My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 98: Hui Ye and the beginning of the second more!

Hui Ye thought she must be crazy.

Otherwise, how could you stay in the arms of the red-haired boy who forcibly occupied yourself without resisting, and even feel comfortable and at ease.

Obviously a few years ago, he kept secretly planning how to counterattack the other party.

Unconsciously, he gave up these ideas unconsciously.

"Why don't you speak? Huiye!"

At this moment, the red-haired boy who was holding the girl around her mouth spoke again, and the right hand of the red-haired boy protruded into the girl's clothes very untruthfully.

"Don't make trouble!"

Through the clothes, quite skillfully holding the turbulent right hand, Hui Ye said softly, "The concubine is just thinking, can this kind of person really have love?"


Hearing Hui Ye's words, Nagato could not help being silent.

If I heard Hui Ye a few years ago, Nagato might not be very clear about the meaning of the other party, but after all these years of getting along, the red-haired boy knew the weight of the words.

Hui Ye's own power-forever and Xu Shi, has never been easy to bear!

On the face of it, this is a kind of cheating power. In the time that others have to wait, Hui Ye has a long time to think, so in any case, Hui Ye will not be panic.

Even if its own strength is insufficient, Hui Ye can also be mixed in most situations.

It's just that the more powerful it is, the more likely there are hidden dangers.

The power of time is Wei An and cruel!

Few things can remain eternal in it, even if the feelings are the same, and compared to other people, it has an infinite time of glorious night, and the emotion is unusually indifferent.

Happy things, sad things, any feelings will be completely indifferent!

Therefore, the existence named Hui Ye is truly a heartless person

Even if she seems to be full of emotions, she is graceful!

In fact, if it was not a year ago, Nagato discovered this accidentally, and injected the power of his soul into Huiye ’s heart with the power of the law of time, keeping the two people ’s sense of time in sync

I am afraid that until now, Nagato could not walk into Hui Ye's heart!

"you think too much!"

A lot of thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato was not too silent. The right hand that reached into the girl's arms broke free of the shackles and directly grasped the girl's tender Europeanism.

"No matter what you love or not, I will live with you forever!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nagato's left hand broke the girl's body, and the whole person posted it up. "Don't think so much, let us take care of it!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy kissed the girl's touching lips

At the same time, distant bells are echoing in the moon capital.

The entire moon was completely shaken, and the moon rabbits couldn't help but turmoil, and even the people of the sacred moon who claimed to be quiet and desireless, all expressed a surprised expression.

All Moon People and Moon Rabbits know that this is the prelude to the highest meeting of the Moon Capital!

When the bell rings, it is the beginning of the turning point of destiny in the capital of the moon!

"Ah, it's been a long time since I heard this bell!"

It was a lazy girl who was holding a folding fan and looked like a lazy girl. Her waist-length blond hair fluttered in the wind that was lifted slightly in the air, revealing the girl's luxury.

"What happened?"

In contrast, a girl with a long purple hair and a knife standing next to a lazy girl is just waiting for it, "You know, in the history of the moon capital, there have never been such meetings!"

"Don't worry too much, Yiji!" Seeing the girl beside him so cautiously, the blonde girl could n’t help but open the folding fan, covering her chin, “There are two adults who see Zunyue and Master, and the other four sage There is no problem. "

"Because nothing in this world can hardly get them, does it?"

"That's true!"

After a silence, the purple-haired girl known as Yi Ji said so.

At this time, the palace hall in the center of the moon capital.

The figure of Bayi Yonglin appeared in front of the hall. Looking at the dark hall in front of him, and the cold atmosphere around him, the brain of the moon appeared a little uncomfortable.

Stepping into the dark palace, all echoed in Yong Lin's ear, all his own footsteps.

The dark environment did not hinder Yong Lin's vision, she walked very steady.

Soon, the brain of the moon came to the center of the hall.


Along with the cold hum of Bayi Yonglin, five dim light of different colors emerged around him, and Bayi Yonglin also diffused the red and blue radiance, corresponding to the other five radiances.

"Obviously it's the highest meeting. As a result, you all arrived first. Did you exclude me from the highest meeting!"

Bayi Yonglin's words were not harsh, and even the voice was filled with a little smile, but the hall that seemed extremely cold at the moment was much colder at this moment.

"You worry too much, Yongyi Bayi!"

There was a slight silence, and one of the hot glowing groups made a noise, and the words were filled with a little tyranny. "We just came a step earlier than you."

"Is that right?"

Hearing the other party ’s words, Bayi Yonglin could n’t say no, and then she said leisurely, “Forget it, I do n’t really care about this kind of thing anyway, so what is the purpose of this meeting?”

During the speech, Bayi Yonglin's eyes turned to one of the luminous groups that looked like a cold moonlight.

Among the people present, the existence within this light group is the most decisive.

Because it is the leader of the entire moon capital-see the moon night!

"Yong Lin, there is a huge reversal in the tide of fate."

After the ending of Bayi Yonglin's words, Yue Ye Jian Zun's indifferent voice echoed, "According to the prophecy, we realized that Hui Ye encountered a terrible demon on the ground!"

"If it is not restrained, then the devil will be the scourge of destroying our quiet hometown!"


Hearing the moon's words, Ba Yi Yonglin couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, but she didn't expect that the guy who captured Hui Ye's heart below had already been discovered by these guys.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Ready to fight!"

The answer to Yong Lin was not to see the moonlight, but another soft light group, "but before the battle, if we can, we hope to avoid war!"

"Therefore, we hope to send messengers to the ground to see the situation."

"If the opponent is too weak"

The words are not exhaustive, but Bayi Yonglin knows the hidden meaning in the other party's words, or the meaning of the other party is already obvious. Isn't that if the other party is too weak, just kill it!

However, Bayi Yonglin knew that the plan of the Sage of the Moon could not be realized at all.

At this time on the ground, I am afraid that even the preparations for the expedition have been completed.

It's just that Bayi Yonglin didn't intend to remind her, because her heart was a little cold, and these guys didn't care about Huiye night from beginning to end. You know, that's the princess of the moon!

"Sure enough, this month's capital is completely unnecessary!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Bayi Yonglin said expressionlessly, "So are you ready, who will go to the ground to see the situation, the strength is too weak."

"If there are no suitable candidates, what should I do?" ..

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