My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 68: The third in the memory world!

In his previous life, Nagato had read many of them.

The protagonist reached the extreme in a different world, and then consumed most of his strength, returned to the earth where he was born, and played the urban life of playing pigs and eating tigers.

At that time, Nagato also felt a little interesting, at least when watching the protagonists pretend to be.

But after rebirth, as long as he remembered the protagonists, Nagato thought of being stupid. He couldn't understand the feeling of the frog jumping out of the bottom of the well and jumping back.

What makes Nagato speechless the most is that under normal circumstances, the protagonist's environment on the earth is still very bad.

In this case, go back, is the protagonist, or the author a masochist?

Of course, this is not to say that Nagato does not want to return to his original position.

In fact, Nagato is already in action. Looking for the niche of Nagato's previous life has long been a long-term goal set by Bai Yujing's senior executives in the plan for conquering the plane.

It's just that the purpose of Nagato's return is not to be homesick or to miss someone.

His goal is only one, that is to conquer the earth of the previous life!

Wealth does not return home, such as Jinyi night trip!

Nagato simply wanted to show off.

However, the sky didn't follow people's wishes, and I didn't know whether it was too much chaos, or the past life of Nagato was a little strange. Anyway, so far, Nagato didn't even find the clues of the previous life.

But now, he has actually seen the school of his previous life in the memory world of the fragments of the strong!

"What a joke !!!"

The emotion of Nagato unconsciously appeared a little out of control, and his voice even appeared a little hoarse, "Is the master of the fragment, is it my previous life guy, or my classmate or alumni!"

Speaking of which, Nagato himself felt a little untrue and could not believe it.

"Crack !!!"

At this moment, a slight sound rang in the ear of the red-haired boy. Subconsciously, the idea of ​​the long door drove the operation style, and the whole person became invisible.

Then, the rooftop door opened, and the two figures came in one after the other.

"Huh, strange, I did hear the sound just now!"

It was the short-haired boy who first walked into the rooftop. He saw him looking around suspiciously again, and said doubtfully, "Is it really my hearing?"

"Well, don't you admit it, you just listen to it, idiot Xiao Zi!" Said the cute girl who walked in behind the boy with short hair and laughed.

"Idiot love, is not auditory hallucination, I really heard it."

"It's just a hallucination, Xiao Zi, a fool!"

"Huh, it's really a scene you miss!"

Looking at the quarreling men and women in front of him, there was a flash of nostalgia on the face of Nagato. These two were the few guys who could appear in Nagato's memory.

But this is also impossible, no one can ignore these two unconsciously show love.

After seeing these two people, Nagato was more certain that this was his previous life.

"Go and see yourself in the previous life!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato's body flew directly, circled around the entire school, and found his previous classroom in this school.

Flying in from the classroom window, Nagato found only the desks and chairs of his previous life.

"returned home?"

Sit down in the chair of the previous life, the long door looked at the surface in front of him very clean, but the drawer was engraved with some messy symbols on the table, could not help but a cold sweat.

At this time, Nagato suddenly remembered that he seemed to have lost his way in the last year of junior high school. In terms of modernization, the Nagato at the time was a secondary illness!


Qingxiu's cheeks were full of frustration and doubts, and the long door said softly, "Even my information is so clear, who is the master of the fragment!"

Seemingly thinking of something, the Nagato suddenly rose and wandered throughout the classroom.

Soon, Nagato finally discovered the flaws in this world!

After all, the world evolved on the basis of the fragmented memory, and this evolution has its limitations. Compared with the things that have appeared in the memory, the evolved is more mechanical.

Of course, this kind of difference is not perceivable by normal people. I am afraid that only the existence of Nagato can perceive it.

Thinking of this, the long door came to the classroom window and looked at the students flowing outside.

Sure enough, the vast majority of people seem a little mechanical, similar to the npc of the half-step virtualized post-death world that Nagato once experienced.

"The owner of the Fragment doesn't communicate much, but he is familiar with my situation, who is it!"

Summarizing all the information, Nagato got such a judgment, and then the red-haired boy flew out of the window, ready to take a look at his previous life home.

Nagato wants to reversely derive the owner of the fragment by determining the other party's knowledge of themselves.

When he flew high into the sky, Nagato discovered that the world was really small.

Only the size of an ordinary small and medium-sized city.

"More and more curious!"

Subconsciously whispering to himself, Nagato did not waste time in recollecting the environment of the previous life. In fact, the so-called previous life is not much weight in Nagato's heart. I miss a wool!

"Shoot !!!"

At the speed of breaking through the sky, the red-haired boy almost crossed the distance of several kilometers from the school in an instant, and reached the sky above the community where his previous life was.

Slowly falling from the sky, the quite lively scene of the community also caught the eyes of the long door.

Not caring so much, Nagato came directly to the door of his apartment.

Standing there, Nagato hesitated for a moment.

But soon, the red-haired boy calmed his mind and showed his figure, then raised his right hand and knocked on the door in front of him.

Only after a while, the door was still very quiet.

"Huh? No!"

Frowning his brows, Nagato displayed his technique. The whole person became invisible again, and then passed through the door in front of him. Then, the residence of the previous life appeared in front of him again.

Perceiving the next four weeks, Nagato determined that the memory world was not there.

"Forget it!"

I was a little disappointed, but Nagato didn't care too much, but began to move around the apartment, and at the same time, the memory of Nagato's previous life was mobilized.

By comparing the situation of the apartment in memory with that seen by Nagato at this time, Nagato tried to find out the clue of the owner of the debris.

It's just that as time went by, Nagato's face gradually became a little bit wrong.

"how come?!"

After walking from the hall to the bedroom of the previous life and opening the small drawer where the bank card and ID card were stored in the previous life, the whole door was completely speechless.

The environment here is almost the same as the apartment in Long Gate's memory.

"Is there such a powerful **** in my previous life?"

After reaching this conclusion, Nagato couldn't help but collapse. At this time, the red-haired boy couldn't help but feel lucky that he had crossed, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Nagato really dare not imagine that if he continues to live in the previous life, what will the final result be like! ..

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