My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 46: The second of the three major ghost kings!

Under the ghost spirit sweeping the world, the ghost race finally came.

The monsters and humans in the foothills of the entire Suzaku Mountain were suddenly in chaos, nothing else. It was precisely because of the heroic fighting intention contained in the eerie spirit.

There are even a lot of weak humans and monsters who almost fell to the ground in this battle.

"Damn it!"

At the edge of the foothills, a new-generation monster barely supported his body, looked at the rolling clouds in the sky, and said bitterly:

"Is the ghost family treating guests like this, even to the guests?"


Just after he finished speaking, he was pressed into the head by a huge palm, and then the whole person was pressed into the ground at his feet and fainted.

"Cut, what kind of guest is your kid!"

The owner of the giant palm reveals his figure. It is a huge wolf-headed monster. Although it seems to be a monster with no complete shape, this monster is indeed a real monster.

The legendary big demon with the bloodline of the greedy wolf-General Greedy Wolf!

"Is the new generation actually all some guys who can't bear even the unconscious release of the ghost race?"

I saw that Greedy Wolf looked at the newborn monster at his feet with some disdain, turned his head to look around, and in the field of vision, saw the seven monsters of the same big monster and the broken army. .

Now the three big monsters nodded their heads like they would, and each showed a knowing smile.

Greedy Wolf, Broken Army and Seven Kills are the big monsters at the apex of Yingzhou.

In the early years, these three monsters had a terrifying collision with the ghost clan. It was in that collision that they all lost to the ghost kings, and suffered a disastrous defeat.

However, they do not hate ghost races.

On the contrary, the three monsters have indescribable admiration for those fighting wine tycoons. Therefore, when they do not understand the new generation of juveniles of the Ghost Race, they ca n’t help it.

In a sense, this is the characteristic of the ghost family.

To be honest, in the face of those informal and aggressive manners, ghosts have always been upright, even if they are defeated, I am afraid not many people will hate it.

The chaos in the foothills did not affect the advent of the ghost race.

The top of Suzaku Mountain is now covered by the dark clouds, and the snowy snow seems to be rendered with a dark color. Then, a large number of monsters appeared from the dark clouds.

The first to appear are the two major races as Tenjin Mountain, Tengu and Kappa.

A large number of Tengu and Kappa came one after another, and a large number of Tengu flew up one after another, and surrounded the whole Suzaku Mountain, and made a gesture of guarding Suzaku Mountain.

The Kappa teamed up with each other and arranged a huge platform boundary directly at the top of the mountain.

The platform is divided into two layers. The inner layer is a huge circle with a radius of at least thousands of kilometers. In contrast, the outer layer is much smaller, and there is a double barrier between the inner and outer layers.

"Boom !!!"

The invisible waves spread, and all the monsters and humans on the foothills of Suzaku Mountain felt an invitation and a mysterious attraction.

Some people hesitated, but more people responded to the invitation and attraction without hesitation. In an instant, most monsters and humans disappeared.

Then, at the next moment, these monsters and humans appeared in the outer zone bounded by the platform at the top of Suzakuyama. Obviously, this is the observation platform prepared by the monster mountain for the onlookers.


After the audience arrived, the dark clouds in the high sky roared.

Then, the figures of many ghost races appeared one after another. They were powerful figures of Kong Wu, who were strolling out of the dark clouds, and just looking at them made people feel shocked.

However, the horror brought by the ghost race is just that.

Although they all have the greasy faces of the green-faced fangs, they are not surprised by much, and even, they can make people feel a little happy.

Nothing else, because these guys coughed up from time to time.

The strong alcohol filled the entire enchantment instantly.

Under such circumstances, even if you understand the existence of the ghost clan, you can't help but be stunned, and those uh guys who don't understand the nobility are completely silly.

After the ghost races came on stage, three terrible momentums filled the enchantment.

Immediately, there were some drunken ghosts who had their eyes widened, and very respectfully gave way to a road. Then, three figures walked out from the end of the road.

Among them was a petite girl with long chestnut hair.

The girl's head had huge, out-of-date horns, she wore simple clothes, her hands and waist were tied with a thick iron chain, and the other end of the chain was tied with iron balls, iron nuggets and wine gourds.

And in the second place is a pink-haired girl with a bun head.

The girl was wearing a cheongsam similar to Shenzhou across the sea, with a large amount of bandage on her left hand and iron chains on her hands, but there was nothing messy on the other end of the chain.

As for the third place, it is a single ponytail purple hair swordsman girl in red and white costumes.

Compared with the first two girls, this girl has a tall figure, with a ghost horn that is very similar to Xing Xiong Yongyi, and the whole body is filled with bold swordsmanship.

Seeing the appearance of these three girls, the whole scene was suddenly silent.

These three girls are not others. It is the three ghost kings of the ghost family at this time, the strange ghost king-Yi Chu Cui Xiang, the chaotic ghost king-Imu Muhua fan, and the **** ghost king-羜 羯 罗!

"Yoxi, good evening everyone!"

After being quiet for a while, the monster king stepped forward and said, "Welcome everyone to come, first of all, let's drink a glass !!!"

During the speech, Yi Chucuixiang relieved his wine gourd and took a sip.

Seeing Cuixiang's move, the rest of the ghost races were all in an uproar, and all the ghost races picked up the wine utensils they carried with them, and drank with enthusiasm.

There are even some monsters and even human beings who have been attracted by the ghost races and drank together.

Until three minutes later--

"Ah, it's finished!"

After drinking the last drop of wine in the wine gourd, Cuixiang suddenly spoke, but her voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the enchantment, and everyone and the monster stopped subconsciously.

"So, it should start, fighting!"

Then saw that Cuixiang and the other two ghost kings broke out a fierce fighting spirit, "Come out, defeat the challenger of Yongyi's cow, I will wait here, come out !!!" ..

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