My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 59: Work together to suppress the third!

"Very good, the battle was successful!"

At this moment, Yi Chucuixiang's figure appeared in a mist, "Although it is a bit uncomfortable to be disturbed in the battle, it is also very interesting to catch Suzaku!"

"Haha, little man, I agree with you!"

In the heroic voice, the star Xiong Yongyi also appeared in the sky.

Not only the bravery, the Capricorn who had been comatose in the past, the severely wounded Shengsheng Pill, and even the big monster among the bystanders, the greed wolf, the broken army and the seven kills appeared.

Seven big monsters, standing in seven positions of the enchantment, maintain this mysterious enchantment.


Suzaku suddenly became angry when he found himself fooled.

A large number of Nanming fires erupted from Suzaku's body, or turned into a swirling flame vortex, or turned into a barrage fireball that covered the sky, or turned into an amazing fire dragon

Various attacks erupted inside the enchantment in an attempt to destroy the enchantment.

However, under the auspices of the seven monsters, the enchantment actually endured one by one.

"You, you guys ?!"

At this time, Izumi Huafan finally recovered.

Looking at everything in front of me, even if it's stupid, Izaki Huafan knows. The enchantment in front of me, I am afraid that these guys laid it while they were fighting Suzaku.

To be honest, although the young girl upholds the heroic spirit of the ghost race, she does not care much about many things.

But for this kind of being blinded by yourself, there are still some things that can't be relieved.

"That one"

It seemed that I saw Hua Fan's thoughts. At this time, the red-haired boy turned around and said, "This is not repelling you. It's just that you can't conceal the Qinglong temperament in your body."

After listening to the long door, the girl suddenly felt a little bit surprised.

Indeed, just as the girl realized the existence of the other party when Suzaku appeared, as long as Suzaku calmed down, I am afraid that she would find herself as soon as possible.

"Although it is still a bit uncomfortable, but I understand!"

Thinking about this in such a way, Imu Muhua was somewhat relieved, after all, she was not a stingy person, and then the girl looked at the long door, and there was a little surprise in her face:

"I didn't expect you to comfort people, it's a little different from Huiye!"


On the other hand, despite repeated failures, Suzaku's resilience is extremely amazing.

The enchantment that trapped Suzaku is constantly hit by shocks. Although it will not be destroyed for a while, it is not necessary for a long time. After all, the entire enchantment is maintained by seven monsters.

The monsters at the scene had limited power, and several were seriously injured.

Therefore, Cuixiang looked at Nagato and Huafan for the first time.

But they saw two people whispering!

"Hello, you two!"

Several horns emerged from the head of the young girl, shouting loudly, "Don't talk about love there, love me, come and work for me, **** !!!"

Hearing Cuixiang's words, both Nagato and Huafan showed a surprised look.

Especially the Ibaraki fan, his cheeks turned red.

"Ha ha!"

I saw that the young red-haired young man laughed a little, and said nothing. He opened his wings and thundered his wings. He pulled the Chinese fan and crossed the distance of hundreds of meters in an instant.

"You guys cooperate with me outside, I get inside, unite inside and outside, suppress it!"

Let Hua Fan also support the enchantment, and Nagato said so to the crowd at the scene. After speaking, the red-haired boy stepped out and walked directly through the enchantment to the inside.

In an instant, the long door felt a scorching heat. Suzaku ’s Nanming away from fire has almost transformed the inside of the enchantment into a fiery world.

In a sense, this is almost the domain of Suzaku.

Therefore, at the moment when Nagato walked in, Suzaku had discovered the red-haired boy, an uninvited guest, and immediately made nonsense. He directly set off the waves of the fire and came to the Nagato.


"It's too small to look at me!"

Facing the raging waves of fire, the face of Nagato showed a little anger.

The red-haired boy didn't say much anymore. The time in his body immediately burst to the limit, stepped out, and the whole person went directly into the world axis.

The raging waves of the sea of ​​fire directly lost the enemy, completely useless.

Suzaku was also surprised at this moment, because the red-haired boy did not know when he appeared in front of it, and it was at the same level as his eyes.

"Although you are a **** of heaven and earth, ignoring me is still a big sin!"

Opening his own hands, the body of the long door burst out with a very dangerous atmosphere, so that the existence of Suzaku felt an amazing chill.


Screaming as if arrogant for himself, Suzaku pecked at the red-haired teenager.

It ’s just that its attack is still too late.


A terrible wave erupted from Nagato's body, directly flying Suzaku to a distance, and then the void behind the Nagato rippled.

The slightly illusory stream of time diffused from behind the red-haired boy and swept through the enchantment.

The sea of ​​fire melted away from the fire in Nanming quickly disappeared under the running water at this time.

Suzaku was directly suppressed by the world.


A miserable cry came from Suzaku, struggling several times, and after developing that he couldn't break free, Suzaku's body was filled with an extremely tyrannical atmosphere.

Seeing this, Nagato knew that Suzaku was prepared to waste his resources.

Dafantianbei, in fact, is closely related to the entire plane. After consuming their own sources, the divine beast can get help directly from the consciousness of heaven and earth.

At that time, it is probably a trivial matter to double the fighting power.

Of course, this has a time limit and future problems.

I am afraid that it did so in the battle more than a thousand years ago.

So it is so many years to sleep in the volcano.


"I will not give you a chance!"

A smile appeared on his face, and the figure of Nagato disappeared into the enchantment instantly, and appeared outside the enchantment. In addition to the killing pills, the other monsters still had a shocked look on their faces. .

Obviously, other than the killing pill, the other big monsters did not expect that Nagato could actually summon the river of time.

Even if it is just an imaginary river of time, it is also a legendary thing!

"Okay, don't be surprised, suppress Suzaku first!"

Facing the shock around the surprise, the long door spoke indifferently, and walked to a corner of the enchantment. The rest of the monsters also recovered and returned to their own positions.

At the next moment, all people instantly output their power and inject it into the enchantment.

The huge enchantment directly burst into an amazing light, and the connection between Suzaku and the heavens and the earth was cut at this moment, and then Suzaku sent out a horrified wailing.

Subsequently, the entire enchantment continued to shrink!

In the process, Suzaku's sorrows kept coming out from inside the enchantment, but unfortunately it was useless, and soon, a bead formed throughout the enchantment.

Suzaku, completely sealed! ..

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