My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 50: Ghosts and ghosts are second!


Two terrible energies broke out on the battlefield.

During the deafening roar, the vast energy waves spread in all directions, and the enchantment that had stood in the surroundings of the battlefield showed a shaky state.

There were even some fallen figures in the Kappa forces supporting the entire enchantment.

It seems that this enchantment is still somewhat difficult to withstand the battle of the big monster level.

Part of the monsters and humans on the outer layer all show a terrified look. If the boundary between the inner and outer layers is broken, they can't bear the aftermath of this battle!

"Ah, this is really a bit unreliable!"

On the temporarily built high platform on the outer layer, the long door that was talking to Hui Ye in a low voice could not help but sigh softly and said quietly:

"Forget it, let me deal with it, otherwise it will be a little troublesome!"

During the talk, the long door lifted his right hand, his palm turned over, and there was a crystal clear bead on his fingertip.

This bead is called the space-time bead, which is the product of Nagato's recent study of time and space.

Although the name is high-end and atmospheric, it is actually not a product of the concentration of time and space.

"Shoot !!!"

With a flick of his fingers, the space-time bead penetrated the air and instantly came to the inner and outer junctions, and then quickly merged into the enchantment. The original shock of the enchantment disappeared instantly and continued to strengthen at an alarming rate.

The Kappa who were maintaining the open border suddenly felt relieved.

Nowadays, the Kappa could n’t help but look at the Nagato with gratitude. In fact, more than Kappa, most of the eyes located in the outer layer turned to Nagato.

At this time, everyone realized that the demon in front of him was not simple.

"It's amazing!"

In the distance, Yi Fucuixiang, who was drinking with Izumi Huafan, could not help but whispered, "It is actually the controller of time and space that reminds me of a nasty troublesome woman."

"It's Yakumo Zi, that woman is really troublesome!"

Nodded his head, Ibaraki Huafan agreed with Cuixiang's remarks, glanced at the battlefield, and could not help but show a hint of smile, "Speaking of that, the guy from Capricorn is probably shocked now."

"We are all shocked, how could she not be shocked."

The two ghost kings were talking and laughing, and there was absolutely no tension in their manners.

In a sense, the ghost king can convince the defeated people everywhere. This is not without reason.

On the battlefield, the turbulent energy turbulence has gradually subsided.

The anger on Guilan Luo's face had disappeared. Her eyes looked through the chaotic battlefield and looked at the silver-haired monster with a black sword in the distance and a dark flame spreading all over her body. The expression was strange.

As the other two ghost kings said, Guiluo was really shocked.

She really didn't expect that the enemy in front of her was walking on such a similar path with herself.

The so-called existence must be justified. The existence of four ghost kings in the ghost race is not without reason. The ghost king is the existence of the ghost race to the extreme. The four ghost kings symbolize the four roads of the ghost race.

Among them, as the ghost king of the gods, Capricorn symbolizes the way of ghosts and gods in the ghost family!

This is a different path from the mainstream practice of ghost races. Compared to other ghost races destined to develop their own physical abilities, the way of ghosts and gods is focused on digging out their own spiritual world, just like the Capricorn, she directly directs her own The spirit has sublimated to the existence of the star ghost body.

Even if one day, Capricorn's body is destroyed, she will not die.

At this level, Capricorn can be called a ghost.

To be honest, Capricorn is very proud of her path. Although there is no powerful body of other ghost kings, her power of ghosts and gods is not inferior, even more flexible.

The most important thing is that she is the most unique inside the ghost family!

However, she did not expect that she was outside the ghost family and saw the second ghost


"Why is this ghost and **** so ominous?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the fighting intentions of Guiluo rose again. Not only the fighting intentions, but also an unimaginable coercion appeared in the air. If it is to be defined precisely, it is Shenwei!

In order to find out the truth and reality of the enemy, Capricorn has used his power of ghosts and gods.


With a light drink, Yunluo rushed towards Shisheng Pill instantly.

In an instant, the power of ghosts and gods burst out directly, and the golden flames permeated the whole body of Capricorn, as if it had turned into an unstoppable trend and burst out.

In the face of such a general trend, no matter what obstruction, it will be directly destroyed.


The change of Capricorn, Shi Sheng Wan naturally perceives clearly.

At the moment, the silver-haired monster also politely released all its breath. In an instant, the black flame spread out, filling a range of hundreds of meters.

Standing alone in the center of the arrogance, the killer pill looks like a demon!


Suddenly, a roar came from the void.

Then, the arrogance of Shisheng Pill gathered together in this roar, and soon condensed into a large tengu that was 100 meters high. The violent killing intention permeated, which made people feel terrified.

Tengu and Raven Tengu who guarded outside the double enchantment shivered involuntarily.

Coincidentally, their eyes turned to the large Tengu condensed by Shi Sheng Wan.

In less than a moment, these dogs couldn't help leaving tears.

At this time, Ji Sheng Wan did not know the situation of the Tengu outside. His attention was completely focused on the enemy in front of his eyes, and now it is not nonsense. He directly manipulated the large Tengu and rushed past.

Even if it is the so-called general trend, Shishengwan wants to try it, can he reverse it!

Isn't it just against the sky? Has he done less in these years?



The general trend of Guiluo and the huge Tengu collided head-on.

The violent shock beyond imagination suddenly reverberated, and the enchantment that was originally blessed by Nagato, under such an impact, once again showed a little shaking, but in the end it was only a little.

ps: The writing software is broken. It was rewritten once, and it almost crashed me! ..

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