My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 22: Missed the first sight!

After getting off the car, the two men left the team soon.

When I left, I looked at the team leader's seemingly respectful but actually happy performance. Shang Baize Huiyin could only sigh, and some people just have no vision and blessing.

After a brief exchange, Huiyin had almost understood the thoughts of her master.

In Huiyin's eyes, his owner is not a stingy person

If the owner of the team can remain respectful, the owner of the team is likely to give him some benefits as a reward, instead of turning around and going away as he is now.

I am afraid that the owner of the house is too lazy to know the name of the other party.

You should know that in Huiyin's judgment, the owner is absolutely extraordinary, and the insignificant benefits of inadvertently flowing from his fingers are definitely a great for normal human beings.

"It's a pity, but this is destiny!"

Thinking like this, Hui Yin did not say much, but quietly followed behind the red-haired boy. In the eyes of the girl, this kind of thing involving personal choice can be observed.

As the inheritor of Bai Ze, the style of historian gradually appeared in Hui Yin.

That is to look at the world with cold eyes without too much interference.

Especially after being hunted down by Datang across the sea this time, Huiyin's mentality has quietly undergone a huge change, but for the world of red dust, he gradually has a distant mind.

In fact, if he hadn't become a follower of Nagato, Huiyin might have found a secluded corner and retired.

The place where the convoy is parked is an ordinary small town.

The surrounding buildings are very common, and it looks strange. The only thing that makes people more curious is that from time to time someone can be seen walking in a certain direction.


Nagato looked a little curiously towards the gathering place of the crowd. The extraordinary eyesight allowed the red-haired boy to directly see the scene of the gathering place of the other side of the town.

It's a building that looks very ordinary, and it looks just like the surrounding buildings.

Only through the gate of the building, the long gate saw the banquet in the building.

Indistinctly, the red-haired boy also saw the singing and dancing performance beside the feast!


A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the long door said softly, "I didn't expect someone in this ordinary town to be so extravagant, and it was a family that looked so ordinary."

During the talk, Nagato's gaze still glanced around, not knowing what to look for.

"It should be the people who suddenly become rich!"

Hearing what Nagato said, Huiyin quickly made his own judgment, and then looked at Nagato, "Master, are you looking for something? Since just now, you have been looking for something."

"Before that, I felt the power of time!"

Without any concealment, Nagato expressed his doubts, "It's just that the breath is just a flash, and now I can't find it at all, forget it, go and see it there."

As soon as the words fell, Nagato took the lead towards the building at the end of the town.

Behind the red-haired boy, Bai Shizhao followed. The town is not big, and soon Nagato and Huiyin spanned the whole town and came to the building where the banquet was being held. At this time, a sound came from inside the building Uproar.

From the perspective of Nagato and Huiyin, I clearly saw that everyone including men and women in the field of vision, including the singing and dancing people performing, showed a slightly dull expression.

Seeing this, Nagato and Huiyin looked at each other, and each saw the curiosity in the other's eyes.

"Go, go and see!"

As he said in this way, the long door walked towards the door of the building.

Soon, the red-haired boy stepped over the threshold and walked into the building. If it is normal, uninvited guests like the long door will get a lot of attention if they want to come.

Only this time, Nagato found that everyone's eyes were attracted to somewhere.

Subconsciously, the red-haired boy looked towards the place where everyone's eyes converged--


In an instant, there seemed to be a roar in Nagato's brain.

Appearing in the field of vision of a red-haired boy is a beautiful and dazzling girl.

Nagato has seen too many beautiful women, and the girls gathered at Bai Yujing are all plane-faced Zhong Xiu characters.

However, when he saw the girl in front of him, Nagato couldn't help but jump in his heart!

This is a perfect girl in the oriental aesthetic.

Night-like soft long hair rises up high, like the flower head of the Edo period, the gold hairpin jade locks on it, wearing a phoenix crown, thin powder covering the face, and the tender white ruddy cheeks seem to be able to drip water.

The bangs in front of the girl's forehead is a typical princess hair style, smooth and elegant but free and easy.

The pale cherry lips are a little, and they are showing a reserved smile, beautiful and moving.

But the most indispensable thing is the temperament of girls.

After all, there is a limit to appearance. After all, beauty is subjectively influenced by life. Among the most recognized top-level beauties, there is not much difference in appearance.

The temperament is the best embellishment and sublimation of beauty.

From the girl in front of him, Nagato felt the nobleness and elegance sprouting from the depths of the soul, and the looming loneliness

The so-called surviving and independent, not talking about the girl in front of you!

"I want to get her!"

Such thoughts burst into the mind of Nagato, and he was firm and persistent, without any hesitation.

When encountering such a girl, if you can't put it in your own room and love it for a lifetime, the red-haired teenager can't forgive herself!

And Nagato also sensed the breath of time he had felt before

The source is this gorgeous girl from the front!

"Cough, everyone!"

At this moment, an old man standing next to the girl suddenly coughed a few times, attracting the attention of everyone obsessed.

Then the old man pointed at the girl and proudly introduced to all the people present: "This is Xiao Ye Hui Ye, Neng Zhu's Hui Ye Ji, I hope you all take care!"

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