My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 84: Yu Xiang's defeat

Soon, the battle on the battlefield started again.

Now that the battle has reached this level, there is no need to say anything between Nagato and Youxiang. The Qi machines that blend in with each other have already told their own wills.

Feeling the will of Nagato, Feng Jian You Xiang seemed to see the Nine-headed Dragon coming from the sky!

Nine grisly dragons head to the sky and scream, unscrupulously exuding the dominance of this body. Their mighty power traverses the two realms of time and space, and they want to devour the whole world.

And Nagato felt a stubborn will to compete from Youxiang's aura.

Indistinctly, the red-haired boy seemed to see that in the long past, the weak and strong-willed little demon walked in the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain, and created today's glory with countless flesh and blood.

The kind of **** fighting style made the red-haired teenager applaud in his heart.

Coincidentally, the corners of the mouth of Nagato and Youxiang both showed a slightly undetectable arc.



Both Nagato and Youxiang disappeared instantly, intertwined together.

The red-haired boy's fist slammed directly on Youxiang's shoulder, and the flower tyrant's shoulder made a sound of broken bones, while Feng Jian Youxiang punched him in the heart of Nagato.

Although it seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, the long door groaned slightly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Afterwards, the two fought frantically.

Abandoning energy attacks that have little effect and those tricks that seem quite fancy, the fighting method chosen by the red-haired boy and the flower tyrant is a pair of fists.

In the continuous roar, a lot of blood was scattered on the sea of ​​flowers in the wilderness. The huge sea of ​​flowers seemed to be moisturized and bloomed more and more prosperous.

But this kind of thing is normal, because the blood is from the fragrance

Under the time and space barriers, Nagato's flesh has almost absolute defense. No matter how powerful Yuxiang's fists and feet are, as long as the time and space barriers are not broken, it will not be possible for Nagato to bleed.

Under such circumstances, it appears that Yu Xiang is constantly injured and bleeding.

If it weren't for its powerful recovery ability, Youxiang might have already lost.

But this is not the case

Youxiang's fist and foot are not invalid for Nagato, because her fist and leg converge on her absolute will, which is derived from Tianxiang's competitive boxing intention recognized by Youxiang from her bones.

Neither time nor space can stop the penetration of this punch, just as the world cannot stop the will of all beings!

Almost every moment, Nagato is suffering from the unspeakable soul level of Youxiang.

If the soul of Nagato was so strong that it could not be increased, I am afraid it would have been stunned.

But even so, Nagato gradually felt the threat, and the red-haired teenager realized that if the battle continued like this, the defeated person might be himself.

After all, no matter how strong Nagato is, his soul is not invincible after all.

Dripping water through the stone, the attack of Youxiang will cause great damage sooner or later.

"It's wonderful!"

Ignoring Youxiang's fist on his face, the left hand of Nagato turned into a claw, and almost pulled Youxiang's heart out, looking at the girl stepping back, the red-haired teenager secretly praised in his heart.

Yakumo Zi has been wondering why Feng Jian You Xiang, who is from the flower demon district, is so powerful.

But in fact, Yuxiang revealed his secret very early, but this secret is too obvious, and the calculation-oriented monster sage cannot believe it.

The strength of Youxiang is her will, in addition to practicing the Flower Path to the extreme. People who do n’t really fight with Youxiang can never experience that kind of will.

In the endless torrents and waves that seem to be deep in my soul, I am constantly subjected to bombardment from endless water droplets. Even if I am strong as a rock, I can't help but feel a little shaking.

Therefore, Nagato made his judgment in an instant

"It must stop here, Youxiang!"

Looking at the flower tyrant who stood up again in the distance, looking at the other person's face with determination and **** body, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the long door.

Almost at the same moment, Nagato rushed towards the attacking Yuxiang.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky again.

That was the collision of Nagato and Youxiang in the air.

In the collision, neither Nagato nor Youxiang couldn't help but stop their impact, and even took a few steps back to take off the reaction.

And at this moment-

"Boom !!!"

A slight roar appeared in the void, the dark blue hilt emerged from the blue space ripples, and the long gate held the hilt instantly.

"Keng !!!"

The sound of the sharp blade burst out suddenly, and the ripples of the space turned into fragments.

Under the force of this sudden space fragmentation, Nagato instantaneously gained an unspeakable propelling force, and the whole person turned into a sharp blade, which struck Youxiang incredibly.

The dark blue sword directly penetrated the left chest of the Queen of Flowers


Under the impact of the long gate, the two fell down from the sky and slammed into the sea of ​​flowers. In the violent roar, they even hit a 100-meter pit.


Unexpectedly, the Queen of Flowers couldn't help but open her lips and shouted, and then her voice came to a halt, because a lot of blood spurted from the girl's mouth.

Only in the face of such a situation, there was no pain in the girl's eyes, but a hint of joy.

Because at the next moment, countless flowers extend around the pit.

In the center of the blossoming flowers, the energy is madly gathering

"It's useless!"

At this moment, the red-haired boy holding the sword handle with both hands shook his head, and then his eyes were straight, and the dark blue sword suddenly showed an amazing pulse.

With the spread of this pulsation, the land of the entire wasteland seemed to startle slightly.

Then again, the earth gave a tragic cry.

The surrounding sea of ​​flowers shrank in an instant.

The entire wasteland died instantly

And Feng Jian You Xiang is even weaker, and her eyes are full of horror

"From the beginning, you have no chance of winning!"

After releasing the hilt, the red-haired boy bowed slightly and stretched his head directly to Youxiang, gently licking the blood from the corner of the girl's mouth:

"This sword is called Dragon Slash. It is a magic sword that devours the world to survive. If you symbolize nature, then my sword is the natural enemy of nature."

"You are defeated, the wind sees Youxiang, then, from today, you are mine!" ..

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