My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 86: Stubbornness and the second meeting!

Time flies, three days in a flash.

Three days ago, when Nagato returned to the Mountain of Monsters, holding the delicate flower demon with blood and red, all the monster mountains were sensational, and all the monsters were completely shocked.

Soon, the news that Nagato defeated Youxiang came to the Monster Mountain

Then, in less than a day, it spread throughout Yingzhou. The monsters and high-level human beings on the entire Yingzhou land were completely shaken.

The name Demon is no longer limited to Yingzhou.

No way, Feng Jian You Xiang is too famous

Countless monsters and onmyoji, and even the remaining spirits of the last era, with their own flesh and bones, have achieved the supreme fierce majesty of the flower tyrant.

In Yingzhou Island, the four seasons of flowers are almost synonymous with invincibility.

Even in the world, she is still numbered.

If the ghost race is hostile by the monsters in the entire Yingzhou area because of all sorts of mischiefs, then Feng Jian You Xiang makes all monsters dare not to be hostile because of wantonness.

In front of the flower tyrant, the huge ghost family still has a large gap in level.

That is, Feng Jian You Xiang did not form her own power, otherwise, under the name of the Lord of the Four Seasons, she can definitely become the Lord of the monsters on the land of Yingzhou.

Therefore, you defeated the long gate of Youxiang and have risen completely in the world.

But this kind of thing is really meaningless to Nagato.

The red-haired boy is very aware of the nature of the world, and as he continues to defeat the enemy, his reputation will naturally continue to increase, and he does not need to pay more attention to it.

At this time, Nagato was more concerned about the unruly queen of flowers he had captured.

The red-haired boy is very interested in studying how to conquer the most daunting and beautiful flower in this world, whether on a physical or spiritual level.



In the empty courtyard, the long gate was quite helpless, and the wind and fragrance were placed on the wall. Between the roars, the wall behind the girl showed a spider-like crack.

"This is the third time today, Youxiang!"

Looking at the stubborn expression of the green short-haired girl, Nagato said quietly, and honestly, Nagato really didn't expect that Fengxiang Youxiang would be so stubborn, even decisive.

Almost every time he wants to pry the other person's heart out with words, he always encounters various attacks.

It seems that as long as the will remains, Youxiang will not compromise anyone


Facing the words of Nagato, Feng Jian Youxiang just snorted coldly, not words.

"Forget it, I spent it with you!"

Shaking his head, the helplessness on Nagato's face turned into a weird smile, "From today, as long as you do something to me, you will be punished!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato quickly lowered his head and kissed the girl's lips.

After a moment, a little struggle echoed in the courtyard

"Is the third fight over?"

In the conference room of a large building outside the courtyard, Xing Xiong Yongyi sensed the movement in the distance, could not help drinking a sip of wine, and laughed loudly:

"It's worthy of being the tyrant of flowers. I'm afraid that Naomen will have a headache."

"It's hard to tell!"

The answer to Yong Yi was Hui Ye. I saw what the princess of the moon seemed to think of, and said rather uncomfortably, "I am still very excited with that man's mind."

"Huh, I heard this, why is it so sour!"

After hearing Huiye ’s words, Yi Chucuixiang, who was sitting in the corner of the meeting room, could n’t help but laugh loudly, “Hui Ye Ji, I said, do you like Master Demon?”


After listening to Cuixiang, Hui Ye couldn't help being silent.

At this time, the princess of the moon only realized that she seemed to care about the man who forcibly took away his first time.

But soon, the girl shook her head and denied her thoughts.

"It shouldn't be!"

Regaining his graceful appearance, Hui Ye touched the white rabbit named Emperor Inwa in his arms. "It's just that the concubine is a girl after all, and she will care about her first time."

Hearing Hui Ye's words, the four ghost kings around the ghost family did not know how to answer for a while.

"Ah, Saya, what did I hear!"

At this moment, there was a leisurely voice outside the meeting room, and then I saw the black goth girl with long liquid hair pushed open the door of the meeting room and wandered in.

Behind the Goth girl, Shi Sheng Wan walked in like a guard.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire conference room changed.

The four ghost kings all looked upright and looked at the black Gothic girl. The expression of extremely fearful expression fully explained their mood at this time.

"Huh, really, that sentence is indeed a famous saying!"

It's just that the black Gothic girl didn't care about the ghost kings' reaction, but came to Hui Ye in front of him, looking at each other with interest.


"The gateway to the woman's soul is the vagina!"

"Some truth!"

After a moment of silence, Hui Ye's eyes met the girl's eyes in front of her, "But does this have anything to do with our meeting, Your Excellency Shaye!"

"Yes, it matters!"

A big smile appeared on his face, and Saya's figure disappeared in place, instantly appeared on the podium of the conference room, and slapped directly on the panel.

In an instant, nine large blood-red characters appeared on the panel.

——About the battle plan of the lunar surface!

"Because the theme of this meeting is this!"

Standing on the rostrum, he looked at Hui Ye with a shocked expression from afar, "As for why you are fighting against the moon, you should have some understanding of it. Of course, there are other purposes."

"But there is no doubt that you are the direct cause of this battle, Princess Huiyeji from the moon!"

With the words of Saya just dropped, the whole meeting room was silent. Except that Shisheng Pill was too lazy to speak, the other five people suddenly did not know what to say.

"I was responsible for this plan originally!"

However, Saya didn't intend to let other people say more, and said, "but obviously, I can't occupy Xiao Bailian's body every day."

"The potential of this little girl is very high, well cultivated, and it will be enough to stand alone in the future war!"

"So, Sayre, I will dismember the whole plan here and arrange it separately. From now on, the whole monster mountain has entered the pre-war layout stage!"

"Zhujun, let us push this era of monsters to a more glorious peak!" ..

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