My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 61: meet! Nagato and Purple are second!

Yakumo blue!

The Nine-tailed strategist, the spirit of the realm monster.

In the memory of Nagato, this is almost the existence of Yakumo Zi as a community of destiny. In the future fantasy town, she acts as the spokesperson of Yakumo Zi.

Although when I walked into the gap, I already had a hunch that I would meet this god.


"Some surprises!"

Looking at the golden nine-tailed fox girl wearing a nightcap in front of her eyes, a little surprise appeared on the face of the long door.

"It can reverse the evil spirit to the aura, it seems that you are not an ordinary guy!"

In fact, Nagato has already made some judgments and has a high degree of credibility.

Although there is no demon spirit in this nine-tailed fox in front of him, Nagato can perceive the blood inside. Obviously, the bayun blue was once a big monster who killed a lot of people.

The most important thing is that Nagato felt a little breath of Divine Magic from the opponent.

Therefore, Nagato judged that she might be the nine-tailed fox of Yingzhou Cholera.

In this way, the disappearance of the nine-tailed fox, which nearly subverted the entire Yingzhou island country, was obvious.

But this kind of thing doesn't really matter, and Nagato is too lazy to say anything.

Seeing each other's appearance, it seems to have buried the past.

There is really no need to say more

"Sir, you're wrong!"

Facing the surprise of Nagato, Yayunlan's face remained the same, his hands were still staggered in his sleeves, and he said calmly:

"However, if Lan is too bad, I'm afraid he won't be able to become the **** of Purple Master."

"That's what it is!"

After hearing the words of Ba Yunlan, the Long Gate couldn't help but suddenly smiled and said, "Your master is indeed not a normal existence. If it was before, she even has a lot of gods under her."

Hearing Yan, Ba Yunlan's eyes lit up, and seemed to be happy because he heard about his master.

But the nine-tailed fox girl seemed to follow the rules and didn't say much.


"Sir, please follow me!"

With an inviting gesture, Ba Yunlan walked ahead and led the Nagato.

Originally in the eyes of red-haired teenagers, the so-called lead was unnecessary.

Now that the island has been reached, the building in the middle of the island is just a step away from the gate, even if someone else needs to lead the way!

I just saw Ba Yunlan being so diligent and polite, Nagato couldn't bear to refuse the other party.

However, when Nagato followed Bayunlan all the way

The cold sweat of the red-haired boy stayed!

Nagato must admit that the power of Yakumo Zi is so strange that he even silently placed so many traps in the island that he couldn't even detect it.

What air bombs, **** traps, ice storms, etc., the number of traps is almost innumerable.

In such a situation, if you do n’t have Bayunlan to lead the way, even if Nagato can pass by herself, she will definitely be disgraced. Almost five minutes or so, the two of Nagato finally reached the building in the middle of the island.

Entering the gate, Yakulan led the long door to the front of a tea room.

"Please, Lord Purple is inside!"

Standing at the edge of the tea room door, Ba Yunlan said so, it didn't mean to go in, but the red-haired boy keenly saw something unpleasant from the bottom of her eyes.

Obviously, Miss Jiuwei Fox was somewhat dissatisfied with her owner and strange men alone.

Just engraved on the cause of duty, but did not dare to attack dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha!"

With a chuckle, Nagato opened the door and walked in.

Just after crossing the threshold, the red-haired boy felt a familiar scorching breath. That was no other. It was the breath of Suzaku that had been raging before.

Closed the door, and the long door looked towards the tea room.

In an instant, a beautiful scene appeared in front of us.

It was a picture of a graceful and beautiful girl making tea. The girl's long blond hair shawl spread out, but the lazy gesture was filled with a silent edge.

Under the stream-like catkins adjustment, the faint tea fragrance diffuses, making people feel happy.

Just to make Nagato speechless is that under the teapot, it is his own bead with a seal of Suzaku. Under the power of mystery, Nanming is constantly pulling the fire out of the beads as a flame for making tea.

Okay, when I saw this, Nagato wanted to know one thing

What kind of stuff was used to make that teapot?


He subconsciously coughed softly and reminded the girl who was focused. The long door walked across from her and sat down directly.

Then, the red-haired boy said nothing, staring straight at the girl's charming face.

In the face of such gaze, the girl's face is completely unchanged.

Still patiently doing his job.

Soon, the tea is ready!


Pour the tea in the teapot into the tea cup that has been prepared, the girl said softly, "The top tea just got from Yingzhou Royal Family, it should not be bad."

"Even if the tea is almost out of the way, Nanming is used to make tea!"

He shook his head slightly, and the long door lifted a cup of tea. He would drink the warm tea, "Well, it feels really good, at least it's delicious!"

"Uh, this kind of saying is a layman at first glance!"

"That's really sorry, I'm a layman."

Faced with the girl's vomiting, the long door almost conditioned reflex and said, "Don't tell me what art, I really am a vulgar greedy."

"But, it's you vulgar who has done things that countless beings can't do!"

Hearing the self-positioning of Nagato, the girl's face rarely showed an unpleasant look, "The original condemnation, but let us suffer for a long time."

"You said, how can we repay you well, old enemy!"

"Call me the long door!"

Looking at the girl in front of her with a smile, a slight sigh look suddenly appeared on the face of Nagato, "I didn't expect that you have changed after so many years of absence."

"Halloween Queen, no, now you should be called the monster sage, Yakumo Zi!" ..

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