My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 73: Nagato vs. Ghost Race second!


In the face of the invitation of the long door, Yi Chucuixiang's response is the heroic fighting intention.

What shocked the enemy's strength, what was the worry after the defeat, what racial justice, etc., these can not affect the girl's fighting intention at this time.

Not only Cuixiang, but also the elites of Guizu, whose number reached three digits, also showed their fighting intentions.

Indeed, Nagato is very strong, completely overwhelmingly strong.

In defeating the other two ghost kings, he didn't even show the kind of devastating destruction, just a few simple attacks, and defeated each other.

As you can see from here, Nagato can't help but have great power, but also has stronger control.

With such a match, the combat effectiveness shown is not simply one plus one.

Theoretically, the long door that the ghost race defeated, the hope is really not big.

But what about that?

The power of the enemy is never the reason for the ghost warriors to back down.

Ghost races follow the definition of weak meat and strong food in nature, and admire strong power, but very contradictory is that they will never be afraid to fight the strong.

Even if the price of the battle is to pay their own lives, the warriors of the ghost race will not pay much attention!


The turbulent warfare gathered together, with Cuixiang's warfare as the core, directly impacting the mind of the red-haired boy. In a trance, Nagato seemed to see a fierce ghost, which was crawling out of the deepest part of the infernal hell.

This is the origin of the ghost clan, and the monster transformed by the evil spirits from the **** is the ghost clan!

Seeing this scene, Nagato knew that the will of the ghost race appeared!

However, this situation is completely within the expectations of Nagato, not to mention that Ibuki is the spokesperson for the will of the ghost race, and that this battle alone will determine the future of the ghost race, and the will of the ghost race must appear.

"Oh, it's good!"

Feeling the tide like war, the smile on Nagato's face grew deeper and deeper, "That's how it is, if it's not strong, there is no value to defeat!"

As the words fell, the unprecedented Longwei broke out on the Nagato.

Along with the roar from the void, nine brave unreal dragon heads appeared in the sky.

At this moment, the entire Yingzhou island country, even the entire plane, the existence at the apex sensed the breath of the nine dragon heads and could not help but be alarmed.

There is no doubt that this is really the strongest force at the apex of this world!

The ghost warriors closest to Nagato were even more unspeakably oppressed. A few ghost warriors even knelt on the ground involuntarily, with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

At this moment, the surging fighting intentions were vaguely scattered.

Nagato used his own means to suppress the ghost race!


In such a situation, Yi Fucuixiang couldn't help shouting out loud.

The turbidity in the body seemed to be spit out in this cry, and the perseverance of fighting continued to emerge, even stimulating the blessing of the entire race.

Under the mysterious power called the will of the ghost that runs through the past and the future, the spirit of Cuixiang continues to rise, and every minute and second, she seems to be re-recognizing the whole world.

Under the blessing of Cuixiang's fighting intentions, the rest of the ghost races have released their own power and merged into their body!

The so-called Bai Gui Ye Xing is that Cuixiang takes itself as a container and carries the power of a family.

In an instant, the existence of Yi Chu Cui Xiang broke out the coercion that was not inferior to Nagato!

"Hahaha, really interesting!"

The change of Cuixiang naturally cannot be concealed by the long door, the red-haired boy laughed, and then the whole person rushed over brightly and as if like a giant tank.

Facing the frontal attack by Nagato, Yi Chu Cui Xiang had no reason not to respond head-on, and she rushed out now.



In an instant, a confrontation broke out between the two!

The unimaginable impact spread from the place where the two collided, and turned into a hurricane. The land of the entire battlefield shook directly under this impact.

In the roar, Nagato and Cuixiang flew out, but quickly stopped the trend of flying backwards.

"Haha, come again !!"

"I'm afraid you won't do it !!"

With such words, more fierce confrontation broke out on the battlefield.

In the following period of time, the roar echoed through the sky one after another, the hurricane that rolled up the impact continued to expand, the huge battlefield gradually cracked, and the fighting soldiers laughed wildly.

Both Nagato and Cuixiang have used the strongest fighting abilities they have now, without any reservations, and both have only one purpose, which is to bomb the other!

This is a feast of natural disasters unimaginable by ordinary people, far more than the fierce conflict between non-human beings.

The other monsters in Monster Mountain were attracted by this movement.

After seeing this scene, all the monsters are silent. In front of such a powerful force, any of their ideas are meaningless.

Just as every feast has its end, any battle has a moment of victory or defeat.

With the passage of time, after all, Nagato gradually gained the upper hand.

Although both of them burst out with the strongest power at this stage, Nagato is different after all, because he also holds a lot of background power that does not belong to this world, and Cuixiang exploded abnormally.

As the ghosts behind Cuixiang exhausted their power one by one, they fell to the ground.

Even with the support of ethnic will, Cuixiang is still gradually approaching the edge of defeat!

"No, you can't continue this way!"

After another confrontation, Cuixiang used the reaction force to directly pull away from the long door for a short distance, and there was a decisive fine flash in his eyes!

At the moment, the girl does not hesitate, and directly extracts all the existing forces in her body.

The output that exceeds its own power output limit makes Cuixiang's cheeks even red, and the cells in the whole body can't help but hurt at this moment.

But Cuixiang's face did not show the slightest pain, but the war intentions skyrocketed!

"Okay, it's worthy of Yi Chu Cui Xiang !!!"

Perceiving the power output beyond imagination, Nagato couldn't help but sigh aloud, the girl's fighting intent towards the sky, the red-haired boy couldn't help but get excited.

The thoughts in the brain went back and forth, and Nagato instantly made a decision, which was equally unwilling to show weakness.


The passionate dragon chant sounded throughout the world. Nine brave dragon heads screamed in the sky, and 18 eyes like dark sapphires seemed to reflect the whole world.

In a trance, the huge world responded to Long Yin, and the mighty power of the world suddenly came!

"bring it on!!!"

Putting the endless power to himself, the red-haired boy gave the final impact, and on the other side, the final energy output was completed, and Cuixiang did not retreat in the slightest.


The roar that surpassed any monster's imagination suddenly exploded.

The terrible roar made all the observers deaf, and the hurricane hurricane even spread to the edge of the mysterious realm of the monster mountain. The whole battlefield land was completely plunged into the abyss of collapse.

Time passed like this one minute and one second, until the shock on the battlefield gradually subsided, and the monsters outside the field were still a while, they were waiting for the final result.

After the shock on the battlefield subsided, the remaining smoke quickly dissipated.

Then, the monsters saw that only the red-haired boy stood on the broken battlefield!

At that time, some of the monsters cheered directly, that was the original subordinates of Nagato, and the remaining monsters all showed complex colors, even the Tengu who were very dissatisfied with the ghost family.

But no matter what, all the monsters know one thing, that is, the mountain of monsters has changed! ..

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