My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 83: Purpose and upgrade

"Ah, Youxiang has gone wild!"

There was a gap in the void hundreds of kilometers away from the battlefield. Yakumo Zi was sitting lazily on it, and the folding fan covered the girl's chin, hiding her expression deeply.

"But this is just a normal boom, not enough."

The faint words make people somewhat unsure of the girl's mind, but the expectation flashed in the girl's eyes, but she completely betrayed her.

There is always no reason for Yakumo to do things. Provoking Feng Jian You Xiang to deal with Nagato, naturally!

With memories of the previous life, Yakumo Zi knows the terrible nature of Nagato.

But she understands better, the perversion of this plane.

If you do n’t want to revive the plane consciousness, Nagato generally follows the rules of this plane.

Therefore, Yakumo Zi can almost draw a conclusion that in this plane, Nagato probably cannot use the power to defeat his previous life.

Otherwise, where does he need to be so troublesome, directly crushing the entire plane!

If this were not the case, Yakumo Zi would never dare to have too much contact with Nagato

It's just that, after all, it's only the judgment of Yakumo Zi. She needs more evidence and more information. In order to calculate everything better, she has the whole picture in her hands.

And now, it's time for Yakumo Zi to verify some of his conjectures

"Although something happened before"

Whispering to himself, Bayun Zi couldn't help but think of the holy white lotus before him, and from the other party's body, Bayun Zi could feel the breath of the demon outside the domain.

Although at first, the monster sage was very unhappy, after all, the other party was the main reason for the fall of his previous life.

But soon, she was happy, because even the devil outside the domain can only come to consciousness, but the cloud Yunzi is more and more certain that the plane has no small restrictions for the long gate.

"Now, just test it and see how limited it is!"

Above the battlefield, the roar gradually subsided.

The two winds in the sky saw Youxiang merged into one, exhaling a long breath, even the flower demon with infinite demon power, bursting out hundreds of magic cannons in a row, they were a little breathless.

Although the magic power is unlimited, Youxiang's energy is not, she will still feel tired.

At this time in the wilderness, the turbulent smoke gradually subsided, revealing the land covered with spider cracks, and a super tiankeng with a radius of thousands of kilometers.

The latter is to explode Heavenly Demon and his nine-headed dragon.


Originally, Youxiang was very confident about her own magic weapon. Although the nine-headed dragon was indeed amazing, Youxiang was absolutely confident that she could completely smash it.

It stands to reason that since the Nine-Headed Dragon was destroyed, then the Heavenly Devil would only have to lose its way.

But somehow, the girl at this time was inexplicably a little uneasy.

Then soon, the girl's uneasiness became a reality.

"What an amazing attack!"

Along with the faint sound from below the tiankeng, the figure of a purple robe broke through the smoke and dust at the bottom of the tiankeng and slowly suspended.

That figure is not someone else, it is really a long door

With Yu Xiang's eyesight, she was shocked to find that even the slightest dust on the other person's body was gone. At this moment, Yu Xiang couldn't help being silent. "What's wrong, have you been hit?"

At this time, Nagato's figure had risen to the same level as Feng Jian You Xiang, "Although your strength is very good, you can't break my time and space barriers!"

During the talk, the Nagato couldn't help but sigh, and Feng Jianyouxiang's doppelganger was really unreasonable.

If it weren't for the fusion of the Shards of the Strong, Nagato's own understanding of time and space went further, and he could synthesize time and space barriers without the help of the Key of the World.

I am afraid that under the attack of Youxiang, the red-haired boy may also be slightly hurt.

"Time and space barriers!"

A low voice said, Yuxiang's brain flashed past the beginning of the battle, and his fist seemed to hit something invisible, which was a bit clear.

Feeling in front of him, this guy actually has amazing time and space power all over his body.

In this way, if you can't break the defense on him, I am afraid that there is no possibility of leaving a scar on him, really.

"Pleasant and powerful guy!"

A big arc appeared in the corner of the mouth, and Youxiang even exposed her white and neat teeth, but somehow, it was a hearty smile, but in Youxiang, it seemed extremely bloodthirsty.

In an instant, the red-haired boy could not help frowning slightly, gazing closely at the Feng Jian You Xiang in front of his eyes.

Nagano subconsciously understood that Feng Jian You Xiang really broke out

No, this situation cannot be said to be an outbreak.

should be--

"Is my nature revealed?"

He said softly in his mouth, the long door looked at the eyes without clearly showing the momentum, but it gave people a completely different feeling of Feng Jian You Xiang, the corner of the mouth also appeared a smile.

The red-haired boy is looking forward to what kind of surprise the wind sees Youxiang can bring to himself.


Nagato was completely blown away.

Almost immediately, Fengxiang Youxiang appeared in front of the long gate, waiting for any murderous and mad fists to bombard on the time and space barriers.

In an instant, unimaginable beliefs hit the soul of Nagato.

At that moment, the spirit of the red-haired boy seemed to penetrate the long river of history under a certain strength, and felt the true meaning of the evolution of all things under heaven.

Similarly, Nagato was bombarded by this truth.

It seems that there is an endless fighting will to attack the red-haired boy. The indescribable ocean of war, even has the tendency to submerge the long gate.


Can't help but humming out, with a strong will and soul, Nagato freed himself from the unimaginable mood and stopped the trend of flying backwards.

At this time, Feng Jian You Xiang's figure had come to the front door again.

Obviously, the girl is ready to chase after victory



The speed at which Nagato reacted was somewhat beyond Yuxiang's expectation. Unprepared, the two could only punch a blow, then separated again, facing off in the air.

In a relatively silent silence, the battle escalated unconsciously ..

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