My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 49: Killing pills vs. Capricorn first!

In the late autumn night, the bright moon hangs high.

The soft moonlight was like flowing water, and it quietly sprinkled on the earth.

At the apex of Mount Suzaku, which is nearly four thousand meters above sea level, a large and vast platform border appeared in the sky, turning this highest place in Yingzhou into a battlefield.

On the outer layer of the battlefield, a large number of monsters and humans held their breaths and quietly looked forward to.

In the inner layer of the battlefield, Shishengwan and Guiluo stood nearly 100 meters apart.

Opposite the four eyes, the surrounding air seemed to hide a sharp edge.

It was a collision of wills between the two monsters!

"Ah, it's a real enemy!"

Looking at the big silver-haired monster in the field of vision, a smile flickered across Guan Luo's face.

Although the enemy in front of him is just a big monster who just broke through from a high-level monster, it seems to be not afraid, but the instinct as the ghost king of God is telling her that this conclusion is wrong.

Indistinctly, Guiluo felt that the big monster in front of him had some kind of essential similarity with himself.

"What is it, I'm really curious!"

The thought flashed in my mind, and the blood of the ghost king in the body of Capricorn boiled instantly, his right foot moved back slightly, and then he stepped **** the ground


With the sound of collision from the ground, with the help of this force, Capricorn rushed out, and almost in a blink of an eye, the ghost king of God was close to the side of the killing pill.

The sharp blade at the waist of the girl straight out of the sheath, as if the **** soldier who cut off everything suddenly burst out his own sharp edge.

"It's just right !!"

In the face of the attack of God's ghost king, Shisheng Maru's face flashed a bit of war.

There is no doubt that the ghost king in front of him is definitely the strongest enemy he has faced since the advent of the killing pill. Just looking at the attitude from the charge is enough to shake the will of the enemy.

Although there is a plug-in of the will of the body, Shi Sheng Wan knows that his weakness is still obvious.

The difference between the demon qi and the demon body that came out in less than two or three times compared with the power that the ghost king had accumulated over many years and the battle sublimation is really too big.

Therefore, Shishengwan understands that he must exert his full strength!

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired monster, and the invisible demon power raging inside the entire enchantment was completely transformed into two kinds of opposing storm airflows in his eyes.

In an instant, the gap between the two opposing storms appeared in the vision of the long gate.

"It's now, the wind hurts!"

The pupil shrank slightly, and Shishengwan pulled out the demon knife from his waist, and the cold knife appeared, slashing in the gap between the demon opposites


In an instant, an unimaginable demon storm suddenly erupted.

Capricorn in the charge failed to evade such an attack for the first time, and was bombarded by the terrible demon storm, and the whole person flew out continuously under the impact of the demon storm.

After wielding the knife, Shi Shengwan's face couldn't help but a satisfied smile appeared.

After being cast into the world, the sword was created with the ability to destroy the broken iron teeth as a template. After the injury of the wind was exhibited, this knife was really completed.

The next growth will need to be watered with the blood and soul of the strong.

"In this way, you will give your name-ghost teeth!" At the moment when the voice of the killing pill just fell, there was a clear sound of the demon knife in his hand, the cold light bloomed, but the spirit of the ghost tooth was really born when the name was given .

It's just that the Shengsheng Pills who are aware of all this are happy, but they don't have much time to pay attention to these things.

Because he understands that wind wounds are far from enough to defeat the **** ghost king.

as predicted


The enchanted storm formed by the wind wounds exploded completely in a violent roar, and a large amount of enchanted wind spread out in all directions.

And in the middle of this enchanting wind, the figure of the ghost king appeared again in midair, unharmed.

"Hahaha !!!"

From the midair, it fell to the ground lightly, and the ghost king suddenly couldn't help but laughed, "Interesting, such a demon knife, it's really interesting!"

As soon as the words fell, the ghost king waved his sword in his hand, and the powerful ghost spirit suddenly exploded!

"Xingyou Slash!"

Along with the girl's words, Capricorn waved the sword in his hand. In an instant, a large amount of ghost gas accompanied by the crazy sword pressure, turned into a violent sword wave, and bombed out.

The mighty wave of ghostly swords is even more than several times stronger than the wind damage just now.

Many monsters and humans watching around even directly retreated subconsciously.

The instincts of creatures make them want to stay away from this dangerous force.

However, at this time the Shengsheng Pill at the forefront of the frenzy did not flinch, and even showed a very arrogant expression, raising his ghost teeth in his hands again.


The body of Shi Sheng Wan burst out with a very strong black flame.

In an instant, many of the big monsters on the scene showed a shocking look, because they found that the demon qi on Shisheng Maru was very wrong at this time.

That is no longer the quality of the enchantment that an existence that has just broken through the level of the big monster.

In that dark arrogance, everyone can feel an ancient force.

Immediately, the eyes of most of the big monsters looking at Shi Sheng Wan changed.

Full of inquiry.

At this time, Ji Shengwan didn't know the thoughts of other big monsters. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't care much. His attention was all focused on the sword wave that was about to hit him.

Soon, Shishengwan found the weakness of this frenzy, and immediately killed Shengshengwan again with a knife!

"Breakthrough !!!"

In the soft drink, the demon qi on the body of Shisheng Pill showed crazy, and merged with the demon sword, turning into a slender and terrible flow of demon qi, breaking through the sword tide in front of him.

Afterwards, the demon's fluid chopped off by Shisheng Pill turned into a tornado, sweeping all the ghosts and swords around him.

In a blink of an eye, the tornado expanded wildly, and drove towards the location where Guiluo was.


Seeing that his attack was not only broken, but even became the power of the enemy, Pan Luo's face suddenly showed an angry expression, and in an instant, terrible coercion broke out.

The ghost king of God seemed to turn into an angry god, and once again waved the sword in his hand!

In the faint roar, angry fighting spirit and madness swept madly, turned into a more terrifying frenzy than the previous sword tide, and rushed towards the tornado.

"Boom !!!"

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