My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 45: Suzakuyama first


This is a very famous mountain in Yingzhou.

The altitude of this mountain is close to more than 4,000 meters, the peaks rise into the clouds, and the top of the mountain is snow-capped. The mountain is in the shape of a cone, like a fan hanging upside down. Some poets once praised it with poems like "Jade Fan Hanging East China Sea".

In terms of appearance, this mountain really has nothing to do with legendary beasts like Suzaku.

But in fact, this mountain is really the mountain where Suzaku is located.

This incident can be traced back to about 1,500 years ago. There was a terrifying super war on the mainland of Shenzhou across the sea. All the great gods came to fight, and finally ignited plane awareness.

After that war, the land of China, which was originally a lone step plane, suddenly weakened, and it was no longer the case.

In that war, many mythological creatures and big monsters ran out of China, and some of them went to Yingzhou. Among them, two examples are the most famous.

The first example is a nine-tailed fox on Qingqiu Mountain. After she came to Yingzhou, she directly played the drama of scourge the country and the people, and even almost completely subverted the entire country of Yingzhou.

It's just a pity that the Nine-Tailed Fox finally failed and finally disappeared.

In the second example, a severely dying Suzaku ran to the mountain in preparation for Nirvana.

It is said that many Yingzhou monsters came to this mountain when they heard the news, and were ready to fight the autumn wind. In any case, Suzaku's undead name was really too popular.

Then, a fierce war broke out on this mountain, and the fire of Suzaku burned the world.

The result of the war was both defeat and injury. The monsters of Yingzhou were mixed with death and injury, but Suzaku was missing. Later, in order to commemorate the war, the battlefield at that time, that is, the mountain was named Suzaku.

On weekdays, there will not be too many creatures in the huge Suzakuyama.

Humans are scarce because they are too tall and sinister, and monsters are scarce because they are full of the remaining power of Suzaku, and normal monsters will be subject to a certain degree of consistency here.

But tonight is different. When the moonlight first appeared, a large number of figures gathered in the entire foothills.

Among these bystanders, there is an area where the onlookers do not have the super monster level super existence, but it is definitely the most conspicuous, because this area is the area where human power is located.

In this battlefield between the ghost king and the devil, humans actually sent forces to come over.

How can this situation not attract the attention of the monsters present?

"Master He Mao, is there really no problem staying here?"

Once again feeling the unwelcome eyes of the monsters around him, Fujiwara couldn't help but look at the gentle and middle-aged onmyoji, He Maozhongxing, who was beside him.

At this time, only the strongest Onmyoji teacher of Ping An Jing can protect his safety.

"Oh, can't you bear this, Master Fujiwara!"

Before He Maozhongxing spoke, there was a frivolous irony around him.

Fujiwara couldn't wait to know without looking at it, it was He Maocaiwen who was competing with himself for Hui Yeji before, and now Fujiwara couldn't wait or even bother to turn his head to ignore each other.

In fact, if it hadn't been a big loss in front of the devil, which caused the emperor to be displeased, his own favor decreased.

Fujiwara used his own power to clean up that little **** earlier.


Seeing Fujiwara waited and ignored himself, He Maocai, who did n’t seem to have grown up, suddenly became furious, and he said something before stepping forward.

"All right!"

He Maozhongxing opened his mouth to interrupt his words, then glared at He Maocaiwen, made him quiet, and then said to Fujiwara, "Relax, Master Fujiwara, here the monsters will not easily do anything, and do not say Their strength is limited here, and they do n’t dare to look at the face of the ghost race. "

Just talking about this, He Maozhongxing lamented that mankind actually wanted to borrow the power of the ghost race.

In fact, if he could, He Maozhongxing really did n’t want to come here, but there was no way. The Heavenly Devil was too heavy for Ping'an Jing, and the Emperor could not bear this tone.

After judging that the demon should not be the opponent of the ghost race, the emperor sent them to fall into the rocks.

"If possible, bring back the demon's head!"

This was an order given by the emperor before they set off, and it was also the purpose of this operation, but for some reason, He Maozhongxing had always had a bad hunch.

He looked around subconsciously, all the monsters were pointing, and He Maozhong couldn't help but shed a bit of wry smile.

"But, Lord He Mao!"

At this time, after hearing the comfort of He Maozhongxing, Fujiwara did not wait, but he was worried and asked, "Why would the place of the monster duel be placed in such a place that suppresses itself, will there be any traps in it? ! "

As a politician and conspirator, Fujiwara never likes to try to mislead others with the worst malice.

"Relax, Master Fujiwara!"

The answer to Fujiwara is not He Maozhongxing, but a quiet young man standing behind He Maozhongxing, "If it is other monsters, you may have to worry, but the ghost family does not need it."

"Oh, then you talk about the reason, Qingming!"

He was robbed continuously, but He Maozhongxing still smiled, turned his head to look at the teenager behind him, but his expression was full of encouragement.

Seeing this scene, He Maocai's face suddenly became ugly.

It's just ugly and ugly. At this time, he didn't dare to say anything. His He Maocaiwen is indeed a genius of the Hemao family, but the guy named An Pei Qingming in front of him is a ghost who hasn't met in a thousand years.

His talent is so high that even He Mao's head, He Maozhong, couldn't help but accept it as a disciple and passed on the family secret technique!

The gap between the two is so great that there is no comparison.

"Yes, Master!"

An Pei Qingming, who did n’t know He Maocai ’s thoughts, was as gentle as his teacher, and said, “Ghost races are a very unique race, and their minds are very simple. I choose this place, probably because Zhuqueshan is the highest.”

"In the eyes of the ghost race, the decisive battle is sacred, I am afraid that only Suzaku can become a suitable battlefield."

"well said!"

Hearing the words of Qingming, He Maozhong couldn't help but show a smile. For his disciple, He Maozhong was so satisfied that Ji Maomin did not say anything.

More importantly, for knowledge, he never lacked the spirit of inquiry.

In He Maozhong ’s eyes, if there is a human being who can become the guardian deity of human beings in this age of monsters, then Ampei Qingming is definitely one of them.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to teach all the ancestral secret techniques of the He Mao family to the other party.

After all, this is an era of monsters. Although humans have established many countries, these countries are too fragile in front of monsters. The original Nine-Tailed Fox can almost destroy the Yingzhou Island State.

Human beings really need the strong man who can stand the backbone of the race!

"Wow !!!"

At this moment, a sudden outcry came to He Maozhong's ear to recall it to reality, and then he realized that a huge noble voice that was difficult to speak was falling from the sky.

In a trance, He Maozhong knew that the ghost race had already arrived! ..

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