My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 87: Make up one more naturally!

The winter in Heianjing is the coldest of the year.

The sky was covered with snow-white crystals, which dyed the whole world to a white piece. No matter the building or the street, they were all covered in silver.

Under the heavy snow, what ordinary people can see is no more than five or six steps.

Under such circumstances, the entire residents of Ping An Jing rarely go out.

There are exceptions to everything

At this time, there was a four-story restaurant on the main avenue of Ping'an, but people came and went. From time to time, horse-drawn carriages stayed in the parking lot specially opened in front of the pub.

The name of the restaurant is Natural Residence, which was built in Ping'an Beijing two years ago.

This building is based on the theme of wine, which offers a variety of fine wines.

Even the lowest-priced wine is still not much worse than the tribute wine in the palace. The highest-priced wine is unforgettable.

Moreover, in any season, the restaurant has a unique wine.

For example, in this cold winter, there is also a supply of spirits called ‘Yakitou’ and ‘Erguotou’, which makes people drink all over the body without fear of cold.

The most important thing is that there are three grades of wine in the natural residence, which serves guests of different classes, whether they are dignitaries, squires and merchants, or ordinary people.

Therefore, throughout Ping An Jing, the natural residence has an excellent reputation and high reputation!

With the double advantages of word-of-mouth and strength, the natural residence has completely become the restaurant giant in Ping'an, and even the tribute wine in the palace has been replaced by the natural wine produced by the natural residence.

"The business here is so good, Brother Cai Wen!"

In a box on the third floor of the natural world, a young man in a man's robe leaned against the window, and he could not help admiring the scene of people walking through the curtain.

Only in this voice of admiration, there was a hint of salivation.

But it's no wonder, after all, this restaurant's business is really good. The exclusive drinks and superb reputation make the restaurant's business fully described by daily advances.

It's just that salivation, but the young man is afraid to use his own forces.

Because the background of this restaurant seems very mysterious.

Prior to this, many noble forces had already been handed over to their homes because they extended their hands too long. After such an incident, Ping An officials did not pursue them.

Therefore, he did not dare to act rashly until he had explored the background of this restaurant.

"Well, that's true!"

The answer to the youth was a Yin-Yang teacher dressed in a kimono. This person looked less than thirty years old. It was supposed to be a time when Feng Hua was in the prime of life, but his body was filled with a little decadence.

He is no one else, He Ran is the former pursuit of Hui Ye Ji, He Mao Caiwen!

At this time, He Maocaiwen had long lost his former spirit, confident and arrogant, but the momentum on his body gradually solidified, no longer the past vain.

"Also, don't think of something bad, Yamamoto!"

After hesitating for a while, He Maocai Wencai said to the young official, "The water in this restaurant is very deep, and even An Peiqing, the Great Yin Yang Master, are not rude."

During his speech, He Maocai deliberately used a solemn tone to express his solemnness.


Hearing the words of He Maocaiwen, the man named Yamamoto couldn't help being surprised and lost his voice.

You know, the great Yin Yang teacher An Pei Qing Ming, but now Ping An Jing is like a god!

Since the Monster Mountain announced its official birth a few years ago and established a clear base in Suzaku Mountain, the power of the demon clan in the entire Yingzhou earth has been rising.

Under such circumstances, the sphere of influence of the entire Yingzhou island nation has been continuously reduced. As the capital of the island country, Ping An Jing has been attacked positively by many monsters. If it were not for the rise of Amphibious Onmyoji, I am afraid that the large Ping An Jing has already become a ruin.

Therefore, Great Onmyoji Ampei Qingming is almost the patron saint of the entire Ping An Jing

Such a presence would even be afraid of a small restaurant?

The young official named Yamamoto was full of doubts at first, but after seeing He Maocai's serious and solemn expression, he could not help but feel a little horrified, and even a little afraid.

Seeing Yamamoto's expression change, He Maocaiwen couldn't help but change his face, a little unhappy.

Seeing that the disciple of He Mao's family in An Pei Qingming has become such a touching presence, but his genius who once lived in the He Mao family stopped here

Even if he has matured a lot, He Maocaiwen is still very unhappy.


"As long as I can apprentice the lord, I will be able to surpass Ampere Qingming!"

He Maocaiwen's face flashed with excitement when he remembered the lord you had seen and the owner of the restaurant who made An Pei Qingming self-supporting.

"Is n’t that the guy who grew up because he was personally guided by Master Zhongxing, as long as he received guidance from the Lord who is more powerful than Master Zhongxing"

In fact, if not for seeing the lord, where would He Mao Caiwen come here at the invitation of Yamamoto.

After all, although Yamamoto is an official, in this era, his own power is everything. It is better to practice more spells than to be confused with such officials who cannot see the reality.

Only the result of this trip was not satisfactory.

You know, the existence like that adult, the entire restaurant is probably completely in his perception.

He Maocai once stood around the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor for a while, but he still did not get the call from the adult who lived on the fourth floor.

Thinking of this, He Maocaiwen's excited expression dimmed.

at this time--

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A few crisp knocks came from the door of the box, which made He Maocai a little upset, and Yamamoto recovered from the fear after hearing the knocks.

"Come in!"

After sorting out his thoughts, Yamamoto sat down in his place and said.

With Yamamoto's words, the door opened, and a white-haired and red-eyed timid girl walked in from the door. Looking at its clothing, it should be the waiter of the restaurant.

"Two or two adults, the box time is almost up. May I ask if you want to delay."

"So fast?"

When he heard the girl ’s words, Yamamoto ’s brows were slightly wrinkled. What he originally wanted to blaze, just thinking of the words of He Maocai before, Yamamoto could n’t help but suppress his heart.

It's just that he is not so arbitrary.

So he looked at He Maocaiwen, ready to ask the other party's opinion.

Then, Yamamoto saw that He Mao Caiwen was staring at the girl tightly, which made Yamamoto a little surprised. Now, Yamamoto turned to look at the girl again.

If he looked closely, he could see the beauty of the girl from the large dress.

Could it be that this type of woman is what Cai Wenxiong likes?

Such thoughts flashed in his head. Yamamoto couldn't help but be happy. Once he found He Mao's preference, he could grasp the powerful Onmyoji who completely held the He Mao family.

Just waiting for Yamamoto to speak, He Maocai spoke, his voice filled with indifference.

"Woman, are you surnamed Fujiwara!"

ps: Some Cavan, but still straighten out the idea! ..

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