My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 70: Coming soon to the first!

In the early morning of autumn, the air was filled with a little ice.

On the quiet and open plain, under the traction of the black horse, the luxurious black carriage with a dark exterior was moving forward in a hurry, and the sound of the grunting wheels echoed in a rhythmic rhythm.

When the first rays of the morning sun broke through the darkness, the girl sitting on the cowl opened her eyes.

The liquid hair slowly changes the streamer-like color under the sun, which is different from the black gothic loli costume of the era, but it completely sets off the girl's exquisite figure curve, and the black cloak behind it is even more so for the girl There was a sharp look.

But the girl's face was filled with a touch of unspeakable gentleness, which made people feel good about it.

Obviously, this is a beautiful girl with an indescribable contradiction all over her body.

She is no one else, and it is the servant of the Nagato-Bailian!

"Well, a new day is coming!"

Gentle eyes looked at the rising sun in the distance, feeling the ice that was gradually dissipated around, Bailian's face could not help but burst out with a gorgeous smile.

With this beautiful smile, the surrounding space seems to be bright.

The horse pulling the cart could not help but make a low hiss.

"Good morning, Mr. Ma!"

The normal hissing in the ears of ordinary people turned into the greetings of normal people in the ears of Bailian. The girl greeted the horse in front, her words indifferent, but without any contempt.

The girl knew very well that the horse in front of him was not a simple horse, but a monster of the horse type.

It's just that this horse demon is a bit unfortunate, and was caught by his owner as a horse-drawn cart.

But in any case, it is a monster that can be transformed.

Even after three days of practice at this time, Bai Lian, who has already initially extracted the magic power and can simply avoid the cold and the summer heat, in front of this Mr. Ma, I am afraid that the other party can only step on the hoof.

On the issue of power, Bailian fully inherited the concept of Nagato and respected power!

Compared with his powerful existence, Bai Lian will not have any rudeness.

After feeling Bailian's sincere respect, the horse pulling the cart screamed in a rather pleasant whisper, and it seemed that the pace under his feet had gradually become a lot easier.

Seeing this, Bailian's face couldn't help but fill with a smile of restraint.

A moment later, Bai Lian's eyes looked around, but she couldn't help frowning. The girl found that she and others seemed to have come to an overly empty place.

In the field of vision, Bailian didn't even see a wild animal.

"Er, how can you prepare breakfast!"

Such thoughts flashed in her head. Bai Lian couldn't help but feel a little helpless. As the close maid of Nagato, she was also responsible for the three meals of Nagato, but now it seems that there are not even decent ingredients around.

"Do you want to use dry food?"

Subconsciously thinking of the dry food that he carried before departure, Bai Lian can only smile bitterly. The young girl understands that her master is definitely not willing to eat dry food.

After all, his own owner is already Pigu, and eating is just for enjoyment.

Eat dry food in such a situation?

Funny now!


With a low sigh, Bai Lian turned around, ready to ask her owner, but just behind, the girl looked at the curtain in front of her, and she felt a little uneasy.

Since three days ago, Bai Lian discovered that his owner seemed a little weird.

The original red-haired boy seemed to be a solitary peak, looking down on everything in the world, but now the red-haired boy seems to have turned into a volcano about to erupt.

Facing the solitary peak in the extreme, Bai Lian dared to get closer while admiring it. But in the face of the volcano, the girl has not been brave enough to run.

Where dare to trouble him because of this little thing?

at this time


As if feeling Bailian's embarrassment, the black demon horse hissed again, and upon hearing its voice, Bailian's face suddenly changed, revealing a little surprise.

"Mr. Ma, you said that there is only one hour left in the Monster Mountain?"


"This is great!"

After receiving news from the demon's mouth, Bai Lian finally had the courage to lift the curtain of the carriage.

For the first time, the girl seemed to perceive a little dull and terrible airflow emerged from the opened curtain. The whole person could not help feeling a moment of sulking, and the demon horse pulling the cart could not help but slow down and bowed his head.

After taking a few deep breaths, the girl adjusted her mentality and stepped in.

Just stepping into the car, the girl showed a luxurious room that is at least five times larger than the car. The layout of the room is exquisite, which makes people look extremely comfortable.

The only dissatisfaction is that the light in the room is dim.

However, Bailian had already cultivated magic power, and this dimness could not block her sight.

Therefore, the girl quickly saw her owner.

At this time, the long door was sitting on the throne deep in the room. The dim light made it difficult for the young girl to see his face clearly, but the young girl could feel the mess of the owner's breath.

Perceiving it carefully, Bailian's face could not help revealing a trace of relaxation.

Although the owner's breath is still a little messy, compared with the situation three days ago, it is much better at this time. You know, three days ago, Bai Lian almost fainted in front of his own owner.

It is for this reason that during these three days, the young girl would rather spend the night in the car cowl instead of staying in the car.

"Master, master!"

Gently stepped closer to the long gate, Bai Lian said in a tone that seemed as relaxed as possible, "Mr. Ma said, the Monster Mountain is about to arrive, and there is about an hour away."


Hearing Bai Lian's words, the messy breath on Nagato's body once again showed a little change, showing a little tyrannical tendency, "Are you about to arrive, it's so good, this seat can't wait!"

Perceiving the change in the long door, Bai Lian suddenly stopped her steps.

In an instant, she felt a strong attraction, and the whole person flew directly towards the Nagato. Unprepared, the girl as a whole fell directly into the Nagato's arms.


Subconsciously, the girl exclaimed.

Because at this moment, she felt a hand unfasten her shirt and penetrated into it, while the other hand of the long door grabbed her back and would not let her escape.

Raising his head, the girl saw that her owner's handsome face was only one finger away from her.

"Sure enough, it is different with strength!"

At this time, Bai Lian's ear heard a low voice from his own owner. He could even feel the other person's slightly warm breath on the cheek, and itchy.

"Obviously a few days ago, it was just a flower bud with potential, and now it is blooming."

"Master, Master"

After hearing his master's feelings, Bai Lian suddenly understood his intentions. In the face of this situation, the girl closed her eyes and said with some shaking:

"Please, please pity"

"Uh" ..

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