My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 43: Challenge and Emperor Inwa

Xing Xiong Yongyi is worthy of being the king of power at the top of Yingzhou monster.

Although she has an incomparably belligerent and alcoholic side, she knows a lot about this world's intelligence. Under her account, Nagato suddenly knew more about the world.

The original longmen's cognition of the strong in this world is limited to the memory of past life and the hearsay of this life.

In the estimation of the red-haired boy, although there are many strong men in this world, there are only dozens of them. However, after listening to Yong Yi's speech, Nagato could not help but reveal surprising information.

Therefore, according to Yong Yi, in this age of monsters, the number of real monsters seems to be beyond imagination.

Not to mention the other, as recorded by the ghost family alone, Yingzhou occupies more than twenty big monsters.

The area of ​​Yingzhou on the earth is actually not very big, just an island country.

By analogy, we can know how many big monsters exist in the entire plane, and in front of such a force, if this era is not an era of monsters, no one will believe it.

As for the intelligence of the Monster Mountain, it is quite tricky for Nagato.

It is said that it was originally the territory of Yingzhou's unique monster, Tengu, but it was only after the previous generation of ghost clan took it and occupied it, and Tengu became the slave of the ghost clan.

After the ghost clan occupied the mountain of monsters, it later attracted the Kappa clan and many of the monster monsters who acted alone.

It has to be said that the monster mountain at this time is definitely one of the best in the entire Yingzhou island country.

Under such circumstances, it seems difficult for Nagato to obtain Monster Mountain.

Although Nagato is confident that he can defeat any strong man who is blocked in front of him, his power seems to be somewhat difficult to swallow the power of the entire Monster Mountain. Nagato can't open all the enemies.

If you do this, what else do you have to do?

It was only soon that the distress of Nagato turned into surprise.

Because Xing Xiong Yongyi made a suggestion!

"Then challenge it, send a challenge post directly to the other three ghost clan kings, and then defeat them under the large crowd, so that you can get the entire monster mountain."

"Uh, will this work?"

Hearing the words of Yong Yi, Nagato said with doubt, "Will the Monster Mountain really fall to another force because of the defeat of his leader?"

"Why not?"

It was just after hearing the words from Nagato that Xing Xiong Yongyi had even more doubts on her face, and asked, "Is it not natural for the weak to obey the strong? Why not?"


At this time, Nagato realized that he had forgotten that the thinking of the ghost race is different from that of normal creatures, and he said at the moment, "Yes, of course, it is so decided."

After making a decision, Nagato wrote a challenge letter to the Monster Mountain.

Although Xing Xiong Yongyi said, as long as he sends a challenge letter, no ghost race will escape, but because of fear that other monsters of the Monster Mountain will block, the goalkeeper himself defeated the devil king and robbed his wife. Go up.

At the end of the letter, Nagato even uttered his arrogant words about preparing to marry the other three ghost kings together. Well, this provocative language, even monsters other than ghosts in the mountain of monsters, can't bear it, and it is even more impossible to stop the ghost kings from going to war.

In this way, the Raiders on the Mountain of Monsters, the winning coupon is in hand!

After doing all this, Nagato said goodbye to Xing Xiong Yongyi. After all, the ghost king girl was also seriously injured. At this time, it is better to give her a little time to rest.

The most important thing is that even if the other party is bold, Nagato will give her a little time to accept her time.

The life habits of Changsheng told the necessity of waiting for Nagato.

After walking out of the room, Nagato went to find Huiyin, and asked her to arrange a monster to send a challenge letter to the mountain of monsters, and to find a way to make this challenge letter completely circulated in Yingzhou.

After delivering the task, the red-haired boy suddenly found that he seemed to be fine.

So he walked freely in the eternal pavilion and passed the time.

I didn't know if it was intentional or unintentional. When I walked, Nagato came to Hui Yeji's room, looked at the closed room, and felt the girl in the room. Nagato sighed softly.

The red-haired boy knew very well that Hui Ye at this time was probably still angry.

If he wants to, as long as he runs into the room and comforts the other party well, and claims that the one he loves is the other party, then Huiye may be directly in the heart.

After all, even with more calculations in his heart, Hui Ye is a classical princess in Eastern style after all.

After losing herself to the long door, there are not many choices she can make.

It's just a pity that Nagato will not compromise.

Not only love, but even the vast majority of situations in life, there will be no compromise in Nagato, the essence of overbearing has already thoroughly penetrated into the depths of his soul.


With a slight sigh of relief, the Nagato turned to leave, and then he saw that there was a little white rabbit hiding near the rockery nearby. That was nothing else. It was the rabbit that Hui Ye held before.

I don't know why, but this rabbit is not beside Hui Ye at this time.


Previously, because of the focus on Hui Ye's body, I didn't notice it. Now, looking at this little white rabbit, Chang Men suddenly noticed the special situation on the other party.

Indistinctly, Nagato could feel that the luck in the nether world seemed to be absorbed by the rabbit.

"Hah, it's really an amazing rabbit!"

With such emotions, Nagato strolled close to the rabbit, and in the process, obviously the very timid rabbit did not have any hiding behavior, quietly waiting for the Nagato to approach.


A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the long door hugged the rabbit. The slightest demon spirit. "

"From now on, you are your pet, lucky rabbit!"

Gently stroking the back of the rabbit, some memories of the previous life flashed in the head of the long door, and then said, "Since it is a pet in this seat, then I will give you a name."

"From today on, you will be called Emperor, Inwa Emperor!" ..

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