My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 44: Battle and breakthrough

Time passed, and a week passed in an instant.

In this short seven days, the entire Yingzhou monster side can be described as changing, the waves are dark, and even with the passage of time, even spread to the entire human practice side.

And the source of all this is the challenge letter issued by the demon to the entire monster mountain!

Almost everyone knows how the monster mountain exists, that is the base camp of the ghost family; and the devil is a character, in the eyes of many people, I am afraid it is just a rising star of the monster family.

The rising star of the demon clan challenged the leader of the monster mountain, which was originally just a small thing.

In fact, because of the warlike nature of ghost races, many people know that ghosts will not escape challenges.

Under such circumstances, every year there are several monsters who do not know what to do, and even the onmyoji of human beings to challenge the four ghost kings. The result is either being killed on the spot or being drawn by the ghost race.

To be honest, Yingzhou's monsters and Onmyoji are actually used to it.

Only this time somehow, the content of the challenge letter spread.

Then, everyone who knew the content was stunned.

That's right, this is indeed a new monster declaring war on the ghost king.

But if the rising star has defeated a ghost king, it is no small matter.

And if this rising star has already married the defeated ghost king Qiang, and is ready to defeat the other three ghost kings, complete the achievement of marrying the four kings of the ghost family

Who dares to say that he is a rising star!

All in all, Heavenly Demon is completely famous, especially in the ears of the new generation of monsters, it is even more famous, defeating the ghost king, and marrying as a wife, this must have such terrible courage!

Not only the new generation of monsters, but also the large number of big monsters, all were shaken.

In an instant, many monsters and human eyeliners have paid attention to the monster mountain, and everyone is waiting for the reaction of the monster mountain. Under such circumstances, the ghost kings are fighting!

"August 15, the night of the full moon, the peak of Suzaku, fight !!!"

As the response of the ghost kings spread throughout Yingzhou, Yingzhou's Zhuque Mountain suddenly became the focus of attention.

Today, a week later, it is the day of the decisive battle!

Located a few kilometers away from the lost bamboo forest, it is an unknown waterfall.

When Nagato was riding in a carriage and surrounded by monsters, it was already the setting sun. Under the last glow of the sun, the whole waterfall suddenly turned into a fiery red color.

Then, the entire convoy stopped in front of the waterfall, and the enchantment spread instantly.

"You will stay here with Emperor for now!"

In the luxurious carriage, the long door said to Huiye, who was holding Emperor Inwa, and then opened the curtain and walked out of the carriage together with Xing Xiong Yongyi.

Hui Yin and other monsters outside the carriage saluted.


The monsters nodded toward the salute and nodded their heads. Nagato and Yongyi walked side by side to the waterfall. The first time, the two saw it. At this time, they were sitting at the silver-haired youth under the waterfall.

That's not someone else, it is the Tengu incarnation of Shishengwan in this plane.

At this time, Shengsheng Pill is making its final breakthrough.

The surging fear is emanating from under the waterfall, and then dissipating under the mighty force of nature, but with the perception of the long gate, it can be clearly seen

Under the baptism of nature, the awesome power of the killing pills is constantly being purified. He is only a line away from the big monster.

"Just use the waterfall to refine your body!"

Looking at this scene, Xing Xiong Yongyi suddenly said, "It's really a difficult phenomenon. Tengu actually appeared such a strong man in the vein, so I'm looking forward to it."

"Just, are you sure that the other party will be the one to represent you tonight?"

During the speech, Xing Xiong Yongyi's gaze at Nagato suddenly brought some doubts, "Even if he breaks through, it is just a junior big monster, and the three ghost kings are all the level of intermediate big monsters!"

The so-called junior big monsters and intermediate big monsters are the definition of this plane. If according to the long door, it is the realm of Taoism and the real state of Dao. By the way, the senior big monster is the so-called Dao God!

"Relax, he is no ordinary monster!"

Facing Yongyi's doubts, a mysterious smile flashed on Nagato's face. Although he became a husband and wife, some things were not appropriate. Now say, "Please look forward to it!"

After hearing Nagato's words, Xing Xiong Yongyi stopped talking and just waited quietly.

And this is just three hours!

Over time, the ghost king of power found that the surrounding temperature was gradually lowering, and an unspeakable breath was rising around, making people feel uneasy.

"It seems, underestimate him!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Xing Xiong Yongyi understood that he was too accustomed to the tengu's servant position before he realized that the guy in front of him who was breaking through was a super strong.

Suddenly, Xing Xiong Yongyi seemed to realize that the future Tengu will come under the rule of the ghost race!

Although she realized it, she didn't feel anything special.

It's nothing more than a respect for the strong, worth mentioning!

At this time, Yong Yi cares more about the strong man who is being born. Although the ghosts are not stupid, their thinking is indeed very simple, that is, fighting and drinking, and nothing more than that.


At this moment, a violent coercion burst out under the waterfall.

The setting sun that had not yet fallen completely in the sky, and the full moon that had just appeared flickered at the same time, and the two forces of yin and yang fell from the sky and directly integrated into the body of the killing pill.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three consecutive violent roars erupted from the body of Shi Sheng Wan.

In this roar, the pressure surrounding the perimeter became greater and greater, and almost without any obstacles, he directly crossed the threshold of monsters and monsters, so that all monsters could not help showing a look of fear.

At the moment when the third roar ended, something seemed to be tossed in the void, but this fluctuation was fleeting and few people could find it in the entire plane.

At the same time, all Tengu in this plane felt a mysterious throb at this moment

Then, Shi Sheng Maru held the demon sword, and appeared in front of everyone with his naked upper body.

The perfect big monster breath is vividly displayed!

The surrounding monsters looked at this scene, all showing awe-inspiring expressions. In this world, there is a very obvious gap between the monsters and the big monsters. Seeing so easy to break through the killing pills, how can the monsters not be awesome.

Even the veteran of the veteran monster looks a little strange looking at the killing pill.

You know, the time it took her to break from a high-level monster to a big monster was definitely in years. The guy in front of him was less than seven days old.

At the moment, even if the heroic heroes are like ghost kings, they can't help but sigh, demon than demon, angry demon!


Looking at such a killing pill, Nagato nodded and turned away. "Then it's time to go. Now Suzakuyama is very lively. As one of the protagonists, we are not late." ..

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