My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 53: Huafan's second hand is even more!


In the violent roar, the shock waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

Maintaining the posture of punching, Xing Xiong Yongyi's overall momentum began to soar, and the blood of the ghost race continued to roll and roll, making the entire girl seem to become the Vajra Goddess!

In the next moment, the broken diamond force that surpassed the limit burst from the girl's fist.


Under this force, Izumi Huafan flew out.

Not only that, the right hand that the girl used to fight with Yongyi was directly broken into a bandage, and there was nothing inside the bandage.

The spectators on the outer layer of the enchantment showed a shocked look, and the noise rang out.

Who could have thought that Imu Mufan, as a ghost king, would have no right hand.

What happened to her right hand falling to the ground?

At the moment, many people show a curious look.

"Huh, Hua Fan's right hand"

On the outer ghost race platform, Yi Chu Cui Xiang fiddled with the wine gourd in his hand, but his gaze focused on the battlefield. To be precise, he focused on the right hand of Hua Fan.

Some dim eyes can't help but flash some very long memories

"Having said that, the one of Hua Fan seems to be the only one I have seen?"

During the discourse, Cuixiang's eyes turned to Yong Yi, and she couldn't help flashing a smile of misfortune, "Daiyu Yongyi, hee hee, I think how you lose!"

At this time, on the inner battlefield of the enchantment

Yong Yi, who just flew the Chinese fan and flew, couldn't help but feel a chill. The strongman's intuition told her that someone close to him was talking about himself.

"Cui Xiang's little man is cursing me!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, but Yong Yi's body moved by himself.

The instinct of fighting can make the girl chase after the victory, the fighting intention and ghost spirit in the body continue to merge and explode, the power of the ghost king's unanimous moves, the three-step killing directly erupts.

"first step!"

In the first step, Xing Xiong Yongyi shrank into an inch, directly spanning a distance of hundreds of meters.

In a blink of an eye, the girl directly caught up with the Izmu Huafan who was still flying in midair, and the powerful might of the broken King Kong was directly crushed on the Huafan.

At the same time, the Power Ghost King seemed to turn into an indestructible super tank, and slammed into the Chinese fan that had not yet landed.


In the sudden collision sound, the entire Chinese fan flew out at an even more amazing speed, and quickly hit the enchantment directly, and spit out a bit of blood.

However, even so, Yong Yi's attack has only just begun.

"The second step!"

He whispered in his mouth that Xing Xiong Yongyi took the second step. His body had already reached the limit, and the fighting spirit and the ghost spirit had once again exceeded the limit.

The unimaginable strong presence makes the ghost king seem to be the only protagonist on the battlefield.

At the same time, the girl seemed to have crossed the space as a whole, and appeared in front of Izumi Huafan in a blink of an eye, and the power of the broken Vajras suddenly exploded.

The pupil of the Hua Fan who had just recovered from the vomiting blood couldn't help but contract violently, revealing a little horror. To be honest, because there are few battles with other ghost kings, Hua Fan really does not know that Yongyi ’s close combat ability is so fierce, and it is completely called the strongest among the ghost kings. Melee master.

Rao is a Chinese fan who can communicate with animals and acquire the instinct to fight with thousands of beasts, which is still irresistible.


"Fortunately, I have a hole card!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Hua Fan did not hesitate, he directly used his hole cards.

In an instant, the bandage on the girl's right hand spread directly, first penetrated the void, and then intertwined from the void, turning into a large net, blocking it in front of her.

Faced with such a hindrance, Yong Yi didn't even look at it at this time and rushed past.

The huge bandages and nets couldn't stop the girl's offensive, and they broke directly under the impact of Yong Yi.

At most, it only delayed the action of the ghost king of power for less than a second.

However, this time of less than a second was enough for the Chinese fan. At the moment, the girl ascended along the enclave and rose into the air at an alarming speed.

"Free, my right arm!"

Condescending and staring at the star Xiong Yongyi, who is about to ignore the distance in space and launch an attack on himself, Imu Mu fan chanted the words of liberation.



The earth-shattering sound of the dragon sound came from the dark void presented by the girl's right arm. At the next moment, a green dragon as high as 100 meters rushed out of the void and rushed towards the Yongyi below.

The vast expanse of Longwei surprised Xing Xiong Yongyi, but could not help but echo the previous battle with Nagato.

Immediately, the fighting spirit in the heart of the ghost king of power soared to the point of nowhere to be added.

"third step!!!"

Without any hesitation, Xing Xiong Yongyi took his third step.

In an instant, the girl turned into a golden streamer, and the green dragon that swooped down towards the sky rushed straight up, determined and determined, and left no future!

Like a dragon-slayer hero in the epic, people can't help but shock the new life.


"Ooooooooo !!!"

After a while, the roaring sound beyond imagination echoed throughout the enchantment. With the wailing sound of the green dragon, the golden streamer even deflected the blue dragon swooping down by 90 degrees.

Everyone clearly saw that a huge blood hole appeared directly on Qinglong's head.

A lot of dragon blood spilled from midair, which looked rather miserable.

However, the golden streamer also lost its own stamina, retreated from the dazzling colors, and directly showed the slightly gasping figure of Xing Xiong Yongyi.

However, at this moment-


The originally severely injured Qinglong roared again, directly swaying a divine dragon, and slapped heavily on Yongyi in midair, and threw it heavily on the ground.


Under the strong impact, the entire enchantment platform showed a trace of shaking!

"It seems that I won!"

Looking at all this, the Huafan in the air couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then slowly descended. The seriously injured Qinglong circled directly beside him, whispering in a low voice. ..

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