My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 23: Each thought is more important!

"Nengzhu's Hui Ye Ji?"

Hearing this name, the eyes of the red-haired boy turned slightly, the memory in his brain suddenly flipped, and the story of the bamboo fetch story once seen in his previous life suddenly appeared in his mind.

It is a folk tale of Yingzhou Island.

The story is about an old man named Sanqi Zaomao who cut a bamboo and found a three-inch-long little man from the bamboo and brought it home to raise.

Three months later, the villain grew into Hui Ye Ji, who fell into the country, and recognized the old man as his father!

Hui Yeji's beauty is undoubtedly very normal and caused a sensation. Then, this beauty also attracted many suitors.

Among these suitors are not only noble children, but even the emperor at the time.

However, Hui Yeji is a strange woman who pursues freedom and defies power. No matter who the suitor is, she completely defeats it with her own wisdom.

At the end of the story, Hui Yeji restored her identity as a heavenly man and returned to the moon

Well, in a sense, this is a Yingzhou version of Chang'e story.

Of course, Hui Yeji's story is much more exciting.

When I looked closely at the girl in front of me, and then at the old man beside her, the red-haired boy suddenly seemed to be right. This girl was indeed Hui Yeji.

At this moment, it was just when she had just exposed her beauty.

Just in a sudden

Nagato also felt incredible.

After knowing the existence of Yakumo Zi and Shang Baize Huiyin, the red-haired boy was very clear that the plane he is now in may be equated with the fantasy township in the memory of his previous life.

Under such circumstances, is the so-called Hui Ye Ji not Ji? !

"It's unimaginable!"

He whispered to himself in the mouth, the long door looked at the girl, or Hui Yeji's eyes were a little weird. "I should sigh, is time really a pig-killing knife?"

But as the saying goes, Nagato also knows that the memories of previous lives are not completely credible

At most, it only has some reference value.

Compared to this so-called Ji, Nagato is more concerned about the origin of Hui Ye.

According to the memories of the previous life, the full name of Huiye Ji is Penglaishan Huiye, the princess of the people of the moon.

It was only the princess who forced the strongest sage on the moon due to a moment of interest, and produced a potent medicine that made people immortal, which violated taboos.

The incident was exposed, and Hui Ye was sentenced accordingly.

However, after taking Penglai ’s medicine, Huiye can regenerate immediately even if she dies. To some extent, she is immortal. As a result, people on the lunar surface can only exile Huiye to the ground before reincarnating. To punish by living with the cheap people on earth.


"Is this really the case?"

Echoing some memory fragments of the previous life, Nagato felt suddenly full of loopholes.

Not to mention anything else, the Penglai's medicine, which makes people immortal, is a taboo that cannot be avoided in the capital of the lunar surface, which makes Nagato ridiculous.

Nagato would n’t believe it, the moon-faced people were noble enough to ignore this elixir of eternal life!

There are definitely things that Nagato didn't know about.

Thinking of this, Nagato could not help being curious.

At the same time, red-haired teenagers are even more eager to get Huiye.


"It's not time yet!"

Thinking about his current situation, Nagato felt he needed to make some preparations.

He glanced at Hui Yeji again, just as the girl's field of vision looked at the Nagato, facing each other, the Nagato could not help showing a smile, and then nodded towards Huiyin around him, and took the lead out of the door .

Seeing the action of Nagato, Huiyin was a little puzzled, but still followed.


Looking at the disappearing back in the far door, Hui Ye's face could not help flashing a trace of solidification.

As a moon-faced princess who has been magnified, Hui Ye has always been very self-knowledge. She is very clear that if she shows up in the world with her own appearance, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

In fact, if she could, she would rather have been hiding at home and not seeing outsiders.

It's just that the two adoptive parents who adopted them wanted to announce to the world that they had such a beautiful daughter. They deeply understood the regret that the two old people had no children. Hui Ye couldn't refuse.

Plus, the girl is still a little confident about herself!

Although the force is insufficient, with his own wisdom, he should be able to deal with these troubles.

Therefore, she agreed to the requirements of adoptive parents!

It was just that the girl had never imagined that she had encountered such a big trouble just on the road outside.

That's right, big trouble!

Although the red-haired boy did not show any strength, and even just glanced at Hui Ye, Hui Ye still saw some clues with his own eyes.

Not to mention anything else, the half-beast girl who accompanies the other party alone shows the other party ’s extraordinary.

But for Huiye, the half-beast girl is not the most troublesome.

The most troublesome thing is the red-haired boy himself.

In the other party's eyes, Hui Ye saw the conquest of everything, and even his own overbearing will. This kind of will was inscribed in the other party's bones, even in the soul.

If this kind of will, if not through hardening and tempering, where would be so shocking.

In short, this is definitely an amazing bully!

Huiye can fully predict that in the near future, the red-haired boy will come back again. With the dominance of the other party, he may be in trouble.


With a sigh in her mind again, Hui Yeji looked at her adoptive father, who was still showing pride to everyone, and suddenly sighed helplessly in his heart:

"Forget it, anyway, as long as their adoptive fathers are happy, it will be time to see them!"

Thinking about this, Hui Yeji suddenly interrupted her adoptive father's words and said: "My father, the concubine seems to be a little sick, can you?"

"Yes, good girl, come back home and have a rest!"

Before Hui Ye's words were finished, the old man knew her intentions. He loved his daughter so much that he let his wife bring her back to the house.

Seeing this scene, everyone present secretly sighed ..

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