My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 74: Calculation and retreat first!

Monster Mountain, changed master!

When Nagato defeated the Guizu, the news spread across the entire Yingzhou area at an alarming rate. Within half a day, it spread throughout the entire Yingzhou.

In an instant, all the big monsters and organizational forces in Yingzhou were completely shaken.

Originally after the incident at Mount Suzaku, the name of the heavenly demon had already gained fame throughout the entire territory of Yingzhou. Now, the prestige of this name has directly broken through the sky.

You know, in a certain sense, the Mountain of Monsters symbolizes the orthodox of Yingzhou Monsters!

Nothing else, because the monster mountain is the remnant of the previous era.

Tengu and Kappa living in the two races have a long history, which can be traced back to the origin of the monster, and witnessed the rise and prosperity of the whole monster family.

In addition to the high degree of civilization of these two races, it is almost recognized as the orthodox monster.

After the ghost clan laid down the mountain of monsters, the whole Yingzhou was rioting.

Many big monsters and monster races have declared war on the ghost clan as a threat, letting them leave the mountain of monsters, but they did not expect that the ghost clan did not care about the threat and went directly to the war.

For the entire Yingzhou monster circle, that is definitely not a period of memory.

The fierceness of the ghost race completely made the entire circle of monsters lose their words.

Although there are many monsters who are directly impressed by the spirits of the ghost race, more monsters feel resentful.

In the end, the monsters of Yingzhou had to admit that the ghost clan occupied the monster mountain, but even if it was admitted on the surface, the whole monster circle was generally very dissatisfied with the ghost clan.

The most important thing is that the monsters all live long, and those dissatisfaction can hardly disappear because of the passage of time.

It seems that the name of the Heavenly Demon in Nagato has received a lot of praise, so that the monster sages that the monsters all respect can't really overwhelm the Heavenly Demon in prestige.

"This is really a frustrating thing!"

Yoshio Ziyun was too lazy to lean on the cracked gap, and randomly voluminously swept the surrounding sea of ​​flowers, whispering, "Obviously people are constantly running for the whole monster race."


When Bayunzi's words just fell, there was a cold hum in the sea of ​​flowers, "Don't be fooled, Bayunzi, are you really upset?"

Between the speeches, a girl with green curly hair holding a parasol emerged from the endless sea of ​​flowers.

This is a very indescribable girl, whose body is full of some unspeakable expanse of nature, and the scarlet eyes seem to suppress amazing madness.

Two very different atmospheres flowed incomparably harmoniously on the girl, making it unpredictable.

"Now, who knows!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Bayun Zi also secretly mentioned the spirit in his heart.

There is no way. In the heart of Yakumo Zi, the girl in front of her is a monster. Even if she added so much knowledge in past and present life, she is one of the two monsters she has never seen before.

Of course, another monster in Yakumo Zi's heart is Nagato, the man who caused her to die in her previous life.

If possible, neither Nagato nor her, Yakumo Zi would be willing to contact.

Because both are full of mysteries that people cannot understand.

It ’s good to say that Nagato, after all, knows the other party ’s mystery and power from the memory of the previous life. Before the strength of the previous life is restored, or even further, Bayunzi will not investigate his secret.

However, the girl holding a parasol in front of him really made Bayun Zi depressed.

Today, Ba Yunzi still clearly remembers that when she first saw the girl in front of her more than a thousand years ago, she was just a little demon who had barely survived the catastrophe of the previous era.

Although Bayun Zi was not very strong at that time, she did not know how many times she was stronger than Xiaohua Demon.

Therefore, all the situations of the little flower demon are most vividly displayed in the eyes of Bayun Zi.

At the time, the Yunhua dare to pack the ticket. At that time, the little flower demon had no surprises at all. She was as ordinary as other flower demon, and she was not even as powerful as some special flower demon.

At most, the little flower demon has the fighting will that other flower demon does not have.

However, when Ba Yunzi saw her for the second time three hundred years ago, she had completely changed.

If it wasn't for his outstanding memory, he would hardly recognize the other party.

At that time, the little flower demon is no longer a little flower demon, she has become the master of the flowers in the four seasons, and the flower tyrant that has made countless monsters frightened by the wind-the wind sees you!

Thinking of his second meeting with Feng Jian You Xiang, Ba Yun Zi suddenly had the urge to cover her face.

At that time, Yakumo Zi had just researched his own magic technique, and wanted to make Fengjian Youxiang into his own magic. As a result, he was almost not killed by the opponent's magic cannon.

You know, at that time, there was no way to defend the opponent's magic cannon, so it was extremely dangerous.


Walking into the realm of monsters, he saw that the other party was a little distracted. The wind saw Youxiang couldn't help frowning, "Yayunzi, let's say, what's going on here."

"I don't remember our relationship being so friendly that we can go to each other's site at will."

Speaking of which, Feng Jian You Xiang seemed to remember something, and couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth, "Still, you are finally ready to fight me well!"

"Youxiang, you are really humorous!"

Hearing Yuxiang's words, Yakuchi's face stiffened, and then opened a folding fan to cover his chin and chuckled, "This time we didn't come for ourselves."

"The breath a few days ago, Youxiang should have an impression, are we the messenger of that guy?"

"Huh? What an interesting master, what is it!"

"About the gun !!"


Speaking in a low voice, the madness in the flower tyrant continued to surge, so that Ba Yun Zi couldn't help covering it, and the pretty face that was covered was now filled with a smirk.

"Oh, Changmenjun, don't know if we are this gift, will you be satisfied?"

When the outside world was disturbing, Nagato arranged the fusion of the next monster mountain and his original power, and explained the matter, and pulled Bailian into the closed chamber!

Just for some reason, just after entering the secret room, the red-haired boy couldn't help but sneeze several times.

"Master, master, have you caught a cold?"

Because the owner suddenly called this sealed environment, the Bailian girl couldn't help but think of it, her cheeks were red from the beginning, and she wanted to take a bite after watching it.

At least in terms of the feeling of the long door, I really want to take a few bites and nibble.

"It's okay, probably someone is thinking of me!"

After taking a deep breath, Nagato chuckled casually, while holding back the impulses in his heart, solemnly asked:

"Bai Lian, the master has something for you to help, is it okay?"

"Master, please say."

Without any hesitation, Bai Lian replied in this way, and the young girl knew very well that she had no qualification to refuse before the master.

And the girl can be seen, the owner still cherishes her own woman.

So in this case, Bai Lian did not hesitate at all.


Hearing the girl's answer, the red-haired boy showed a smile, especially after feeling the girl's sincere trust, the smile on his face deepened. ..

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