My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 99: The first change before the departure!

Bayi Yonglin's proposal was approved by all.

In other words, this so-called supreme meeting, including seeing the moon night, the rest of the moon sages are preparing to let Ba Yi Yonglin go to the ground to see the situation.

In the eyes of the high-level capital of these months, the filthy earth is a place close to unwillingness.

Of course, the sages of the moon actually don't worry that Yongyi Yonglin will not go.

As long as Huiye is on the ground and has contact with the unknown big devil, Yonglin will never go away, otherwise, if other people go, Huiye will have no end.

In short, the sages of these months are determined to have the will of Yonglin!

"So, I'm going to make preparations!"

After being taken for granted, Bayi Yonglin did not want to stay longer in this icy environment. He turned and left directly, and within a moment, he walked out of the hall.

After she left, the entire hall suddenly showed a burst of noise.

"Bayi this guy!"

"Too rude!"

"Ah, I am afraid people have already seen our intentions."

"Isn't this normal, she is the brain of the moon, the designer of the moon capital!"

Regarding Bayi Yonglin's response, the moon wise men were obviously dissatisfied, but they were dissatisfied. After all, it was they who calculated Bayi Yonglin, so it was just a vent.

Then, the Sage of the Moon said to each other, and they all left here one after another

In the dark hall, only Yuezun Jianzun was left standing alone!

a long time

"Bayi, have you made a decision yet?"

Lonely words echoed in the dark palace, and the words of Venerable Moonlight were full of vicissitudes, but the vicissitudes soon turned into decisiveness:

"In that case, don't blame me, my friend !!!"

Three days later, a square outside the capital of the moon.

Here is the transmission square that has always been closed to the outside world. Because of the indifference and arrogance of the people of the moon, people are sparsely and quietly on weekdays.

But today, there are very few figures with four figures.

These figures are awesome messengers who are about to leave the ground and the guys who bid farewell to these messengers!

Although most of these guys are the moon rabbits at the bottom of the moon capital, those who are said to be extremely noble also have a number close to three digits.

From this point, it can be clearly seen that, for this operation, the Moon City can be regarded as unusually important.

All the people of the moon who are preparing to make the ground are filled with a look of death, as if they are all heroes about to die.

And the farewells around were either worried or admired.

The whole scene is obviously strange from the perspective of the ground people, but it is very normal in the eyes of the moon-faced people.

Who makes the ground and **** identical in the common sense of the people of the moon?

Of course, not all people of the month are like this.

For example, Yongyi Bayi!

I saw this woman, known as the brain of the moon, with her arms in her arms, standing alone on the edge of the square, coldly looking at everything around her, and the cold breath spread from the sage.

Centering on Bayi Yonglin, the area within three meters of the surrounding area has no silhouette at all. Since the meeting three days ago, Bayi Yonglin has been in a bad mood.

Although it seems unpredictable, with amazing wisdom, and full of indifference between words and deeds, Ba Yi Yonglin is not as ruthless as she showed.

Even in a certain sense, Bayi Yonglin is the most slender existence in the capital of the entire moon. If not, she would not help Huiye refine Penglai's medicine.

Therefore, in the face of the abandonment of the former partner, how did Bayi Yonglin feel better!

Yes, abandon!

Bayi Yonglin knew that he had been abandoned by the Moon City.

Although it sounds very unreliable, it is the fact that the six months of the moon that established the capital of the moon together has collapsed in the passage of time.

And the first one to be out is the designer of the moon capital, the brain of the moon-Yongyi Bayi!

"Should I say that I am really a god?"

Thinking of this, Bayi Yonglin said this subconsciously, and a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corner of her mouth. "Sure enough, I am not a god, they are two kinds of existence after all."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bayi Yonglin closed his eyes, concealed his mood, and converged his expression.

After taking a few deep breaths, Bayi Yonglin opened her eyes and resumed her usual posture.

"Okay, time is almost huh ?!"

As Bayi Yonglin was about to lead the Moon People and the Moon Rabbits to the ground, a familiar wave flashed through her perception, and Bayi Yonglin frowned.

Stopping his actions, Bayi Yonglin raised his head and looked to the sky.

I saw that the otherwise silent sky seemed to turn into a mirror.

The breeze blew and even made some ripples!

Seeing Bayi Yonglin's move, the people around the moon and even the rabbits raised their heads subconsciously, and then they saw such a change, and they were all upset.

"Teacher Yonglin!"

At this moment, a girl with long blond hair holding a folding fan suddenly appeared beside Yong Lin, "Is there something going on here, I feel"

Just before the words were finished, the girl was directly attracted by the changes in the sky.

"It's you, Feng Ji!"

Hearing the girl ’s voice, Yong Lin turned her head and looked at the girl next to her.

The girl in front of her is called Mianyue Fengji. She is the eldest princess of the Moon City and also a disciple of Yong Lin.

As a princess of the moon, she has the ability to connect the sea and the mountain.

This ability can connect the moon and the earth, the moon on the surface and the moon on the inside, and between the moon and the ground, or even a longer distance, can be instantly connected.

With the ability, the girl can freely travel between them, and can also jump and teleport other people and objects.

"Someone on the ground is casting a teleportation technique on the lunar surface!"

Speaking of which, Bayi Yonglin couldn't help but think of a monster sage traveling through the gap. This method was indeed obtained by the other party.


Hearing Yong Lin's words, the princess of the moon immediately frowned. Although not as sickly as the arrogance of other people of the moon, the girl could not ignore it.

However, there are express provisions in the capital of the moon to prohibit the creatures on the ground from coming to defile the capital of the moon.


"Can you make the spell successful!"

Between words, Mianyue Fengji raised her right hand, opened the folding fan, and set off a nameless hurricane, slamming towards the abrupt mirror in the sky. ..

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