My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 52: Fight again, the battle of the ghost king first!

Guan Luo's defeat made the entire enchantment quiet.

Almost all monsters and humans have extremely surprised expressions on their faces, especially the big monsters who are watching the battle, their eyes are filled with incredible colors.

You know, the ghost king of God is a big monster standing at the apex of Yingzhou!

In the entire Yingzhou range, although not the strongest, it is also in the forefront. In the realm of the big monster, Guiluo has long taken a long distance.

The killing pill is just a Tengu who has just stepped into the realm of a big monster.

It stands to reason that the gap between the two cannot be justified.

But the result was quite the opposite.

How can this situation not surprise and wonder these big monsters, but no matter how unbelievable they are, the fact is so, they can't allow them to quibble.

At the moment, the eyes of Yingzhou's monsters gradually turned to the heavenly demons.

But the demons at this time were not in the mood to pay attention to them. Soon, the monsters cheered one by one, and many monsters walked into the inner battlefield to bring the killing pills back.

Ghost races are the same, but the position of the loser makes these noisy monsters quiet.

After a while, the figure of Shisheng Maru appeared in front of Nagato.

It must be said that the big silver-haired monster at this time looks miserable, and Guiluo's last sword cut a deep wound on the body of Shi Sheng Wan.

Although the wound of Shishengwan had solidified, the blood had stained his clothes.

"Get some rest!"

The relationship between Nagato and Shishengwan doesn't need to say any more comforting words, the red-haired boy just said softly, "There is also Tengu, you're in a dim sum."

"Relax, leave it to me!"

The pale pale monster nodded and sat directly at the left end of the high platform, sitting directly with his eyes closed, and began to absorb the fear between heaven and earth to restore his own injury.

"So, the next game"

After dealing with the matter of Xia Shi Sheng Wan, Nagato whispered, looking towards the right end of the high platform, where Xing Xiong Yongyi was lifting a wine gourd and pouring it into his mouth.

A lot of wine came out from the mouth of the girl, which wet the ghost king's shirt, making the ghost king's figure more attractive.


Sensing Nagato's gaze, Xing Xiong Yongyi finally took the wine gourd and exhaled for a long time, "Hand it to me, I, burn it!"

When Yong Yi entered the inner battlefield, his opponent was already waiting there.

Looking at the bun head cheongsam girl with the iconic bandage right hand in her vision, Xing Xiong Yongyi's face suddenly appeared unhappy.

"Why are my opponents, Huafan!"

Xing Xiong Yongyi was quick and quick, and he didn't hide the idea in his heart. He said directly on the spot, "Why isn't it the little dwarf of Cuixiang."

"That's really sorry!"

Facing Yong Yi's complaint, Ibaraki Fan had a gentle smile on his face and said softly, "Cuixiang is the first ghost king, and his final appearance is destined."

In his speech, Izemuwa fan's gentle manner is not like a ghost race, but more like a lady.

But for this kind of situation, Xing Xiong Yongyi, who has been around for many years, has long been used to it. The girl knows that this is entirely caused by her own way.

Just as Guiluo walked out of his own way of ghosts and gods, Izumi Huafan walked out of a path of ghosts and gods.

Many years ago, Izumi Huafan once crossed the sea, arrived on the mainland opposite the sea to learn the technique of the fairy, and merged it with the way of the ghost family, and created the fairy road of the ghost family, referred to as ghost fairy!

As the ultimate person of this way, Izmu Huafan has long been free from all kinds of influence of the ghosts' flesh.

Therefore, during non-combat, this guy will not look like a ghost race at all.

Probably because of this, although the ghost kings used to have constant civil wars when they were in the mountains of monsters, Izumi Huafan rarely joined them, and also rarely used their full strength.

"However, this is fine!"

After being silent for a while, Xing Xiong Yongyi's face again showed a frantic smile, "Hua Fan, come on, let's take a real contest!"

"Look at whether my way of King Kong is strong, or your mysterious way of mystery!"

As soon as the words fell, the fighting in the King of Power boiled, condensed into substance, spreading in all directions, and the surrounding temperature began to rise.

"Ah, it's worthy of bravery."

Feeling the oncoming fighting, Izmuhua fan seemed to be bathed in the hot wind, but was at ease. "This fighting spirit is also one of the best in our ghost king."

"Since it's a courageous invitation, and it's also related to the future of ghost races, then, Huafan naturally accompanies me !!!"

During the speech, the gentle temperament of the original girl gradually disappeared, as if transformed into the wild temperament of nature.

If Yongyi's fighting intention is a scorching fighting spirit, then Huafan's fighting intention is a natural roar.

The two battle intentions did not concede each other and set off a gust of wind throughout the battlefield.



Almost instantly, the two girls collided most positively.

Yong Yi's fist slammed into Hua Fan's head directly, but was blocked by Hua Fan's left hand, but with the support of the broken diamond force, Hua Fan's arm twitched slightly.

Can't help being so, with this super force, the entire Hua Fan even couldn't help but lean back.

It is only in such a situation that Huafan is not willing to show his weakness.

I saw the girl turning her body directly, turning the backwards tendency into inertial acceleration. The right hand with bandages slammed out and hit Yongyi's face.


In the collision sound, the two ghost kings suddenly separated by a distance.

Then the two didn't even have time to care about their injuries. They laughed and rushed up again. You punched me and kicked me in the most fierce frontal fight!

Shortly after the opening, the entire battle entered the most intense stage.

"Ibaraki fan !!"

"Xing Xiong Yong Yi !!!"

The names of each other were called out loudly, and the power of the shattered King Kong on Xing Xiong Yongyi was exerted to the extreme, and the strength of Imumu fan was also extracted to the extreme.

The two did not hesitate towards each other and issued a very spicy punch!

"Boom !!!"

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