My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Instant defeated ghost king first!

Time goes forward three minutes

In the dim carriage, the long door slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the eyes of the red-haired youngster were the graceful body of Bai Lian. His fair and tender skin seemed to be able to pinch out the water, and the extraordinary curve told the unspeakable charm.

Coupled with the surrounding atmosphere and taste, Nagato would like to pounce again and caress.

It's just a pity that this is not the time for the red-haired teenager to continue to be gentle.

Because, the fighting intentions of the ghost kings have been conveyed here!

"Forget it, come to Japan to grow up!"

He whispered that while Nagato continued to improve his fighting spirit, the whole person unexpectedly calmed down. The troubles over the past few days were temporarily forgotten.

Slowly got up and dressed, and helped Bailian cover the quilt by the way. The red-haired boy was about to get out of the carriage.

And at this moment, a near-substantial battle sent in from afar.


Stopping the pace of his own progress, there has been brewing a period of domineering will in the body of the long door, penetrated through the obstacles of time and space, and collided with the fighting intentions of the ghost kings.

In an instant, there was a violent roar from outside, and the carriage stalled at this moment.

A dangerous smile appeared on his face, and the long door came out of the curtain.

The first thing that came into the sight of the Nagato was the demon horse that had collapsed on the ground. Under the aftermath of the will of the Nagato and the ghost kings, this ordinary monster had lost its resistance.

The strong and weak of this plane divide an unimaginable gap.

"After all, it's just a little monster everywhere."

He murmured to himself, and the long door began to levitate from the carriage, waving his right hand, including the demon horse, and the entire carriage disappeared into the ripples of the space instantly.

The next battle should be fierce, even if it is only the aftermath of the battle, it may not be able to withstand the carriage.

Under such circumstances, it is better to move the entire carriage to a different space.

When Nagato did all of this, the endless ghost gas just hit him.

Looking up into the distance, the red-haired boy saw it clearly. In front of the sea of ​​trees at the end of the field of vision, the elite ghosts of the green-faced fangs wandered out.

Under the leadership of the three major ghost kings, the spirit of the entire ghost family seems to merge into one, vast and endless.

The violent fighting spirit and the eerie ghost spirit erupted continuously, eroding all things in the void.


Soon, there was a shocking dragon chant in the camp of the ghost races, and a green dragon as high as 100 meters appeared out of thin air and bombarded towards the long gate.

From far and near, the amazing dragon power continues to increase, and the blue dragon seems to cover the entire sky.

"Ha ha!"

Facing the coming terrible attack, Nagato just smiled softly, "Qinglong? Mo said that it was just a second-evolving Qinglong, the first-generation Qinglong, and I had to face me in the face!"

At the end of the talk, a monstrous grief appeared on Nagato's face.

In an instant, a somewhat violent Long Wei burst out of the red-haired boy and spread out.

The blue dragon, which bears the brunt, stopped the offensive subconsciously under the pressure of this violent terror, revealing a little hesitation and trembling.

In Qinglong's eyes, the little red-haired boy in front of him seemed to have transformed into another terrible existence.

"Oh, don't you dare to come?"

Seeing the change of Qinglong not far from himself, the red-haired boy had a grin on his face, "Since that is the case, then let this seat pass!" The voice has just dropped, and Nagato has taken a step forward in the void

In an instant, Tianya turned into close proximity, and the red-haired young boy turned into a meteor in a decisive and decisive posture, directly hitting Qinglong.


The roar sounded like a comet hitting the earth suddenly echoed, the shape of the long door stopped the impact trend, and the large body of Qinglong was directly flew out.

This ant-like scene of slamming humans into the air is so amazing that many ghosts in the distance are stunned.

However, at this moment-

"Shoot !!!"

The sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and the figure of Izuki Huafan appeared on the side of the red-haired boy instantly, without any hesitation, it was a blow.

I don't know how much power has condensed, and even kicked the air directly!

No, not just the air, the space is slightly rippled.

Such an attack is undoubtedly amazing. The timing and strength are the best choices. If it is replaced by other enemies, or it is usually a long door, or it has been a hit.

But it is a pity that the Nagato at this time is in some abnormal state.

Where could he be attacked by others with his full efforts?

At the moment, I saw that the red-haired teenager raised his right hand and directly grabbed the flying kick of the Huafan. The invisible spatial fluctuations pervaded the red-haired teenager, even removing all the force brought by the flying kick.

"So, sleep first, Huafan!"

Afterwards, the red-haired boy took a step back and pulled the unprepared Huafan over. His left hand was turned into a fist, gathering colorful flames and directly bombarding the girl's abdomen.


In the sudden thunder, Imu Mu fan turned into a shell and directly bombarded the green dragon who had just struggled to climb up on the ground!

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and there is no room for the other two ghost kings to intervene.

In a moment, the ghost king of chaos-Izmuhua fan defeated!


The next moment Hua Fan defeated, the figure of Capricorn suddenly appeared behind the red-haired boy. She aimed at the short stalemate of the attack from the long door and issued her own blow.

The vast star ghost ghost appeared in the sky, holding up a huge sword to beheaded towards the red-haired boy.

I just have to say that Guiluo also underestimated the long door.

Where did the so-called stalemate get him?

In an instant, within a 100-meter radius of the field, there was a trace of chaos in the time. The red-haired boy directly skipped the time of his own stalemate and turned to volley.

Grey energy burst from under his feet, turning into a blade of time that was a hundred meters long.

In the next moment, the Blade of Time directly cut off the giant sword of Xingyou Ghost, and even directly cut it into the body of Xingyou Ghost, splitting it into two and cutting it on the spot.

Although Guan Luo, the core of the ghosts and gods, was not directly attacked, it was still affected by a lot. The sword in his hand was broken, and the whole person hit the ground heavily.

Following the ghost king of chaos, the ghost king of gods, Capricorn, also stepped into the defeat.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was silent, full of silent silence.

All the ghost races on the battlefield are unbelievable. The two most powerful ghost kings in the front and back were actually defeated by people in such a short time!


At this time, after defeating Guiluo Luo, the red-haired boy gave a slight sigh of relief, and the whole person turned around again, and then immediately merged into the ripples of space.

At the next moment, the figure of Nagato appeared directly in front of many ghost races.

Looking at Cuixiang, who was still standing in front of the team, the red-haired boy said quietly, "Come on, Yichuan Cuixiang, continue our unfinished battle, let this seat know your hundred ghosts!" rm->

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