My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 91: Sorrow and moving first!

As we all know, this era belongs to monsters!

But I don't know what the reason is, maybe the monsters' nature is not bound, or maybe other reasons, but the kingdom that exists in this plane is all human.

Obviously, in front of the monster, no matter whether it is top-level or elite, humans do not have the advantage.

So, why can mankind build one country after another?

The answer is actually very simple, that is, the royal family of any country is not a simple existence, the origin of their blood can be traced back to the previous era.

In other words, these royal families are a continuation of the gods of the last era!

For example, the royal family of Yingzhou Island, they are inherited from Gao Tianyuan, and they are even said to be descendants of the direct bloodline from the combination of Tianzhao and Suzuno.

They inherited the last luck of the gods of the last era, and each has a unique hole card.

Because of this, mankind can build a country in this age of monsters.

"Just if you think about it carefully"

In an unmanned side hall of the Ping'an Central Palace, the long gate and Zhou Yi's figure strolled out of the ripples of space one after the other. The two said while walking:

"You will find that monsters, they are really very pitiful."

"It really is!"

After a moment of contemplation, Zhou Yi nodded.

After all, according to the changing trend of the times, the prosperity of the protagonist of the previous era is the right food for the rise of the protagonist of the next era, but the final fortune of the gods has remained with humans.

It is already amazing how monsters without the blessings of the gods can rise up in an era.

And because of this, the ending of the age of monsters seems to be doomed early!

If you look at it from beyond the plane—

The so-called age of monsters is probably a small transition period between modern times when the plane is active from energy and the laws are born of many sacred antiquity, evolved to the material rules are strictly forbidden, and the gods do not exist.

In this case, the monsters may not be favored by the will of the plane.

"And the top monsters are still powerful!"

At this time, Nagato said his thoughts that he had been thinking these days. "The monsters who are not loved and are still very powerful. In the face of the will of the plane, I am afraid they are completely nailed."

"The so-called fantasy township is probably a refuge facing the will of the world!"

Without hesitation, the true face of the so-called fantasy town attached to the gods in the memory was torn apart, and a smile of interest filled the face of Nagato.

This feeling of standing on the opposite side of the will of the plane makes the red-haired teenager extremely excited.

For the excitement of Nagato, Zhou Yi can only smile to be right. In the eyes of the future humane master, his brother seems to be born to be the opposite of destiny.

Silent at the moment, Zhou Yi's body was suspended in the void, leading the way in front of the long gate.

Under the special technique, Nagato and Zhou Yi are in stealth, and the two of them walked out of the side hall one after the other, and passed a few quiet paths to the deep area of ​​the palace.

As they progressed, the pressure on the two gradually increased.

This is the humane luck that pervades inside the palace and suppresses and weakens outsiders. However, neither Nagato nor Zhou Yi cares.

Under the ever-increasing coercion, the two walked toward the central zone deep in the palace, where there is the biggest card of the royal family of Yingzhou Island.

And the goal of the two men of Naruto is really the card of the royal family of the island.

Even in order to allow himself to get things smoothly, Zhou Yi not only probed the route long ago, but also chose this time deliberately. At this time, An Pei Qingming should be at the He Mao family station.

The matter of He Maocaiwen was enough to delay Ampei Qingming for a lot of time, leaving him no time to focus on the palace.

The big Ping'an Jing, without Ampei Qingming, is like nothing.

The deepest part of the palace is a small city within the city.

Three minutes later, Nagato and Zhou Yi ignored the two guards guarding the gate of the city and the encirclement of the city, and walked in easily and even brightly.

Only after entering the city, the two could not help but stay in place.

"Ah, what a surprise!"

There was a frivolous smile in the corner of his mouth, and the eyes of the long door suddenly became sinister. "It is indeed Yingzhou Island Country, there is such an interesting thing."

"This situation is really unexpected!"

Compared with the dangerous smile of Nagato, Zhou Yi's smile is definitely a bitter smile.

Although peeping over the power of the imperial family of Yingzhou Island, Zhou Yi really didn't think that even at the core of this island country, he felt the breath of God.

Of course, in Yingzhou, where Shintoism is active, the breath of God is not uncommon.

Many witches who can invite the possessor of God can exhale the breath of God.

But the breath of those gods is dead.

Although sacred, it lacks vitality.

The breath of God that Zhou Yi easily perceives now is filled with a tenacious vitality. In other words, this is the breath emanating from the living gods.

"It's really bad for years!"

Whispering secretly, Zhou Yi originally thought that the royal card of the island kingdom was at most a few artifacts, so he was ready to take them and use them to protect himself.

But who knows, their hole card turned out to be a living god!

And it seems that there is more than one god!

Of course, the bitter laughter turned into a bitter laughter, but Zhou Yi didn't have much waves in his mind. He was just a god. Although he is not an opponent, he still has a long door!

His bitter smile was only because he could not successfully complete his subconscious reaction to his goal.

"Let's go !!"

When Zhou Yi thought, the red-haired boy had taken the lead in his own footsteps, "I want to see what kind of gods actually survive in this era."

Between steps, the shadow at the foot of the long gate has spread out and merged into the junction of the city!

And at this moment-


There was a violent shock reverberating throughout the city, and the vast breath of faith was surging. Obviously, the gods had been awakened by the action of the long gate. ..

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