My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 92: Kanako Yasaka is second!

The gods hiding in this city were shocked

After all, this city-in-the-city is entirely the realm of the gods. Before the two red-haired youngsters came in, they didn't find it. They could also be explained by superb methods such as Nagato and Zhou Yi.

But when Nagato used his power, the other side didn't find it anymore, and it was justified.

The whole city was trembling as if it were alive, and the buildings around it that seemed extremely old were trembling in this tremor.

In the void, a large amount of the power of faith is turned into a frenzy and swept up.

At the next moment, these belief frenzy has disappeared at an alarming rate, or is being absorbed by the gods living in this city. Soon, the faith will dissipate!


Perceiving this scene, the red-haired boy stopped, his eyes turned to the end of the street, where the source of faith disappeared, and footsteps heard faintly.

In the induction of Nagato, there is a strong breath that is slowly approaching himself.

Soon, at the end of the field of vision, a blue-haired shoulder-length girl came out.

At long distances, the long door saw the other's posture clearly.

I have to admit that this is a girl with amazing beauty, but it is not the other party's beauty that makes Nagato more concerned, but her style.

The exquisite face presents divine majesty, and the red eyes close to brown reveal a faint divinity.

The existence of the girl in front of her eyes completely explained the existence of the gods.

The girl's head has a straw rope like a hat. On the right side of the rope, the leaves of red maple and ginkgo are decorated. On the back, there is a huge straw rope loop with a lot of paper hanging on it.

"Are you Kanako Yasaka ?!"

After hesitating for a moment, Nagato subconsciously said a name in his memory, and in a moment, the goddess girl who walked slowly came to a froze place.

"Ah, now some people in this era actually know my name!"

But soon, the spirit girl recovered from the stunned god, and there was a surprise on his face, "The outside world has almost no much faith in me."

"Oh, it's really you!"

Hearing the answer of the deity girl, a relief flashed across Nagato's face, and then he asked in doubt, "Oh, shouldn't you still have the apex of an indigenous **** by your side?"


At the moment when Nagato's words just fell, Kanako Yasaka's eyes widened, and in a trance, a terrifying divinity burst from the girl's body, crushing everything around him.

"Who are you, why do you know this? !!!"

The cold voice was full of murderous secrets.


Seeing the reaction of Yasaka Kanako, Nagato was a little surprised.

He clearly cares about his situation, but he doesn't care much, but he reacts so violently when it comes to other gods.

It seems that in the memory of Nagato's previous life, the intelligence of the extremely close relationship between Yasaka Kanako and a certain indigenous **** named Xieya Suwako is true.

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly remembered the difference between this divine girl and Xieya Suwako.

The girl **** in front of him is Yamato, and Xieya Suwako is an indigenous god. Yamato is the most common divine race in the last era. These gods have independent flesh and blood, and belief is only their source of power, while indigenous gods are gods built entirely from local beliefs.

Based on the current situation outside the world, I am afraid that the situation of Xieya Suzizi might be a bit bad.

"It seems that the situation of Xieya Suwazi should not be very good!"

What I thought of in my head, Nagato said it directly on the spot, not paying attention to the cold face of Yasaka Kanako who could almost condense into ice.


The huge imperial pillar descended from the sky and directly bombarded the head of the red-haired boy.

The dark dragon shadow appeared in the sky, turned into a huge faucet and collided with the imperial pillar, and all the great power was transmitted to the ground under the long door.


The ground in the whole city was shaken several times, showing several cracks.

"Ah, has the battle begun?"

At this moment, in the corner of the city, feeling the faint shock coming from the ground under his feet, Zhou Yi shook his head, and a small smile appeared on his small face.

When Nagato merged his shadow with the enchantment, Zhou Yi knew that fighting was inevitable.

In other words, Nagato was looking for a suitable battlefield for his battle.

If there were no barriers and shields that merged with the shadow of the dragon, I am afraid that this shock has spread throughout the entire palace and even Pingjing, and it will be in trouble.

"Forget it, let the elders do the fighting. Let me go and see the secrets first!"

Mouth whispered in his mouth, Zhou Yi's figure did not use his own power to levitate, but down to earth, walking towards the center of the city.

As time passed, Zhou Yi could perceive that the ground shaking under his feet became more and more frequent.

Obviously, the battle between Nagato and the girl **** became more and more intense.

It's just that this intense shock can't affect Zhou Yi's pace.

Soon, he came to the core of the city.


Stopping his pace, Zhou Yi couldn't help but a trace of surprise appeared on his face. At this time, a huge altar of heaven and earth appeared in front of him.

On the altar are three items filled with divine power, namely iron wheel, imperial pillar and magic sword!

By the way, around the iron wheel at this time, there is a lot of mist.

"A bit interesting!"

His eyes narrowed slightly. Zhou Yi stepped forward and walked to the Heaven and Earth Altar without using any force. Then Zhou Yi saw it, and an ancient scripture was inscribed on the altar.

Although I do n’t know the ancient scriptures of this plane, I cannot fully interpret the content of this article.

However, Zhou Yi can still judge through the gas engine on it, this is a contract!

"The words of the Divine Sword should be the intermediary of the contract!"

After being silent for a while, Zhou Yi easily made such a judgment, and then looked at the iron wheel and the royal pillar. "There is definitely one party in the contract that is Yingzhou's royal family."

"Then the gods represented by these two things are the other side of the contract."

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi's eyes were completely focused on the mist that permeated the iron wheel, contemplatively. ..

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