My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 100: The war has begun!

The hurricane caused by Mianyue Fengji is not ordinary wind.

That is a special fan made by the ultra-modern technology of the Moon City combined with the girl's own ability, transformed from the ordinary wind, the basic particle wind!

Undoubtedly, this is a wind that is unusual in the endless world!

In terms of physical destructive power, this kind of wind can only be said to be as good as it should be, and even the hurricanes blown by the operation of nature can't compare with it, let alone the gods and magic winds.

But in other respects, especially in interfering with various processes, it has unique advantages.

Because the world is composed of elementary particles, this wind composed of elementary particles is almost permeable and can blow to any corner of the world.

Coupled with the uncertainty of the particles themselves, this wind energy interferes with almost all processes.

Facing such a hurricane, the mirror in the sky is obviously unstoppable.

If it is blown, the mirror will only disintegrate.

It's just obvious that Mianyue Fengji's attempt was not so easy to complete, just before the hurricane was about to blow to the mirror, a change appeared.


A small stone fell on the surface of the lake as if it were a plane. The mirror in the sky rippled, and from the center of the ripples, a pale golden beam of light erupted.

Under the impact of this beam of light, the huge hurricane was directly scattered and scattered.

Then the beam of light directly bombarded the square on the ground


The violent roar suddenly broke out on the square, and the earth sent a wailing wailing at this moment. The spreading shock wave blasted the moon rabbits and moon people around.

Then, the sound of the alarm reverberated throughout the month and all existence was shaken!

"This, this is"

Seeing this scene, Mianyue Fengji couldn't help being dumbfounded.

The power in the body exploded, and the girl blocked the shock that spread around, and subconsciously protected the people around for a few months. It was only a small salary, and she could only protect such people.

The beam of light came so suddenly that the girl was really caught off guard.

"Oh no!"

Looking at everything in front of her, the girl sighed softly.

What happened here was originally a ground invasion in the heart of the girl. In the history of the Moon City, such an invasion has been rare.

But now it seems that the situation is a bit different, which seems to be not a general intrusion.



It was n’t anyone else who was talking, but it was Bayi Yonglin who was beside Mengyue Fengji. I saw that the moon ’s brain could n’t help but sigh gently and said leisurely:

"I'm afraid this is the biggest disaster in the history of the moon"


Hearing Yong Lin ’s words, Mianyue Fengji was a little unknown. So, vaguely, the girl realized that her teacher seemed to have some understanding of what was happening in front of her.

Only when the girl had time to ask her teacher, the mirror in the sky changed.

That reverberating ripple turned into a huge space passage inadvertently.

Rolling demon qi diffused from the passage

"Ah, isn't this Yong Lin?"

Then, the lazy voice came out of the channel, accompanied by the sound, the golden girl holding the parasol stepped forward elegantly. The combination of unique charm and graceful curves filled this indescribable magic.

This is no one else, it is a monster sage-Yakumo Zi!

"It really is you!"

Seeing the appearance of Yakumo Zi, there were not many accidents on Yongyi's face, and even the Sage of the Moon could guess that the phenomenon just now was probably caused by the power of Yakumo Violet's realm.


"It should be more than you!"

Slowly taking out his bow and arrow from the space around him, Bayi Yonglin said indifferently, "The beam of light was just not your handwriting. With your power, you should not be able to easily defeat Feng Ji's basic particle wind . "

"Because, the basic particles that keep jumping are not easy to find the boundary."

"Ah, is this talking about me?"

Not long after Yong Lin's words fell, a leisurely voice echoed around her. Rao is a guy like Yongyi Yonglin who did not know how many years of baptism he could not help but shrink his pupils.

And Mianyue Fengji was even taken aback, because the comrade appeared in less than one meter in front of her.

It was a mysterious girl with long liquid hair and black gothic body.


Subconsciously stepping back a few steps, Mianyue Fengji's heart burst into horror, and the other party appeared without warning, so that she was also good at moving, but she couldn't react.

"Good evening everyone!"

With his hands behind his back, the mysterious girl, or Saya, looked around, "I am Saya, the head of the Monster Mountain, and also the commander of the Monster Alliance, announced in the name of my Lord Demon."

"The war has begun, the capital of the moon, waiting for us to come and conquer !!!"

The girl's words are not big, but they spread strangely throughout the moon capital, including the moon night and the moon sages, all the moon people are angry at this moment.

It's just that their anger doesn't stop the war. Behind Yakumo Zi, a large number of monsters emerge.

The lunar war, from this moment, officially started

"Your Majesty the Devil, the Vanguard has reached the Moon City through the power of Master Sage!"

In the temporary tent of the Lunar Warfare, in the temporary tent of Suzakuyama, Sheming Maru who was appointed as the war commander respectfully knelt in front of the long gate and said:

"Master Shengsheng Maru has heard from the news that he is ready to join the war at any time."

"And the army of ghost races is already ready. Half a minute ago, Lord Xing Xiong Yongyi jointly named the remaining three ghost kings, and again came a request to intervene in the war, hoping to get your approval."

"In addition, the team of the three monster monsters that killed the wolf has reached the foot of the mountain and is waiting for the order!"

"Well, I got it!"

Turning away from Sheming Maruwen, Nagato looked at the Earth-Moon model in front of him and the various marks marked on it. Obviously, the essence of the model in front of him was a three-dimensional war map.

"Let them all stand by, the real war is not so easy to end!"

"Yes!" ..

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