My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 60: The invitation of the gap is the first!

After the crackdown, everyone present was relieved.

Don't look at how much time it takes to suppress Suzaku, it seems that it does not take much effort, but in fact, the energy spent to suppress Suzaku is not less than a fierce battle.

After all, this is the legendary Suzaku, and it is rare in the whole world.

At this time, in addition to the Nagato, many of the monsters present were breathless, especially the monsters who had experienced battles before, even more tired.

"Boom !!!"

In the void, the beads of the seal Suzaku made a slight noise and flew towards the long gate. Obviously, as the designer of the enchantment, the long gate has the sovereignty of the beads.

For this situation, the monsters present maintained their default attitude.

Even the guy with some thoughts is silent when he sees the red-haired teenager who still seems to be at ease, because, at this time, the Nagato has already shown his bottomless power.

In the face of such power, even the unruly monsters should be weighed carefully.

Seeing that Suzaku was about to fall into the hands of Nagato, a change appeared!

On the way the beads flew over, a rather slender space crack appeared in vain, and the beads that could not react in the future were swallowed directly.

Subsequently, the cracks continued to expand, and soon expanded to more than two meters.

It is easy to see from the vision of Longmen and others. Inside the crack, there is a dark space filled with a lot of eyeballs, which looks extremely amazing.

"Ah, really is the invitation code for me?"

In the face of this change, Nagato froze for a moment, and then showed a clear smile, "Guy guys, my men and my wives will please you first!"

As soon as the voice fell, he didn't wait for other people to react, and the whole person of Nagato flew into the crack instantly.

Then, the entire crack quickly closed

"That's the gap!"

After being silent for a while, Yi Chu Cui Xiang reacted, unconsciously uttering the name of the technique of one of his friends, and immediately frowned:

"Isn't that guy about to go to hibernate?"

"Who knows!"

Hua Fan, who was standing next to Cuixiang, replied, and then looked at Shi Sheng Wan and Yong Yi. "In short, let's take a rest first, Yong Yi, and this Mr. Sheng Sheng Wan.

After entering the space crack, Nagato seems to have come to another world.

The void surrounding the surroundings is indistinguishable, the boundary is not visible, and the slightly dim space is full of an indescribable feeling, so that people are not disoriented.

If there is something that hates the Nagato most, I am afraid it is all over the void eyes.

From time to time, the long door can see one eye that is only examining itself.

The number is so appalling.

Even if Nagato does not have any emotions of fear, it is definitely affirmative. In fact, any strong man will feel uncomfortable in the face of these many scrutiny.


At the moment, Nagato snorted softly.

Invisible sound waves spread out in this dark world, and the eyeballs closest to the long door continued to burst, one after another. And the eyeballs in the distance did not burst, but they also regained their gaze.

Seeing this scene, Nagato did not get too investigated.

Because the red-haired boy clearly perceives that there is an incomparably great will behind the eyes of the eye. If he really turns his face completely, it seems a bit troublesome.

Especially before Nagato was about to meet Yakumo Zi, Nagato didn't want to be too troublesome.

Yes, Yakumo Purple!

Opening the cracks in the space, taking away the beads of the long gate seal Suzaku, and inviting the long gate to come here, it is the once Halloween queen, now the monster sage-Yakumo Zi!

To be honest, this is an existence that makes Nagato quite concerned.

Very early, Nagato was already curious about this monster with magical power, but what the red-haired boy didn't think of was:

After rebirth, he became a direct factor in the birth of Yakumo Zi.

"It's a fate!"

After making such a judgment in his mind, the red-haired teenager relaxed his body.

Afterwards, Nagato felt that his body seemed to be under a very strong traction, and moved forward automatically in this dark middle.

Nagato understood that it was an invitation from the master of this space to himself.

After a while, the darkness gradually receded.

An island appeared in the void!

Like an oasis in the desert, across the distance, the long gate can clearly see the foreign trade of the bright island, which is a fairly normal island.

The island looks extremely bright, and it looks out of place with the entire dark void.

On the surface of the island, there are various plants full of vitality.

In the center of the island, there is a Japanese building!

"This is it!"

There is no reason, Nagato knows, that the Japanese-style building is the place where Yakumo Zi lives. "It is really a good idea to get such a place in this place!"

As soon as the words fell, the breath on the long door changed, changing from the dragon force of time to the dragon force of space.

Then, the red-haired boy stepped out in one step and crossed the endless time and space.

In an instant, the long gate reached the island in the void.

The moment I stepped on the island, the long door felt a warm breath, which was very different from the dark void, and made people feel comfortable for a while.

Subconsciously paying attention to the edge of the lower island, the long gate saw a layer of extremely subtle realm.

Obviously, at this time, Yakumo Zi has controlled the power of the realm to a certain extent, otherwise, it cannot support the realm of the entire island.

"Very good, interesting!"

He whispered to himself softly, and Nagato looked forward to meeting Yakumo Zi more.

It was just that the red-haired boy had not moved towards the building in the middle of the island, and a golden streamer dropped in the sky, and fell lightly in front of the long door.

"Sir, welcome to the home of Yakumo!"

Slightly bowed toward the long door, the maid with nine golden tails behind her said, "I am Yakumo blue, the master's style god, ordered to greet adults." ..

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