My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 101: Real purpose


This is an essential part of Nagato's long life.

The red-haired boy's second life grew up in the flames of war. His way forward was also violently pioneered by the means of war

If the war is not constantly waged, Nagato may be able to reach the level it is today, but definitely not so fast!

A lot of actual combat has made Nagato gradually become a veritable battlefield planner!

Therefore, Nagato knew very well that not all wars can be ended in a short period of time, and now this lunar surface war cannot be ended in a short time.

The people of the moon no longer know how many years they have operated on the moon, neither the individual combat power nor the entire civilization is comparable to the ground. The large moon has almost become the realm of the moon.

If it is just a frontal attack, the monsters on the ground have almost no chance!

In the original history of Nagato, the moon-face war launched by Yakumo Zi ended in failure, and even the monster sage did not force the real power of the moon capital.

This time the Monster Legion can attack directly into the Moon City, completely because the Moon City is just about to send an emissary.

Under such circumstances, there is a gap in the junction of the lunar capital

And Nagato and others just caught the opportunity!


"This is not enough!"

After conveying his command of shooting life Maruwen, Nagato's attention once again focused on the three-dimensional war model in front of him, to be precise, the moon in the model.

The red-haired boy knew very well that if he launched an attack from that gap alone, he would not be able to break through the entire capital of the month, unless Nagato was willing to personally take the gap as the starting point and penetrate the capital of the moon.

Otherwise, even if all the monsters play, the final result will not change.

At this time, the war on the lunar surface, in the eyes of the red-haired boy, was just a small trial confrontation in the entire lunar battle, and the warm-up before the real war.


"Need to open more gaps in the guardian of the surface of the moon capital!"

With such words in his mouth, the red-haired boy got up and flicked the purple robe slightly on his body and walked out of his tent.

Outside the tent, the bright moon hangs high!

Under the soft moonlight, a large amount of demon spirits were flooding at this time.

Shown in front of the long gate is a huge monster camp, and in each position of the camp, there are monster guards who are not weak.

In the center of the camp, there is an altar that looks gorgeous.

In the center of the altar, Hui Ye sat upright and presided over a mysterious ceremony.

In the field of vision that ordinary people cannot see, the Nagato clearly sees that with the start of the lunar war, the luck of the monsters of this era is gathering frantically over the altar.

Even Nagato can feel that the whole era of monsters has begun to reach the most extreme peak!


Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded with satisfaction. In a sense, Nagato launched this war, except for Hui Ye, not for these luck!

Now that he is going to go against the sky with the position of a monster, Nagato will naturally not let go of the luck of the age of monsters. Rather than these monsters whose luck is handed over to all planes, it is better to use the war as an opportunity for Nagato to gather the luck of the whole era on himself.

Only in this way can Nagato accomplish his purpose more calmly.

By the way, the reason why Hui Ye became the master of this ritual is entirely because Hui Ye was a direct cause of the outbreak of this war.

The whole ceremony was developed based on this kind of cause and effect


"Everything has two sides."

He whispered softly in his mouth, and the sharp eyes of the red-haired boy caught a little of the black silk thread mixed in from those gathered lucks. The long door knew that it was so-called karma!

The luck collected by means of war naturally contains the karma brought by war!

However, Nagato is not very worried. It ’s just a matter of karma. Even if it is not eliminated, red-haired teenagers are also capable of carrying it. What ’s more, Nagato has some methods to eliminate it.

Of course, the method of eliminating these karma is a bit troublesome.

"Master Nagato!"

Just as the red-haired boy thought, a bland voice rang in his ear.

Then Nagato saw, wearing a blue shawl with a gossip pattern and a white long skirt, hands in the sleeves, and nine hairy tails behind him swept from time to time in front of him.

"It's blue!"

Seeing someone coming, Nagato responded with a smile.

The person who came is not someone else, it is a kind of **** left by Yakumo Zi-Bayun Blue before leaving!

The reason why Bayun Purple will leave it is that in addition to its intention to use it as a backhand, it is also because Bayun Blue has amazing talents in the calculation and is definitely a qualified military division.

"You came just right!"

After responding, Nagato raised his right hand, and an ear drop suddenly appeared in his palm, "This seat is ready to go to the moon, and the base camp will be handed over to you and Huiye."

"I think with the abilities of both of you, you should be able to manage the monsters here!"

"This earring is a contactor that I specially made before the war, and I will give it to you. I will issue orders to the base camp through this contactor at any time!"


Hearing the long gate's instructions, Bayun Lan just took the eardrops quietly.

Although Nagato is not the owner of Yakumo Blue, Yakumo Zi had an agreement with Nagato before leaving, so Yakumo Blue would not refuse Nagato's order.


Seeing Bayunlan take the earrings, the long door nodded, then he looked at the moon in the sky and took a deep breath.

Indistinctly, the red-haired boy seemed to be able to smell the blood of war contained in the air.

"Ha ha!"

There was a smile of excitement in the corner of his mouth, and the figure of the red-haired boy slowly floated up. At this time, Hui Ye on the altar cast his eyes.

The two face each other and understand each other's meaning without words

"So, I'm leaving!"

Speaking softly, the red-haired boy's whole body wafted a deep blue ripple in the space, and his entire body sank into the ripple and disappeared in place ...

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