My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 69: No regrets in this life! Fourth more!

Who is the owner of the fragment?

When he realized that the master of the debris actually knew everything about his previous life, and even no less than his own master, Nagato became more curious about the identity of the other party.

From a long time ago, Nagato knew that it was not accidental that he could get the key to the world.

Among them, there is definitely a major cause and effect that is not clear to me.

If the owner of the fragment really knows himself so well, then through this fragment, the long gate should be able to find the clues of the unclear main cause and effect on his body.

However, no matter how long gate thinks, it is impossible to find such an existence from memory.

The red-haired boy even took out and analyzed any existence that he had seen in the memories of his previous life. After countless calculations and analysis, Nagato could not find a clue after all.

"Perhaps, the Master of Shards did not appear in my life in the previous life?"

In the end, Nagato could only helplessly reach such a conclusion, and then the whole person lay on the bed of the previous life, and the brain that calculated excessively could not help but burst for a while.

In a trance, feeling the bed underneath, the long door's face could not help showing a nostalgic smile.

The taste of home surrounds the long gate, making people feel at ease.



Suddenly, the red-haired boy let out an indifferent hum. "It's a disgusting means, the taste of home? Don't be funny, does that kind of thing work for me?"

Between words, a terrible coercion burst out of the red-haired boy.

Not only Longwei, but also Shenwei and Protoss!

The pressure beyond the limits of the world directly destroyed all the surrounding environment, and expanded wildly, crushing the entire community together with all human beings.

In the blink of an eye, the roar broke out, and then wailed in the wild!

The red-haired boy stands on it, ignoring everything!

"Come out!"

A slight glance at the area that he destroyed, the long door maintained his coercion, "My patience is limited, and if I don't come out, I will destroy the world directly."

"You are too extreme!"

After the silence around for a while, such a vicissitude of male voice sounded, "I just want you to review your past, is it necessary to do this?"

Then there was a black ripple in the space in front of the long door. A black human-shaped creature with a black cloak all over the body walked out of the ripples and stood in the sky.

In the eyes of the red-haired boy, this is undoubtedly a very strange existence.

Although the whole body is dark in color, the mysterious existence in front of him does not reveal any evil, but just gives people an unusually heavy and vicissitudes of feeling.


I don't know why, after listening to the other party, Nagato replied almost without thinking, "I will destroy it directly in any situation that cannot be controlled by me!"

"You turned out to be like this"

After listening to the long door, the dark figure crooked his head.

Although I can't see the other person's expression clearly, I don't know why, Nagato just knows that the mysterious guy in front of him is frowning, just like the expression of an elder seeing his juniors going the wrong way.

Now, the face of Nagato sank slightly, and the pressure around him continued to rise.

"You guys, do you want to die?"

The red-haired boy's eyes directly revealed the murderous opportunity, and his body was filled with overbearing arrogance. "Lao Tzu has no regrets in his life. Where do you need such a ghost thing as your finger!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of Nagato turned into a beam of light and rushed towards the other party directly.

Faced with the charge of Nagato, the lacquered black figure froze strangely.



The red-haired boy's fist directly hit the other person's cheek and slammed it into the ground. The terrible crack spread from the lacquered black point to the center and spread in all directions.

Only after making such an attack, the red-haired boy froze in place.

Because just now, when his fist came into contact with the opponent's body, Nagato clearly felt that the terrible power in the opponent's body could not be described in words at all.

"Why not fight back !!"

He whispered in his mouth that the face of Nagato gradually became more dangerous and terrifying. This underestimated situation made Nagato almost exploded.

"Don't you think you'll take care of me? !!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the pressure on the long door continued to soar, and the entire memory world began to shake under this pressure.



The sudden coughing echoed throughout the world, and under this sound, the memory world that had begun to shake was actually stabilized directly.

"Really, young people don't be so impatient!"

At the next moment, from the ruins underneath, the dark human existence slowly flew up, "I never underestimate you, you know, you are the chaos master chosen by the mother of the avenue, it is the original world Mourners."

"The whole chaos does not exist, dare to underestimate your existence, not even the mother of the Avenue!"


After listening to the other party's words, the breath on Nagato was directly unstable.

After being silent for a while, the pressure on the red-haired boy gradually subsided, and seeing this scene, the lacquered man made a sigh of relief.

Obviously, in the face of the raging long door, it is not easy to be black.

However, this kind of thing is also normal, or the body of him really surpasses the long door, but now he is only a debris. He really fights the front door of the long door for a long time, and he will eventually lose.

"Huh, that's right!"

After breathing a sigh of relief, the lacquered man said again, "The purpose of my appearance this time is just to see you. Although I dare not agree with your behavior, it seems that I am not qualified to speak of others."

"After all, compared with your junior who has been successful until now, I am just a loser."

"Okay, time is up, you should go back!"

Some said indifferently, the dark human figure finally gradually collapsed, not only the dark human figure, but even the entire memory space began to collapse.

In an instant, the red-haired boy felt a tumult.

In the feeling of turning around this day, he barely supported his will, and then saw that the dark human figure gradually showed his appearance, that is an ordinary dark-haired teenager.

Seeing each other's appearance, Nagato's spirit couldn't help but shock, because it turned out to be the appearance of Nagato's previous life!

Then, the sound of lacquered black came from the ear of the long door.

"Oh, you said, you have no regrets in your life, right?"

The vicissitudes of the voice were full of strange expectations. In the midst of it, Nagato could feel it. This was the first time and the last time I saw this guy.

Some kind of impulsive impulse appeared in the red-haired boy's heart, shouting loudly:

"Lao Tzu, no regrets in this life !!!"

As soon as the words fell, the consciousness of the red-haired boy quickly fell into a boundless darkness, and immediately before he fell into darkness, he heard a burst of laughter ..

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