My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 18: Kami Shirasane

This is not the first time Nagato has fallen from a height.

To be honest, it is not a big deal for a red-haired boy to fall into space from a cosmic meteor from outer space. At most, it is a sideshow.

Even in the process of this fall, he will not do any defense, and it will be fine.


"Self abuse is always bad!"

Looking at the ground closer and closer to him, clearly distinguished that this is the extreme east of the earth on the heteroplane, and the long gate began to call for the power in his body.

Not a force like Daoli, but a new force that was just born.

In this new world, Nagato does not intend to use powers such as Dao power, Chaos divine power, and Protoss magic powers, but only uses powers that conform to the rules of this world.

Then, a smile appeared at the corner of Nagato's mouth.

"I didn't expect this kind of power. It's so interesting!"

The thought flashed in his head, the hands of the long door spread out, and a little dragon power burst out of the red-haired boy, and an invisible air flow around his arm as if it had turned into a dragon's wings.


I saw that Nagato shook his hands slightly, and suddenly a large amount of whirlwind was rolled up. Under the buffer of this whirlwind, the red-haired boy fell more slowly

When the whirlwind was finally consumed, the speed of the long door falling has dropped a lot.

At this time, it is probably less than 500 meters from the ground


At this moment, Nagato suddenly saw that a fierce battle was taking place where he was about to fall. To be precise, dozens of figures were constantly attacking around a figure.

If Nagato didn't feel wrong, then the breath of the figure surrounded by the center should be a monster.

As a result, this scene seems to be the demon eradication.


"A monster with a virtue of virtue?"

There was a look of surprise on his face. In the memory of Nagato, there are monsters who can possess the virtues. There are not many people from ancient times to the present. Those are all auspicious beasts deserved by Nagato.

Shang Baize Huiyin felt that she was helpless to the extreme.

It's really unpleasant to look at the group of people wearing robe and opening their mouths to be evildoers. It's just that they went to your country to be prime ministers for several years. As for this!

A whole month of chasing and killing, even going across the ocean

To be honest, Shang Baize Huiyin realized for the first time that he was so hated by others, and he had to kill himself so desperately,

You should know that with the help of Huiyin, that country has also made great progress in recent years.


"Shut up, you demon!"

At this time, the leader of the Taoist priests, the most dignified and righteous middle-aged Taoist priest, said, "No matter what achievements you make, you cannot wash away your sins."

"Dare to intervene in the court of human beings as a demon, steal humane luck and practice, and be guilty of death!"

"Arrangement, Sky Sword Formation!"

As the middle-aged Taoist priest's voice just fell, the rest of the Taoist priests responded, and in an instant, a flying sword was sacrificed by these Taoist priests, turned into a sword array, and surrounded Huiyin.

"Cut, again this thing!"

Feeling the heartfelt sharp edge, looking at the surrounding sword array, Huiyin's face could not help showing a frustration. This was not the first time Huiyin saw this sword array.

In fact, if it weren't for this sword formation, Huiyin was not afraid of the guys in front of him.

You should know that her Baize Huiyin is a demigod beast that carried the blood of the ancient **** Beizawa. Where can these priests who can't practice at home be compared?

Yes, I ca n’t go home! This is the understanding of Shang Baize Huiyin on his hunters and is also a real reality.

Carrying the essence and blood of the disappearing Baize Mythical Beast, Huiyin also inherited Baize's ability to manipulate history and some of its memories. Through those memories, Huiyin knew

As the strongest existence on that continent across the sea, the Taoists are all a group of world evaders away from the red dust.

They are a group of people who seek to become immortals, even the heavens.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no big crisis, they will ignore it.

Without knowing this situation, where would Huiyin go to the powerful and ancient country across from the sea? It just seems that there will be some alternative groups in any group!


"Could you please ask me, why did you keep chasing me!"

Facing the sword array that was about to be bombarded, Huiyin's complexion gradually calmed down when he knew it was not a complaint, and the wise color flashed through his eyes.

"Don't say anything like humanity and luck, it's all deceiving children. Where do Taoists who realize the world and the world care about these things, what do you, or you, do?"

"Nonsense, demon, look at the sword!"

A flash of surprise and confusion flashed in his eyes. The middle-aged Taoist immediately urged his flying sword. Under the leadership of this flying sword, the surrounding flying swords moved accordingly, and the huge sword array suddenly turned into operation.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

In an instant, a large number of flying swords fell from the sky, breaking the air.

Faced with this situation, Hui Yin's eyes narrowed, and all the skills learned from countless past history were revealed. The girl directly turned into a martial arts strongman, even continually avoiding the attack of Feijian.

However, Huiyin can only do this step after all

After all, it was not many years since she got Baize's essence blood. In the development of the blood of the Divine Beast, the progress was not great. If not, Huiyin would not go to the place where the Divine Beast was born to see if there was any chance.

It seems that in the current situation, there is no chance, and the trouble has caused a lot of trouble.

"Damn, why is it not the full moon now!"

In the constant dodge, Hui Yin's mind emerged with such an idea, because at the full moon, she can transform into a half-beast, inspiring the power of the blood in the body.

In that case, in the face of this sword formation, it would not be so passive

There is a way to keep for a long time, and after a few minutes, Huiyin finally did not escape the attack of Feijian. A sword was directly drawn on the thigh, blood flowed, and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

"Haha, look at where you are going, look at the sword!"

Seeing Huiyin's situation, the middle-aged Taoist laughed, and directly driven the mystery of the sword array. In an instant, dozens of flying swords were brought together and turned into a giant sword with a height of more than ten meters.


Accompanied by the middle-aged man's order, Jujian bombed toward Huiyin.

"not good!"

Looking at the impacted giant sword, Hui Yin's face changed greatly, and she wanted to avoid it, but the wound on her leg made the girl a little difficult to move.

A purple brilliance fell from the sky and bombarded the great sword head-on.


Just like the meteorites in the universe collided with each other, the earth-shattering loud noise oscillated. In this shock, the giant sword suddenly shifted its direction and bombarded the ground in front of Huiyin.


A huge noise suddenly burst out in the surrounding space. Amidst the smoke and dust, a huge crack on the ground spread like a spider web and spread quickly.

"Ha, land completely!"

At this moment, the purple brilliance landed lightly and turned into a red-haired young man in a purple robe. Looking at the dumbfounded Hui Yin, the young man said heartily:

"Hello, chick, I think you should need help, right."

"Yes, it is!"

After hesitating, Huiyin replied.

ps: The community has been out of water for more than two days. Today, it is because of heat stroke, **** it! ..

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