Chaos" and "Fate" in Nagato's heart have become more and more profound.

Through these two special roads, the essence of authenticity seems to be close at hand.


"Or not!"

Shaking his head gently, Nagato took the initiative to interrupt his epiphany, then leaned on the tree trunk and closed his eyes, quietly calming down the regret brought by the forced termination of epiphany.

Epiphany, this is a state that can't be met.

In this state, the speed of spiritual practice can soar to an incomparable level, and past perceptions and details will be transformed into the path of the practitioners at an alarming speed.

Throughout the endless chaos, all practitioners admire this state!

But for Nagato, this epiphany did not come at this time.

After all, epiphany is not omnipotent even magical. In the eyes of Nagato, the so-called epiphany is nothing more than a guide eruption of accumulation. At this time, Nagato believes that the accumulation in the tunnel is too obvious.

In this case, if you go deep into the epiphany, I am afraid that you will not gain much, even if you are lucky enough to realize your true meaning

Then come to think of it, this so-called authentic truth should not be perfect!

In the practice of heaven and humanity, Nagato is perfect, and has also achieved amazing achievements. Under such circumstances, Nagato does not want to see any defects in the practice of authenticity.

Therefore, although it is regrettable to interrupt one's own epiphany, Nagato will never regret it.


"The gains from epiphany are not small anymore"

He murmured to himself, and the long door slowly opened his eyes.

Although it is impossible to comprehend the true meaning of what he most hopes to get, Nagato's epiphany harvest this time is not small. In addition to the more harmonious and perfect body strength, Nagato can be considered to be the practice after fully understanding the Tao.

From the perspective of Nagato, from the achievement of Dao Realm to the end of the Avenue, there are five steps in total.

In this process, Nagato called it a five-step Dao Realm!

The first step of Dao Realm is called Dao Ren!

This stage is the initial stage after the achievement of Dao Realm. Under normal circumstances, everyone will understand their own destiny. In the endless chaos, only Dao can truly call themselves the strong!

The second step of Tao Realm, its name is true!

This stage is the sublimation of the realm of Taoism. With the core of the original meaning and the perfect control of the existence of all its abilities, it can be called Daozhen. It is equivalent to the existence of the third place in the box court. In the entire chaotic void, Daozhen can be called quasi-big. can.

The third step of Dao Realm can be called Dao God, or Mighty!

In this realm, practitioners need to extend their original meanings to control a perfect power. The so-called perfect power is the power that can be used in any world, which is equivalent to the double-digit box.

As for the fourth step of Tao Realm, Nagato called it Dao Sheng!

This state is a part of omnipotence, and the existence of this step is either luck, or talent, and chaos, otherwise, even if the best conditions are practiced for hundreds of millions of years, it is not so dead.

In the box world, this realm is called a single digit. In some fairy-tale worlds, this realm is called a Hundred Yuan saint. Even in the original world, the existence of this realm is a master.

By the way, at this time, the two ways of the Longmen Tianren are just ordinary ways.

And the pinnacle of Dao Sheng has actually exceeded the limits of Dao Sheng and set foot in another world.

In the original world, this realm is usually called the Chaos King. The parting soul that Nagato encountered in the Moon World was the parting soul of a Chaos King.

Now think about it, Nagato himself felt a bit reckless at the time.

If you can go further at the peak of Daosheng, it is the Taoist ancestor who has taken the fifth step in the legend and came to the end of the avenue!

This state is completely inhumane, and even the Nagato at this time cannot understand.

"But the threshold has been seen, isn't it?"

So mumbling, Nagato stood up from under the cherry tree and looked into the distance. "Either the King of Chaos or Dao Zu, sooner or later, I will arrive there someday."

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