My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Roar of Railong! First change!

"Oh well!"

Looking at the half-demon girl in front of him, Nagato carefully perceives her situation from a close distance, and nods in satisfaction, "So what price are you willing to pay for me to help you?"


Hearing the words of Nagato, Huiyin was suddenly overwhelmed.

To be honest, the girl just thought that she had met a hero who saved the beauty. Who knows that it is not a hero at all, but an overbearing hero

As for why it is called the Xiongxiong?

There is no reason for him, because after all, the girl inherited the essence of Bai Ze's blood.

As the inheritor of Bai Ze, the girl is naturally proficient in things such as face and divination. The habit of choosing the bright master of Bai Ze is even deeper into the soul of the girl.

Therefore, when she saw the face of the red-haired boy in front of her, she understood the essence of the other party.

The red-haired boy in front of him is definitely an overbearing owl!

"My wisdom! Or Bai Shi's wisdom!"

After understanding the essence of the other party, Huiyin immediately said the most appropriate answer, "As long as you can help me get through this robbery, then in a hundred years, Baiyin Huiyin will become your follower!"

"Just a century?"

After hearing Huiyin's answer, Nagato could not help but frown.

It has to be said that the wisdom inherited from Bai Ze is indeed very powerful, and actually knew his purpose in an instant, but Nagato was somewhat dissatisfied with this 100-year period.

In the eyes of the red-haired boy, there is always only one deadline for surrendering himself!

That is until death!

"Ah, **** little thief!"

At this moment, the surrounding priests also reacted. The middle-aged priest led by him saw the red-haired young man who had spoiled the situation, and suddenly Bo Yan was furious.

Between the words, he knotted the sword in his hand, and summoned the giant sword that burst into the earth again.

Soon, the surrounding environment was once again filled with sharp sword spirit!

Only under such circumstances, Nagato still looked at the Huiyin in front of his eyes and expressed his meaning with his eyes, ignoring the sword spirit around the outside world.

"Naturally is a century!"

Faced with a little dissatisfaction with the long gate, Shang Baize Huiyin said quietly, "Of course, if this son can let me voluntarily continue to follow after a hundred years, the period will naturally be extended."

"Haha, interesting, really interesting!"

Hearing Huiyin ’s words, a smile appeared on Nagato ’s face, “Although I know you ’re using radical techniques, I took this challenge, then”

"Ah, let me die!"

Nagato's words were not finished yet. Seeing that Nagato and Huiyin were completely ignoring themselves and others, the middle-aged Taoist who felt that his face was greatly damaged immediately launched the advanced killing of Jianzhen.

The ten-meter-long giant sword decomposed into dozens of flying swords, and then fell around the battlefield!


In an instant, a strong roar continued to diffuse between the flying swords.

With these flying swords as nodes, a large amount of white current burst out in the void, flashing back and forth between these dozens of flying swords, first turned into a current encircling circle

At the next moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and the dark clouds did not know when they had appeared.

There is almost no time interval, and the thunder in the sky has been bombarded!

Under this magnificent glory, Shang Baize Huiyin's face could not help but pale, but under this pale, the girl's eyes still did not have any fear, but quietly looked at the long door. Such a calm attitude can't help but make Nagato feel very satisfied.

"Contract established!"

At this time, the red-haired boy said so softly, and then the whole person stepped forward to hug Huiyin into his arms. At the next moment, Thunder was already bombarded on the back of the red-haired boy.


In the thunderous loud noise, the rich dark blue current was mixed with the violent wind and smoke, and rolled up across the earth, as if something horrible suddenly burst open.

Under this terrible shock, the priests around were even unsteady.

"Hahaha, this is what happened when I was right with Dao Ye!"

Standing at the forefront of the explosion, the middle-aged Taoist can't help but turn a little blushing. That's not just the pleasure of killing the guy who despised his majesty, but also the desire for this natural power.

Unlike other Taoists, middle-aged Taoists never desire longevity, but power, absolute power!

Although he can use the Thunder now, it only depends on the power from the group.

Obviously, this situation does not satisfy middle-aged Taoists!

"But it's fast, just grab the half-baize!"

Thinking of an unknown secret technique he had inadvertently obtained, the middle-aged Taoist's face could not help but get excited, but soon, the excitement on the Taoist's face stopped abruptly.


"Is this your thunder?"

An incomparable voice suddenly came from the center of the explosion, and then a terrible burst of Long Wei spread out from it, and faced down on the middle-aged Taoist, making his body tremble involuntarily.

In an instant, the middle-aged Taoist's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

As the master of the faction across the sea, although the middle-aged Taoist is not a well-known figure, but he also has a lot of knowledge. Naturally know that this is the coercion of the dragon.

It's just that he can't believe it. In this barbarous land, there actually appeared a dragon clan? ! !

Thinking of this, the middle-aged Taoist is in a mess!

"Although it is just a natural thunder, but it is also a little bit interesting!"

Along with such words, the figure of the Long Gate wandered out of the smoke in the center of the explosion, and the golden thunder flashed around him from time to time, full of terrible oppression.

Behind the Nagato, Shang Baize Huiyin followed, and a beam of contemplation flashed from time to time on the pretty face of surprise.

"Although I don't know who you are, but since you shot me, then"

The voice just fell, the substantive arrogance exploded from the long door, and showed a trend of increasing geometric multiples. The vast and terrifying power of terror even caused many priests around to directly lose their will to resist.

At the next moment, the red-haired boy burst into thunder with thick arms, like a python, passed to the ground through the feet of the long door, and then spread violently, turning the surrounding into a thunder pool!

The middle-aged Taoist priest wanted to say something, but the Nagato was reluctant to listen at all.

"You take my trick too, Thunder Dragon's"

Between the talks, the long door opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The golden thunder around him poured into the mouth of the red-haired boy frantically.


With the last words, a thunder like a dragon burst out of the long door!

"Do not!!!"

Seeing the terrifying thunder dragon that erupted from the entrance of the long gate, the middle-aged Taoist subconsciously wanted to drive the sword array to block, but the surrounding area had turned into the realm of the thunder of the long gate.

The mark originally engraved on the flying sword was immediately affected, making his movement inevitably slower.

In the end, middle-aged Taoist priests can only watch Thunder blasting on themselves!

"Boom !!!"

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