My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 88: Fujiwara Red Makeup!


This was originally a glorious surname.

Initially this surname was given to his courtier by the Emperor Yingzhou, and then with the passage of time, the noble Fujiwara family in Yingzhou gradually evolved.

When Fujiwara was not waiting, this surname became one of the most distinguished surnames in the island nation.

It's just that there is an unpredictable situation in the world, and there is a blessing for everyone.

In the Battle of Suzakuyama, after Fujiwara waited for the death of an 'accident', the entire Fujiwara family suffered an unprecedented blow, especially after the monster attacked Ping'an Jing, the whole family was disbanded directly.

And the reason for all this is from the beginning when Fujiwara couldn't wait for marriage proposal Hui Yeji.

At the beginning, Fujiwara waited for the devil to cut the beard during the marriage proposal. After being subjected to great shame, he used his own power to provoke the hostile emotions of the island country against the heavenly devil. Majesty has been greatly provoked.

Under such circumstances, the Emperor can only send manpower in an attempt to kill the demon in the Battle of Suzakuyama.

As a result, Suzaku was born, making the emperor's plan impossible.

Fujiwara was abandoned by Yin and Yang teachers to death.

Later, the birth of the Monster Mountain guided the rise of many monsters. In order to please the Demon, the monster monster that the monsters agreed with, many monster forces shot at Ping An Jing.

If it weren't for the rise of Great Onmyoji Ampei Ching Ming, I'm afraid Ping An Jing would have been flattened.

By that time, the emperor's end was conceivable.

After escaping from the disaster, the emperor will naturally be liquidated, and the whole incident of Ping An Jing also needs a scapegoat. Therefore, the Fujiwara family naturally bears the brunt.

In addition to the Fujiwara clan, the people who were involved in the marriage proposal also became pond fish.

He Maocaiwen is one of the victims.

Because of this, even if his talent is top in the entire family, he cannot be trained by the family, so that he can only become an elite onmyoji who is more than inferior.

Therefore, when Fujiwara's family fell, He Maocaiwen once fell into the well.

At that time, he used his spiritual power to remember the blood of the Fujiwara family, and just now, he felt the breath of the Fujiwara blood from the girl in front of him.

At the moment, He Mao Caiwen was originally detonated because he could not see the anger of the adult

Hearing this cold sound, Fujiwara's sister was suddenly startled.

After a brief shock, the girl's heart was even more shocked. You know, since the monster siege ended a few years ago, the Fujiwara family has become a mouse that everyone in Jinganjing shouted.

After the dissolution of the Fujiwara family, the girl directly concealed her name, and has long since ceased to call herself Fujiwara.

I just didn't think about it, it was actually said directly here.

At the moment, Meihong is at a loss.

"It seems so!"

At this moment, after seeing the expression of Sister Red, the onmyoji in front of him suddenly said coldly, "I didn't expect that there would be Fujiwara's bloodline in Ping'an Jing'an."

The killing between words made Mei Hong even colder, and she couldn't even speak.

Fujiwara Sister Red is Fujiwara ’s daughter, of course, she is not a daughter-in-law, but Fujiwara does not wait for the girl who comes out with the waitress at a chance. In the large Fujiwara family, the status of Meihong and her mother is not high, and even little is known.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this situation that when the Fujiwara family disbanded and all Fujiwara blood vessels became mice crossing the street, Meihong and her mother could escape.

It was only after knowing that his father died that Meihong ’s mother was hit hard. Shortly after the dissolution of the Fujiwara family, the obsessed woman died directly, leaving Meihong alone to survive in this world.

The father in Meihong's memory is too far away, and the mother is too tired to live. Therefore, when the parents died, she was not very sad. When she was alone, she was also not worried.

In this way, she doesn't fear death very much, but for some reason, she just doesn't want to die.

Alone, Meihong gave up her surname, worked as a beggar, worked as a thief, and finally became a waiter in a restaurant.

In a few years, Meihong experienced too much suffering

It's just that she still struggles to live.

However, there are now people who want to take the life she has struggled to get!

Unconsciously, the girl's heart burned

"It turns out so!"

At this time, Yamamoto, who was standing next to He Maocaiwen, also reacted, his face slightly changed, "It turns out to be the remnant of the sinner family, do you want to catch it?"

"No need!"

The answer to Yamamoto was He Maocai's indifferent voice. I saw the Onmyoji raised his left hand, and the surging spiritual power burst out of his fingertips.

"Let me bury her here, Lingguang means!"

Along with the words, He Maocai's fingertips burst out a beam of spiritual power, bombarded towards Fujiwara Meihong, and saw that he would directly hit Meihong's forehead.

at this time--


The mysterious wave was born from the void, echoed throughout the box, and the beam of spiritual power directly dissipated under this wave, but He Maocaiwen suddenly suffered ten times the gravity.


With the subconscious call, Yin Yang Master's feet were bent, and he knelt directly on the ground, and then he reacted. This is the handwriting of the lord.

The incomprehensible thought germinated in Yin Yang Master's heart, which was reflected in his face.


Soon, the doubts on He Maocai's face turned into a twist, and said hoarsely, "Adult, I'm just resolving the remnants of the order of His Majesty the Emperor."


Just when He Maocaiwen's words fell, a humming sound rang in his ears, and Yin and Yang Master suddenly felt a mess in his body, and his mouth spit out a lot of blood.

"There is no such thing as a little bit of tolerance. If you are a yin and yang teacher, you should be punished!"

As the sound disappeared, the surrounding gravity rose again, embedding He Maocaiwen on the ground, and this scene left Yamamoto standing next to him completely at a loss.

Then he found out that, when he didn't know, the girl of Fujiwara's family disappeared.

At this time, Yamamoto finally realized how terrible this restaurant is.

ps: It's still a little bit more, it will be made up during the day. ..

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