My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 93: Nagato vs Kanako

At first, Zhou Yi didn't pay much attention to these mysterious mists.

In his view, the three objects placed on this altar belong to artifacts. These existences or artifacts are obscure, or accompanied by visions, and it is normal to show mist or something.

But when approaching these fogs, Zhou Yi finally noticed something strange from the slight fluctuations on it.

To be precise, Zhou Yi found a faint and tenacious vitality in the mist!

"Is another **** here!"

After a little hesitation, Zhou Yi came to such a conclusion, and then thought of Yasaka Kanako, and the characteristics of the indigenous gods that do not have a specific form, Zhou Yi couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"In this way, this haze is the one who is in the memory of his elder brother's previous life!"

"It just looks like this guy's situation is not good, it's almost gone"

Speaking quietly in his mouth, Zhou Yi's eyes turned to the divine scripture on the altar. When he wanted to come, if he wanted to know the situation here, he must first translate this divine scripture.

Although in this era, the ancient scriptures have almost been lost in the long river of history.

However, the divine scripture is the divine scripture, it is a powerful text.

Zhou Yi can completely translate text by analyzing the power!

"Huh, although a little troublesome!"

Complaining on the mouth, Zhou Yi's face was filled with a cheerful expression. Since stepping into the new stage of humanity, Zhou Yi has longed for knowledge, or civilization.

At the moment, the silver-haired child sat directly on the altar and began to interpret it

at the same time

The battle outside the altar has entered a climax.

In other words, at the very beginning of the battle, Kanako Yasaka gave up the temptations and observations necessary under normal circumstances and directly put out his full strength.

Three imperial pillars descended from the sky and stood behind Kanako Yasaka, like three laser cannons.

A continuous laser beam burst from the Yuzhu and bombarded towards the Nagato.

The long shadow of Longmen's dragon was not destroyed long before it was destroyed.

Its firepower was a mess.


"Ha ha!"

With a smile, the red-haired boy walked back and forth between the barrage of light beams with a mysterious footstep. "The initial attack was so violent that it was a quick decision."

"It seems that your current situation, Kanako, is not too good!"


Hearing Nagato's words, Kanako Yasaka's face slightly changed, and then his eyes glared, "Don't call my name directly, you rude guy!"

As soon as the words fell, the two imperial pillars behind Kanako Yasaka levitated and rotated each other!

"Boom !!!"

The two imperial pillars, like two heavenly pillars, stirred the airflow of the void, almost less than a moment, and the red-haired boy surrounded the gusty wind.

Then, with two pillars at the core, a violent tornado blasted down from the sky.

The sudden roar sounded like anger resounding throughout the sky! "Ha!"

Faced with such a situation, Nagato couldn't help but spit out a long turbid breath. In an instant, the dragon-extinguishing method that originated in the body was fully expanded, and the barriers of time and space were directly expanded.

Invisible barriers appear in the form of spheres, completely protecting the red-haired boy.



The wind of anger in the sky collided head-on with the barriers of time and space.

The terrifying shocks echoed in the entire city space, and the strong shock waves spread in all directions, almost destroying all the buildings in the city.

Even if the dragon shadow has been merged, there is a slight fluctuation at this moment.

However, under such violent impact, the barriers of time and space are still intact.


Seeing this scene, Kanako Yasaka's face changed slightly.

As a deity coming from the age of mythology, she can naturally see the power held by the long door.

The spirit girl is a little unimaginable. In this age when the laws of heaven are gradually hidden and the physicality is constantly increasing, there will be people who are in charge of time and space at the same time.

It should be known that in the era when gods were everywhere, there were also few gods controlling time or space.

The gods who master time and space are so rare that they can be counted with just one hand.

It's just that although his complexion changed, Yasaka Kanako didn't panic.

Because in that chaotic era, she is not without fighting with the gods who control time or space.

Indeed, as the two major elements for constructing and supporting the existence of the world, the forces of time and space are extremely strong, and the barriers built by these two forces are in a sense more equivalent to the plane crystal walls.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no force to break the plane crystal wall, it is impossible to hurt the controller of time and space.

"Just, where is something absolute!"

As he said in his mouth, a slight arc appeared in the corner of Kanako Yasaka's mouth. Under the manipulation of the girl's mind, the intensity of the tornado that fell from the sky skyrocketed!

The two imperial pillars seemed to fix the **** of the sea gods, fixing the wind eyes of the entire tornado over the long door.

Then Kanako Yasaka grabbed the last Yuzhu and rushed out.

The huge stone pillar is as light as an ordinary stick in the hands of the deity girl, and it can't make the girl's footsteps show any delay or pause.

Holding the imperial pillar, the spirit girl turned into a cannonball and rushed directly into the tornado!

"Let's bloom, the power !!"

Along with the girl's words and spirits, the sky in the whole city was crazily depressed, and the power belonging to the sky converged into the hands of Kanako Yasaka, and then flowed into the pillar.

In an instant, the imperial pillar in the hand of the girl burst into glory that could not be stopped by the entire storm.


Accompanied by rumbling, Kanako Yasaka waved the pillar in his hand and poked towards the red-haired boy who was being fixed in the center of the tornado!


As if the sound of stones falling into the water, the imperial pillar in the hands of the girl actually penetrated the barriers of time and space, and in the slightly surprised eyes of the red-haired boy, he directly bombarded him.


In an instant, the violent roar echoed in the city. ..

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