My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 97: Leaving Ping An Jing first!

Although the answer is very refreshing

However, what Zhou Yi said was only some limited information.

After all, Xieya Suwazi is the subordinate **** of his brother. Zhou Yi feels that he should explain the situation by his brother, and he doesn't have to be a substitute.

And after he briefly said the intelligence, the chase in the sky was also over.

With the dominance of Nagato, his subordinate gods could never resist his will.

Therefore, when the red-haired boy in the sky is no longer ready to play, Yasaka Kanako, who has become a slave to the master of Chaos, can only helplessly stop.

"It seems that what you want is already here!"

Slowly descending from the sky onto the altar, the red-haired boy first nodded at Xieya Suwako, and then looked at Zhou Yi, who was full of faith:

"So, is there anything else next?"

"It's gone, so be it!"

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yi replied in this way. At the same time, the pervasive faith in the silver-haired children gradually dissipated, or converged, without showing any traces.

"Well, let's go!"

Hearing Zhou Yi ’s words, Nagato nodded, and the power of space and time spread out, enveloping everyone present, and then the ripples of the space ripped apart, and everyone disappeared.

And without the support of the power of the Nagato, the enchantment of the entire city suddenly broke.

In an instant, a huge vibration reverberated in the palace

After returning Zhou Yi to the natural residence, Nagato was ready to leave.

As for whether the chaos in the palace will involve Zhou Yi, Nagato is not worried at all, because his power trace is too obvious, and Zhou Yi has not used any power from beginning to end.

As long as there are some people who are knowledgeable, they will only think that Tianmo is dissatisfied after many failures under his hands, and he personally shoots.

Under such circumstances, the atmosphere of the whole peaceful Beijing can be imagined, and in order to fight against the possible coming Demon, Ampei Qingming will definitely do everything possible to make Zhou Yi out of the mountain.

In a sense, Nagato is an action that is ready for Zhou Yi's future, shaping a good environment.

"With such good environmental conditions, Zhou Yi's things will come to an end!"

With this thought in mind, Nagato first stood above Ping An Jing, staring slightly downward for a while, and then did not step through the void without leaving his head.

By the way, before leaving, Nagato handed over Penglai's medicine to Zhou Yilai for safekeeping.

As for whether to hand it over to Fujiwara Meihong, Nagato also let Zhou Yi decide.

Although in the memory of Nagato's previous life, Fujiwara Meihong was the third Penglai, it was not a matter of heaven, and it was no big deal to change oneself.

What Nagato wanted was only about how to mass-produce Penglai's medicine.

And for Fujiwara Red himself

To be honest, Nagato really doesn't have too many ideas!

It has been many years since rebirth. Although he still maintains a strong desire, the requirements of red-haired teenagers for his lover are getting higher and higher.

At this time, Mei Hong made him unable to raise much interest.

The most important thing is that the current Fujiwara Sister Red is already a disciple of Zhou Yi, and Nagato wants to see why she will eventually grow up under Zhou Yi's hands.

Under the ripples of the rippling space, less than a moment later, the red-haired boy returned to the Monster Mountain.

Spring-like lush green forests replace the snowy and peaceful Kyoto.

"Brother Nagato, you are back!"

Just now appeared on the foothills, and the white wave tengus guarding the mountain had not responded yet, Bailian, or Saya, who was wearing Bailian's body, appeared in front of Nagato. "Uh!"

Nagato was not surprised by the appearance of Saya.

Because in these years, Shaye's body was sleeping and could not come, but her mental particles flowed into this world using Bailian's body as a medium.

The mysterious realm of the Monster Mountain at this time has actually been fully penetrated by Sayya's mind particles.

Here, to some extent, it is a realm of Saya!

"Hey, there are two new people!"

After saying hello to Nagato, Saya's eyes turned to the two goddesses behind him. The burning eyes that seemed to be able to see through all made Nagasaka Kanako and Xieyasuyako a little uncomfortable.

"I know, you two are Yasaka Kanako and Xieya Suwako!"

In an instant, Saya matched the two goddesses in front of her and the two characters in her memory, and then the girl completely ignored the expression of "how do you know" the two goddesses and looked at the Nagato.

"Unexpected loot only."

Feel free to explain, Nagato completely ignored the angry voice of Kanako Yasaka, "You can help me settle them, just build a shrine on the mountainside."


At the command of Nagato, thinking of some memories in his mind, Saya nodded in agreement.

"Then leave it to you, I will go back to the mansion first!"

Nodded with a smile, the long door did not hesitate, stepped out directly.

In an instant, the red-haired boy fell into the ripples of space. At the next moment, the ripples of the whole body had subsided, and he also appeared on the top of the monster mountain.

Shown in front of the long gate is a luxurious palace that looks quite Chinese.

On the gate of the palace, there are four characters written "Da Tian Mo Gong"!

This is the palace that Nagato has established over the years!

"I have seen an adult!"

Two burly monsters guarding both sides of the gate, a moment of defense first appeared in the long gate, and then a respectful expression appeared on their faces, half kneeling to salute!


Nodded, the long door didn't say much, and walked toward the door. The closed door was opened with a "click" when the red-haired boy approached.

After crossing the threshold, a long corridor greeted the long door, the maid kneeling faintly on both sides.

Ignoring these maids, the long door slowly moved along the corridor.

Soon, he arrived at his destination!

This is a flowery garden.

Even before entering the courtyard, a gentle and sad voice came from the ear of the long door, as if the girl was distressed and missing something, which made people unable to attract it.

Unconsciously, his breath subsided and the red-haired boy walked in.

Then he saw that in a gazebo inside the courtyard, a black straight girl dressed in traditional Japanese clothes was sitting on her knees, playing Guqin on her own.

From the angle of the long gate, I can see the girl's green jade fingers beating smoothly on the strings.

Standing for a while and listening, the long door frowned slightly.

Moving on, the long door soon came inside the pavilion, and hugged it from the back of the girl in her arms. The sorrowful piano sound was not there for a moment, and the entire courtyard suddenly became silent.

"It's not good to be sad like this!"

Feeling the girl in her arms after the initial surprise, she leaned back in her arms like this, and the long door said with a smile: "You are my woman, you just need to be happy!"

"No matter how powerful the moon is, it can't hinder us!" ..

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