My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 17: Coming! Long Yin Jiu Xiao!

Time rushed, and days passed in an instant.

On the side of the plane, the locking of the alien plane was finally completely completed, and the time for the long gate departure had arrived. At the moment, the red-haired boy did not say much, and appeared in chaos alone.

"The fusion is perfect, so good!"

Looking at the sky dragon in the distance that had merged with the eccentric plane, Nagato nodded in satisfaction.

For the plane in front of which cannot be broken through with violence, Nagato chose to integrate, and under the power of Nagato, Sky Dragon has become a part of that plane

The way Nagato enters that plane is to use the position occupied by the sky dragon in this plane.

In short, the Nagato will appear as an avatar of the sky dragon walking inside this plane.

"It's a bit weird to be an avatar of your own incarnation!"

Some speechless self ridiculed, the figure of the long door suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, the red-haired boy appeared directly on the crystal wall of the eccentric plane, standing on the head of the sky dragon.


As soon as the words fell, Nagato's whole body merged into the sky dragon.

At the next moment, the eyes of the seemingly silent chaotic dragon flashed through the blue brilliance, bursting into a shocking dragon chant, and shocked the massive amount of chaotic air around

"Let's go!"

At this moment, Zhu Yue's eyes were a little deep in the monitoring room next to the side plane. Then the ancestor of the moon turned his long blond hair and looked at Remilia sitting on the side:

"How is it? Xiao Leimi, it's too late to regret it now."

"No need to!"

Remilia glanced at Zhu Yue and said without hesitation, "I'm ready, and when the time comes, it's when my Lord Remilia Scarlet arrives!"


"No rush, it's Scarlett!"

Hearing Zhu Yue's doubts, Remilia's face showed a sense of pride, "Although it is okay to use Brunnstad, but it always feels so boring, so Miss Ben decided to create a clan herself!"


At this time, Shaye, who had just walked in from the outside, heard Remilia's words, and suddenly narrowed her eyes. Unlike Zhu Yue, Shaye shared the memory with Nagato and knew the memory of her previous life.

Saya has never forgotten that there was a thing called Fantasy Township in the past life of Nagato.

"Remilia Scarlett"

With a glance at the eccentric plane trapped in chaos, Saya couldn't help but secretly thought, "Is it a coincidence? No, it shouldn't be, then the plane in front of me is"

"If so, it would be so interesting"

Not to mention Saya's thoughts, Nagato at this time was already surprised to be speechless.

Originally according to the assumption of Nagato, I just walked through the scene inside the sky dragon, contaminated my breath, and just made a ‘record’ in the world consciousness of this plane.

But what the red-haired boy didn't think of was that his fake and inferior incarnation still had considerable benefits.

No, huge amounts of information beyond ordinary people's imagination are pouring into the mind of the long door.

These are the information accumulated in countless years of history on this plane. Millennials, tens of thousands of years, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, and even more distant history, all madly poured into the mind of the long door

By the way, the place where the creatures of this plane live is actually the earth again.

Among the thousands of planes occupied by Bai Yujing, the plane containing the earth accounts for more than 90%. It must be said that this is indeed a very worthy question.

If only that was the case, Nagato would be a little surprised at best, so that he would not be speechless.

The problem is that in these messy and disorganized masses of information, Nagato captured a few fragments from the last chaotic era, which verified the correctness of their conjectures and that of Saya.

"Hahaha, I finally started to really see the true colors of this world !!!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and the whole person of Nagato not only showed a joyful mood. Under such emotions, the red-haired youngster organized the information more quickly, and within a moment, he completely absorbed and digested the information.

then "Boom !!!"

The surrounding space burst into a burst of sound.

At the next moment, as if a switch was touched, the huge entire space collapsed and collapsed quickly, and the red-haired boy suddenly turned black. At the same time, the basic structure of the world appeared in the mind of Nagato.

Those are the nine most basic rules, the nine rules of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness!

Then, some wonderful rules appeared directly on the body of the long door

"It turns out so!"

In an instant, Nagato suddenly understood.

My own Sky Dragon avatar has been fully integrated with this plane. In a sense, the long gate that appears as an avatar is almost not much different from the gods that appear as root tentacles.

The gods with root tentacles are all known by nature and have natural abilities.

In the same way, it is also true for ourselves as the incarnation of the sky dragon.

Therefore, the rules of the plane are acting on the body of Nagato, helping him to acquire natural abilities


"Do I need this power?"

Even if he does not have the strongest power of Heaven and Man at this time, Nagato doesn't feel that he needs any new power, but this idea has just appeared and it has been shattered by reality.

Because at this moment, the authentic origin inside the long door actually echoes this rule

Soon, Nagato felt that a new force was germinating in his heart.

It was just that the red-haired boy didn't have time to realize his new power. His eyes lit up, and then the long door found that he was actually falling vertically in the tens of thousands of meters.

Chaos-colored sky dragon phantom emerged above the long gate.



The earth-shattering dragon chanted through Jiuxiao, shaking the whole world.

A sun flower field in the extreme east

The green-haired girl who just bombarded the wolf demon with hundreds of crimes into flower mud could not help but stop her footsteps, looked up at the sky, and showed a slightly mad smile.

"Haha, it's so funny, I really want to fight once!"

In the family of Onmyoji, hundreds of kilometers away from the Sun Flower Field

Holding a parasol, the blonde girl, who was about to bomb the clan chief of the Onmyoji family, could not help but stop her movements, listening to the Dragon Yin that only the strong could hear, frowning.

"What's going on, how can this kind of guy be born in this era"

Deserted mountains

The ghost races who are bored and drinking are all excited, rubbing their fists, and the four kings of the ghost race take the lead, "Come on, little ones, go find the dragon!"

Above the moon

The young girl in the nurse hat and robe doing experiments suddenly overwhelmed the medicine in his hand, and at the same time, a shocking coercion broke out in the center of the moon.

"Oh, does this newly born guy make you panic?"

The girl in the nurse's hat and robe subconsciously glanced at the source of coercion, and a trace of sarcasm appeared on his face.

In the subspace world attached to the earth

The great demon who opened up the world could not help waking up from a deep sleep, rubbing his eyes, "what a wonderful person, who awakened me, who is it."

In addition, there were the heavenly people living in the clouds, the fairy people hiding in the old forest in the mountains, and so on, and heard this Dragon Yin.

The performances of these guys are numerous and varied!

All in all, the strong men in this plane, whether they are young Tianjiao or old ancestors, whether they are in retreat or fighting, as long as their strength reaches a certain level of existence, at this moment, all are alarmed

When the Dragon God comes, the world is shocked! ..

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